Member Since 28 Dec 2012Offline Last Active Jun 21 2016 06:06 PM
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Hey guys! Just wanted to check back on the ol' homestead, hope you're all doing well! Crazy looking back on my old posts and how things have changes so much....

Is it just me or has there been a big loss of steam since the early days of the forums? Gotta find a way to bring some hype here...

Chat coming back would be like Christmas coming early. Speaking of, where is feld0?
May 16 2014 03:46 PM -
I've never seen him log in, so my guess is he stopped caring about us and only using this site as a source of money
May 17 2014 02:39 AM -
last post was almost a year ago now. his last logged on is private though.
May 17 2014 08:24 AM

Finally done doing sound work on a play. It was fun, but I'll be glad to get back home before 10 at night.

Today I learned the DMV is the closest I'll ever get to experiencing complete and utter madness, thank everything I won't have to go back for another year.