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Member Since 29 Dec 2012
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#154207 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by Zinix on 30 December 2012 - 08:09 PM

If more people reported stuff then the moderators would do their job more efficiently. The problem is that moderators can't be on 24/7 and by the time they're online the spam is already pages away.

This site has been filled with more spam since the Wii U launched, I agree with you. Proper warnings and punishments should handled out to those who continue to break rules without care. It makes the site look unprofessional.

#153696 The Walmart Game

Posted by Hari on 29 December 2012 - 05:40 PM


#153617 The Walmart Game

Posted by Fallen on 29 December 2012 - 03:25 PM

Rope, Duct Tape, Bleach

#154189 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by PyroKinesis on 30 December 2012 - 07:31 PM

I realize I am perhaps not the best person to start this thread, being here for all of two weeks, however, something must be said, and by now, the main contributors here know my style is to be direct and to the point, so, that being said, I am here to ask questions and offer suggestions.

First of all, we have four moderators here. Fantastic. That should be good enough for a community this size. However, it seems that lately mods are not doing anything to curb the recent spamming problem. For instance, threads are in the wrong sections and never moved to the correct section, duplicate threads are posted and never merged with pre-existing threads, and spam threads are posted and never deleted or locked

Furthermore, it's always the same people doing this, over and over, and nobody even bats an eye. No warnings are given, neither verbal or the points kind, and it seems to always be swept under the rug.

Now, maybe because you call yourself "The largest Wii U community in the Universe" you don't care about quality, only quantity, because, hey, the more posts here, the more it looks like you have an active community, but that's just a shady business practice. However, I know that most of your main contributing members do care about quality. I've seen them complain in the chat when I am in there.

All I'm saying is to start caring. And if you (the admins), truly do care, then perhaps you need some mods who care as well, and aren't just here for the title of "mod".


#151079 Spam Battle

Posted by WisdomPowerCourage on 23 December 2012 - 11:24 AM


#152851 me scratching it up on the decks :)

Posted by syks-1 on 27 December 2012 - 11:03 PM

how is everyone? thought i would share another of my hobbys with you all,heres a little vid of me scratching it up on my stanton str8 150s(or trying to lol) ive only got around 5 months practice under my belt so keep that in mind.

Please check it out if you have the time :)

#153541 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by Mitch on 29 December 2012 - 12:09 PM

Let's hope for Generation 3 remakes

#152716 Boy receives Nintendo 3DS full of porn for Christmas, DS purchased at Gamestop

Posted by Keviin on 27 December 2012 - 04:08 PM

So you're saying he's going to be looking at porn at the age of 11? :laugh:

Why not?

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