This news has only been announced recently. With Nintendo about to make its Virtual Console U push and I'm sure they will have something to say about it.
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 22 Jan 2013Offline Last Active Mar 28 2013 01:27 PM
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- Active Posts 43
- Profile Views 5,346
- Member Title Green Koopa Troopa
- Age 39 years old
- Birthday September 24, 1985
Posts I've Made
In Topic: OUYA To Launch With Nintendo 64, SNES And NES Emulation Support
26 March 2013 - 03:51 PM
In Topic: Wii U Trophy/Achievement Petition
23 March 2013 - 07:42 PM
But if nintendo does add them,what u guys not going to play wii u anymore!
Of course I'll still play, just think Nintendo is better off without Achievements/Trophies.
360/PS3 have them to give gamers more of a reason to keep playing the game and to add to the replay value. Nintendo has always been good a packing their games with enough unlockables and content to keep people playing without the use of these systems. If they add it then "Oh well", but I'd be happier if they didn't have to go there.
In Topic: Star Wars 1313
23 March 2013 - 07:28 PM
If Disney was going to scrap Star Wars 1313 for being too violent then they wouldn't have bought Star Wars in the first place. The entire series is built on a galatic conflict which is fought with blasters, lightsabers and thermal detonators. Let's not forget the Skywalker curse where they seem to have a problem keeping their limbs attached and contracts for Han Solo's head. Besides Pirates of the Caribbean is Disney and that's a little on the violent side.
I feel that Disney put the project back under the veil because they are a little more secretive than most companies, or at least I hope that's what they're doing.
In Topic: Would you like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype on Wii U?
07 March 2013 - 06:16 AM
Didn't 360 have a FB app and then dropped it due to lack of interest? Skype would be a perfect fit so you could talk to people without a Wii U, which outnumbers people with.
In Topic: Nano Assault EX finally launches tomorrow
07 March 2013 - 06:09 AM
I'm thinking of getting Nano Assault Neo, but is it any good?
I didn't think I was going to like it, because I got tired of twin stick shooters on 360. But this game was really good, definitely worth the money.
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