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Member Since 24 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active May 07 2014 10:29 PM

#282899 “We Need To Redefine What Nintendo Must Do,” Says Iwata

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 28 April 2014 - 01:17 PM

Iwata wants to continue the legacy and heritage of nintendo  and i think thats great. but and a big but, nintendo needs to listen more to the consumers and what they want.

 Sometimes, a competitor presents a large amount of risk in simply providing a consumer what they want (through traditional means of customer utility-or rather, currently defined mechanisms).


At this point, Nintendo has to go through 2 large companies for the retail royalties from third parties and overall platform sales (which translates to software sales from first party).


Basic financial principles dictate that they must strive to at least make a return equal to the risk free rate+the risk premium if they were going to invest capital in a project (otherwise Nintendo would be better off investing in the stock market to make that minimal return on retained earnings).


In short, looking outside the box, or how Nintendo can be a part of everyone's life in addition to a PC, Playstation, Xbox, Smartphone, or tablet is a very encouraging strategy. I cannot wait to see what they come up with. 


To respond to you directly-Nintendo could listen to consumers, but make under the required rate of return for investors through several periods. This plan will have this possibility, but internal predictions will show one or the other being the best bet, or providing the highest probability, of having the highest return over time. 

#281955 ONM: Sonic Boom New Info (Wii U/3DS)

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 19 April 2014 - 10:22 AM

This is OG naughty dog staff wise. I would set your sensors more on Jak and daxter 1 and 2 rather than uncharted.

I wish I had a chance to play those. I like what I have heard though. Gotta say-I am just so tired of interactive movies.

#281590 Far Cry 4 on Wii U?

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 16 April 2014 - 02:27 PM

I would like to see it, but with a different take on subject matter. FC3 was disturbing.

#266033 Nintendo Direct Predictions for this month:

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 11 January 2014 - 02:58 PM

After February, please forget the Wii U exists until the release of Mario Kart 8 and Yarn Yoshi. Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta 2 will be mentioned again in August. Until then, please consider these 4,000 3ds titles. 
We are re-releasing Duck Hunt for both the Wii U and the 3ds. $4.99 for each. We think you will enjoy this classic game. 
Please consider upcoming releases by our partners....
Cue Hypno-Toad :::BUY DUCKHUNT TWICE:::
Show ends.



#265618 Colorado sushi restaurant introduces weed pairing menu

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 09 January 2014 - 12:18 AM

It is against my overall linguistic practice, but please excuse me:


Mad props to my home state for coming to terms with common sense. Sushi goes with everything, munchies included (especially). 

#264896 $10.10 Minimum Wage Could Lift About 5 Million Out Of Poverty

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 05 January 2014 - 10:25 PM

It would only cause inflation and the extra expense would cause them to lay off workers who aren't entirely necessary in order to maximize their profit.

Raising the wage will only help in the short run, but it will only hurt in the long run.



The more we get paid the higher the prices of stuff goes because money becomes worth less. This is short sighted fix to a problem that will never go away.


Exactly.  The corresponding accelerated pace for the required interest rate increase without a real GDP increase would undermine the path taken to plug the economy through the Fed's credit easing (the exact same action as QE, except the Fed is expanding its asset portion of the balance sheet, where as the central bank in Japan expanded the liability portion primarily). 


The real problem, as noted by this article, is the lack of higher wage jobs in the economy. 


Selective reasoning needs to be eliminated by both conservative and liberal news sources. 

#263536 Sony: We're more committed to new IP than other platform holders

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 26 December 2013 - 03:11 PM

my wife came back from shopping today with a late xmas prezzie and guess what it was lol yep knack,i have played up to chapter 3 and im LOVING it so far,its fun and addictive,it should of gotten a much higher score than the 4s and 5s it received,i didnt think it was going to be my cup of tea but i found myself not wanting to turn it off lol it does have simple mechanics but its quite a hard game...


if anyone is thinking of trying it then do so,its fun and worth a 7/8 out of 10 imo

I agree with you. A 7 in some areas, a 5 in others, and a 10 in a few. This is a solid 7 game. 


I wish they had more time for optimization, and I hope they get to make a sequel with some creative freedom. Outside of a few collision detection issues (some weird stuff and some gameplay oriented things that disrupted flow), it was a great concept. 


