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Member Since 24 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active May 07 2014 10:29 PM

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In Topic: “We Need To Redefine What Nintendo Must Do,” Says Iwata

28 April 2014 - 01:17 PM

Iwata wants to continue the legacy and heritage of nintendo  and i think thats great. but and a big but, nintendo needs to listen more to the consumers and what they want.

 Sometimes, a competitor presents a large amount of risk in simply providing a consumer what they want (through traditional means of customer utility-or rather, currently defined mechanisms).


At this point, Nintendo has to go through 2 large companies for the retail royalties from third parties and overall platform sales (which translates to software sales from first party).


Basic financial principles dictate that they must strive to at least make a return equal to the risk free rate+the risk premium if they were going to invest capital in a project (otherwise Nintendo would be better off investing in the stock market to make that minimal return on retained earnings).


In short, looking outside the box, or how Nintendo can be a part of everyone's life in addition to a PC, Playstation, Xbox, Smartphone, or tablet is a very encouraging strategy. I cannot wait to see what they come up with. 


To respond to you directly-Nintendo could listen to consumers, but make under the required rate of return for investors through several periods. This plan will have this possibility, but internal predictions will show one or the other being the best bet, or providing the highest probability, of having the highest return over time. 

In Topic: What do you expect for the Wii 3/Fusion?

22 April 2014 - 09:42 PM

With today's climate, your right end of the bell curve consumer is only buying a console for exclusives. The people in the middle have different reasons, yet would want more than that.

Nintendo has an oppertunity to put the real games out. I am referring to the franchises we have not seen that could appeal to the middle of the bell curve on sight alone. If we had X, Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors, Fzero, an Earthbound remake or sequel, Metroid, Punch Out, etc. on the shelves, the first party line up would be devastating to the competition.

Now people are buying the system for more than just a handful of games (presuming Nintendo's other franchises are not met with with bias).

Until Nintendo can get the games out, their system will be a 'wait and see'. Instead, their IP has the power to make it a first purchase in today's market, yet it is not really utilized.

I thought this was going to be the benefit of having weaker hardware- stay a gen behind and lower development costs.

Anyway, no saving it now without courting hardcore gamers that will give you a solid attach rate.

In Topic: What I would do to save the wii u

19 April 2014 - 10:28 AM

Making fun of a people on this website is probably the reason why no one is checking for this forum. Anyway, the reason why Wii U is slacking is due to predictability of games and not adapting to hardware desires.

I can agree with your first point, but software wise, I am still playing W101. I have not really gotten into Infamous, and I traded in Titan fall. I agree with your point from a market standpoint, but right now the Ps4 and xbox one keep dust from my sli titan rig.

In Topic: ONM: Sonic Boom New Info (Wii U/3DS)

19 April 2014 - 10:22 AM

This is OG naughty dog staff wise. I would set your sensors more on Jak and daxter 1 and 2 rather than uncharted.

I wish I had a chance to play those. I like what I have heard though. Gotta say-I am just so tired of interactive movies.

In Topic: Mario Kart 8 Infomation

19 April 2014 - 10:19 AM

I think if sales haven't picked up by the end of 2014 then wii u is probably never going to be what people would call a success.
That is if smash, mk, hyrule warriors and bayonetta are out by then.

Because if any game is going to "save" the wii u mario kart 8 is that game.

I agree in terms of direct competition. Although, Wii U seems to be a niche product at this point, and I hope overall profitability can be achieved, while at the same time utilizing the console as a launching pad to different concepts.

I have always agreed with the Blue Ocean strategy. However, the tablets disrupted Nintendo's market. I would like to see them use the console to build something different for those of us that are tired of AAA garbage. In a sense, this is happening. Yet, as you point out, they need more software with timely releases ( Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors can coexist with MK and Yarn Yoshi).

I guess my point is this: whoever is the first to challenge conventional thinking within the market with regard to current customer behavior will be the most successful. I will cite Steam as an example that catered to a certain customer, and we see how it turned out.

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