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Member Since 03 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 06 2013 12:40 AM

Topics I've Started

My Limited Edition WWHD at GameStop...

06 October 2013 - 12:34 AM

I want to begin by asking your opinion on what matter of actions I should take.


Once the Zelda: Windwaker HD was announced I immediately went in to preorder. I am a Zelda junkie and always do so. I own the custom 3DS, Skyward Sword Bundle and DSLite and actually use them pretty hardcore. The day that Gamestop announced the limited edition Windwaker, I immediately went to upgrade my regular version. Which was the same as a regular WiiU game at $60. I didnt want the Custom WiiU because it didnt seem too much worth it for the same system I already have. So I preordered the limited edition game and the waiting had started. I went and paid it all off two weeks ago when I had all the funds and all i had to do was pick it up on the 4th of October. Incidentally enough I wasnt in the area of gamestop yesterday the 4th and was out all day with work from 8 to 5 and school from 6 to 10. I had to wait until the 5th to actually get it. Worried though I called on the 4th and asked them what the holding policy on preoder games were. They said all stores are universal and hold games for 48 hours. He even went as far as to tell me he was looking at my copy now and said it will be here tomorrow when I decide to come in and pick it up.


So today I go in to get it and they cant find it. a half hour passes and they are still looking for it. Finally they look up in the transactions and yes indeed they sold it. THEY SOLD MY F@#&ING COPY OF A LIMITED EDITION PREORDER THAT I SPECIFICALLY CALLED THE DAY BEFORE TO ASSURE I WOULD'NT FORFEIT THE COPY.


I am beyond livid. I cancelled all my other prorders for Pokemon X, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, and COD: Ghosts. He said there are only three stores in America with an extra copy that hasn't been picked up yet. He has to wait for the end of tonight before he can try to get it mailed to them. But he said it isn't looking good. He gave me the customer service number and their store number. I really don't know what coarse of action to do.


I dont know if this belongs in this section or not, but i would just really like someones output on what steps I should take on this measure. I don't imagine this is a normal situation with a limited edition game, maybe running out of a regular version. But it should never be allowed to happen for a limited edition. IE a limited edition that sold out in two days. Anyway please let me know your opinions on my horrible misfortune.


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ($20)

12 March 2013 - 11:52 AM

Hello Everyone!

Just a heads up on a great deal!
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for the WiiU is on clearance at Target. A buddy sent me a pic of him getting it in Downtown LA and I went to my store in the valley and it was on clearance here as well. Go call your local stores and enjoy!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

14 February 2013 - 11:07 AM

Happy Valentines Day!

Hope you all enjoyed the new Nintendo Direct. I am personally excited about the new Zelda community in Miiverse (finally a place to put all my link drawings).

Anyways just thought you all might like some love on this very hallmark holiday. So everyone here is a little piece of a heart for you and hope you have a great day!

Posted Image

(I know this post doesn't really belong here, but hey its from Zelda)

Getting Tired of Hearing the Same Argument

11 February 2013 - 10:38 AM

Going through the topics and all I see, pretty much, is a bunch of threads on how much of a disappointment the Wii U is. Whether it is not selling next to all the previous competitors models or lack of 3rd party support or not being a "next-gen model", the argument is getting a bit old and overzealous. I saw this video last week that pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter.

Never count Nintendo out. If you bought a Wii U for the fact of being an ass clown and complain all day, that is what you get. You can't buy a new console and expect to have everything upon release. What happened to the days where you grow with your system. The ties with whatever console you had made you the gamer you are. I have been avid on Nintendo all my life, so call me bias. But Nintendo has always come through for me and I don't see this failing.

My Itchy Beard...

03 January 2013 - 10:33 AM

Hello Guys, The names Brandon... I'm new here. Just wanted to say hi to everyone.

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