Cranky was trending #2 globally.
I can't believe people complain about the Cranky Kong reveal. The show in general was just to sad to announce 1 big thing(expect No Man's Sky).
Be happy Nintendo was there (Where was Sony/MS..?). And tbh, Cranky Kong was one of the "special" things I've seen on the show. Most of the great big titles had just some showcase trailer to show "look how great graphics we have, but you won't see our real gameplay", while the Cranky announcement showed us great gameplay from Cranky + a new great level. Even platform games can be great these days?
It's just how you set up your expectations and you should know that Nintendo only reveals big things on their ND/E3 ND. Rembemer the great ND in january? Or the great 3DS games reveal in Feb?
I didn't expected something big from Nintendo at VGX.