This is going to be awesome, I have it pre-ordered. Blue wiimote that comes with it looks wicked too!
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Member Since 11 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Oct 29 2013 12:23 PM
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- Member Title Cheep-Cheep
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- Birthday January 23
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In Topic: Mario and Sonic Olympic Games Commerical
28 October 2013 - 07:58 AM
In Topic: Post Here Every Time You Get Something!
29 October 2013 - 12:26 PM
Oh, no. You know how official (the ones with the seal) Nintendo "classic" games tend to be cheaper than when they were released, right? I'm laughing at the fact that it turned into a classic quickly. I love Mario Party 9. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
It's all good buddy, yeah that would be funny if it was apart of the classic line already.
Today in the mail I got:
Sonic Lost World (Wii U)
Wii U Pro Controller (White).
In Topic: Post Here Every Time You Get Something!
27 October 2013 - 04:52 PM
Mario Party 9 is a classic already? Lmao, that was fast.
Thanks for the insightful reply. MP9 is a classic to me, for many reasons. MP8 helped my brother and I bond during the difficult times of his chemotherapy (And help get his mind off the gravity of the situation). So to me, a sequel to a game that I have found memories playing with my younger brother is an instant classic to me.
In Topic: Post Here Every Time You Get Something!
26 October 2013 - 07:58 PM
Today at an indoor yard sale I find a really awesome deal, I found these Wii classics for $20! :
Mario Party 9
Kirby Epic Yarn.
I was stunned when I asked the nice old lady how much for the 3.. and she replied "$20" my jaw nearly hit the floor!!! Lol.
In Topic: Hello ^^
24 October 2013 - 12:59 PM
Welcome to the message board.
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