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Member Since 15 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2013 11:35 AM

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In Topic: Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

03 April 2013 - 04:30 AM

Chaz, on 02 Apr 2013 - 22:06, said:Perhaps it's time for college? Might help you out with that reading comprehension, or at the least teach you how to Google.


router bad: PS4 will not be licensing DirectX from Microsoft either. Both PS4 and Wii U will be using a modified form of Opengl, with engines that will utilize the same features found in DirectX. The only console that will be coded with the DirectX API is XBOX.

YOU: On top of everything else, I'm supposed to accept all of this at face value based on the secondhand opinions of a Neogaf user. Sorry, but to me it seems that the only disingenuous one here is you.

Oh. So you decided to be an @$$hole.


Now you're a stupid looking @$$hole.

Although you dont have to worry about believing random internet board members lying to you about microsoft owning direct x.


What are you babbling on about? 


Learn to Google


Funny thing is, my post was paraphrasing you from an earlier post. So I guess the real a$$hole is actually you. No argument there.

In Topic: Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

03 April 2013 - 03:52 AM

Its a common fact sony wont be licensing dx for their system.

Direct x is owned by microsoft. Sony would have to pay microsoft royalties for every ps4 sold.


Perhaps it's time for college? Might help you out with that reading comprehension, or at the least teach you how to Google.

In Topic: Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

03 April 2013 - 01:02 AM

No, actually, you haven't, and they've made no such comment at GDC.

Sure I did, right here:

And yes, Capcom told anyone who asked at the conference that their Deep Down footage was running from PS4 hardware.

Stills don't make the non existent game any more tangible than the target render did. Why are you even arguing about this?

Because I commented on what I saw in the PS4 trailers and you told me that I was either lying or have no clue what I'm looking at.

I'm supposed to listen to you because you miraculously already know so many intimate details about the PS4...though I do have to question that when you post things like this:

PS4 will not be licensing DirectX from Microsoft either. Both PS4 and Wii U will be using a modified form of Opengl, with engines that will utilize the same features found in DirectX. The only console that will be coded with the DirectX API is XBOX.

On top of everything else, I'm supposed to accept all of this at face value based on the secondhand opinions of a Neogaf user. Sorry, but to me it seems that the only disingenuous one here is you.

In Topic: Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

02 April 2013 - 10:44 PM

CAPCOM stated themselves that the Phanta Rhei demo (Deep Down) was rendered in engine, not running live on PS4 hardware in engine, just running in engine. Have some common sense here and don't argue a point for the sake of arguing, its silly. We all know plenty of companies use target renders to hype their upcoming products, Sony does it more than others.

And I already told you that Capcom made statements at GDC claiming that the Deep Down renders are running on PS4 hardware, as well as a tweet from one of the developers showing a still from the game running on PS4. This is a hardware that's going to be launching in 6-7 months, it's not exactly making any big leaps to assume that the some of these renders are indicative of what the actual games are going to look like.

Check the e3 footage from 2011, at the booth where they were showing off the Zelda tech demo, they pointed out global illumination and color bleed being a central focus when designing the platform.

Again, I see no mention of this anywhere in the news stories surrounding the Wii U's reveal.

Also, a GAF member by the name of bgassassin has some great industry sources that were bound by NDA, so all they could reveal about what they knew is that there was "dedicated silicon" for things like GI, shadows, tessellation, and more that removed some of the burden on the main RAM pool.

Statements like this are exactly why I said your arguments are all one-sided. Capcom making informal statements at a developer conference has no bearing on the truth, yet you're more than happy to cite NeoGaf as a source??! Hell, why don't we just start compiling our facts from the VGChartz and Gamespot forums while we're at it...

In Topic: Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

02 April 2013 - 06:10 PM

But you'll call the Wii U specs terrible and refuse to accept any information on the PS4 specs, because they aren't in front of you?

You keep telling us that the trailers aren't to be believed, and aren't running on PS4 hardware, but nowhere do you back up your claims. You say that we know all these things about the PS4 hardware already based on just a simple spec sheet, and made judgements on the games' visual qualities before ever having seen a game running on it or even an E3 trailer. Hell, you're even benchmarking the PS4 CPU against the Wii U's. So yeah, I don't think I'm being unreasonable questioning your observations.

I'll accept any information you have on the PS4, provided you can substantiate it. Until then, I can only look at what Sony, Capcom and others have shown and speculate based on that.

For the record, I don't think I ever said that the Wii U's specs were terrible.

I didn't claim anything about the Wii U hardware...

Well, you just claimed that the Wii U has dedicated hardware support for global illumination. Source?

Also, about GI being in the Wii U, that isn't speculation, the whole reason the Zelda demo existed was to show it off

I don't remember Nintendo or ATI ever saying that...so again, source?

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