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Member Since 09 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2014 02:31 PM

#207124 Yoshi's Island

Posted by Julio93 on 14 May 2013 - 04:40 PM

The game is awesome, you would be a fool not to get it. Its such a childhood nostalgia game.

#206434 Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros. Discussion

Posted by Chrop on 12 May 2013 - 01:19 PM

woah woah wait, WE GET SOMETHING BEFORE AMERICANS? It's... it's a miracle!

#206305 Sick of reading rubbish about the console, Dont care!

Posted by Skywalkman-GB on 12 May 2013 - 02:52 AM

When the nes came out, all we cared about was it was 8 bit and played good fun games, then snes came out all we cared about was 16 bit and played good fun games, n64 came out and was 64 bit and played good fun games, gamecube came out and we just cared that it was 128 bit, WE JUST PLAYED AND HAD FUN, which is what consoles are for, We choose Nintendo for Mario, Metroid and Zelda and some other games specific to the system, like always, so those who are,  lets say obsessed with hardware, get over it and just play and have fun!


Internet is good but its spoilt somethings like song sales and console wars, I remember snes, and megadrive, you chose which game you wanted to play the most, sonic or Mario, simple!

#201006 No E3, but chance for a better E3 Nintendo Direct?

Posted by DéliopT on 28 April 2013 - 03:21 AM

We all know that the usual E3 Nintendo conference has been cancelled and that, in return, we will get a ND in it`s place.


For me, that`s a loss.

As i write i`m watching last year`s presentation and already we are missing funny things like Miyamoto calling Bill Trinnen and make him walk to him in a funny way. Or having Miyamoto faking throwing a Pikmin to the crowd!  :)


As you see, this kind of stuff will never happen at a ND.


So how can ND be a good compensation?

I got a few ideas:


Why not put Reggie, Shibata and Iwata in a room and make them do the presentation?

Why not use some Nintendo character animations to embelish the presentation? It´s not a live presentation, so you can do whatever you want.


How would you like this E3 ND to go? be creative! ^_^

#158132 Hi Everyone! I'm Sparkyboy6!

Posted by SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 09 January 2013 - 10:36 PM

Hello and welcome to our Forums Sparkyboy, hope you enjoy your stay :D I once had a Pikachu called Sparky lol

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