The Lonely Koopa
Member Since 13 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Mar 30 2013 07:37 AM
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The Lonely Koopa
Tomorrow may be history in the making it could show the consoe that wil either save sony or puts the final nail in their coffin; I'm excited to see their console :D
Feb 19 2013 06:30 PM
The Lonely Koopa
I just notice since the BLOPS2 patch you can hit the home button in the multiplayer menu.
Feb 08 2013 06:53 PM
The Lonely Koopa
Is the 30 cent vitual console game just a 30 day trial of the game or is just the trial of the vitual console and you can keep the game forever? Iwata wasnt very specific and no one on miiverse seems to know with everybody having different interpretation.
Jan 24 2013 06:35 PM
Auzzie Wingman
Well, if fiery says that it's forever, it's clearly a 30 day trial.
Jan 24 2013 08:54 PM -
Whatever, Auzzie but it's forever. The 30 day is the price it lasts for 30 cents
Jan 24 2013 08:58 PM
The Lonely Koopa
must say I am now after that Nintendo Direct happy about my wii U purchase
Jan 23 2013 12:43 PM
My hype level is at some old game we already knew was coming out but hasnt came out yet so its still considered new.
Jan 22 2013 07:54 PM
The Lonely Koopa
This has been bugging me... What color temperatures do you guys play your games at.
Jan 21 2013 12:47 PM
The Lonely Koopa
Caved in and bought the THQ collection on Steam ....I guess my wii U won't be getting loved for a while.
Jan 06 2013 05:52 PM
Auzzie Wingman
It's definitely a better purchase on steam. I don't have steam, but from what I've heard it's perhaps one of the best things they've ever had on it.
Jan 06 2013 05:55 PM -
A similar thing will happen to me, starting in February when Fire Emblem: awakening releases. My 3DS will get lots of love...
Jan 06 2013 05:56 PM
The Lonely Koopa
Zynga killed PetVille ;gaming is dead , Millions mourn the loss of their pets.
Jan 01 2013 01:58 PM