Personally, I would like to see them abandon the idea of this being a gateway for non-gamers, and focus on just the pure mechanics. I think this split-focus added to a majority of the games' problems. 

#262772 If the Wii U is not powerful...

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 21 December 2013 - 08:43 PM

We have have, to my a my knowledge, a 7 series gpu with ESram in the Xbone. And then, we have a customized 5 series GPU with EDram on the Wii U. There is my knowledge of the subject. 


In a Windows environment, the 7 series wins. I would presume it would win every time, but the Windows environment is verifiable with my own experience (however Nvidia kills them both with drivers. If I were truly stupid enough, I would get a 590x in crossfire to compare against my Titan configuration to compare AMD's crossfire strides).


So, how do we even know in this case without games comparable on both platforms? Take COD Ghosts. The Wii U has the last gen version, while the Bone gets the PC Port (sans Nvidia exclusive features no one cares about). How do you compare that?


When you cannot standardize your comparisons, how can you possibly measure anything? Mario Kart vs Dead Rising? X vs Ryse? I think it would be better to at least put launch games against launch games. 

#235222 Ouya says 73% of owners have not bought a game

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 27 July 2013 - 09:36 AM

This is a fantastic example of how market speculation can lead to a complete waste of venture capital (they received $15 million or so. Luckily this should be a rather small part of the firm's portfolio). How these games were not ad supported from day one is beyond me. Let me put it another way:


My business model involves 3rd parties, a platform that has already proven, with millions of examples, that there is a low conversion rate to sales. I conclude that my dependence on ports from this market without support from key players in this new market will be enough to change the conversion rate. I have effectively set myself, and my partners, up for failure. 


But wait, I have this 'rebel marketing' plan to sell customers. 


This is too funny. I think I should set up a Kickstarter to 'free our pizza', and offer to to giver all membership to the restaurant. I will force all of the pizza makers to give out 1 piece to each member, and no one has to buy anything after buying their $50.00 membership. Oh, and no limits, make the rounds once, and you can go again and again.


I know this is not a good comparison, but it illustrates the point.  A great idea plus horrific execution never works out. At least this lady got some press and the CEO title. Without drastic change, her shot in the business world is, well, shot. 

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#231081 Lets analyze and compare Bayonetta 2' gameplay

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 12 July 2013 - 11:41 AM

I played an Xbox last weekend- people who make the claim that Wii U is equal to/competitive with or just above Xbox/PS3 are either outright lying, or haven't played a Wii U.  Xbox is sharp- Wii U is clearly a step above.

I cannot find one PS360 game with the visual fidelity of that dragon battle. The game is ridiculous, especially when you consider 60 fps.


This is a day one purchase for me.  

#230056 Any fall Wii U titles to pre order?

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 08 July 2013 - 08:40 PM

Here is my Wii U August through December pre-order list. I  have selected what I think you will like in bold. You may enjoy Watch Dogs as well, but you should probably wait for reviews to see if you can turn down violence. Wii Party U is also a must if you have real life multiplayer friends. 


Pikmin 3

Wonderful 101

DeusEx Human Revolution Director's Cut

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for Wii U

Batman Arkham Origins

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist

Sonic Lost World WiiU

Rayman Legends

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Watch Dogs

Young Justice: Legacy

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

Super Mario 3D World

Wii Party U

Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

#228776 Call of Duty Ghosts Release Date: Wii U Release Officially Confirmed, Will Be Fi

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 04 July 2013 - 09:19 AM

Love it or Hate it, you should be thankful it is coming to Wii U.

I agree. I am actually giving BLOPS 2 a go right now. The story in the first one was actually good if you enjoy reading about that time period. My favorite part is how the objectives display on the gamepad. Something so simple makes the game much better than on other versions (always pausing and trying to remember what exactly the point of what we are doing is more game breaking than waiting for a cease fire and glancing down). I know it is a multiplayer dominated game, but they seem to have really worked on the singleplayer in this one. 


Think of it this way everyone, every COD: G purchase is a stab at EA, as they could have sold you BF 4. 

#227544 Iwata has no plans of resigning

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 29 June 2013 - 04:33 PM

Reggie isn't even good at marketing. That's kinda the problem.

Nintendo needed a shameless stonewall to spin the underpowered wii, which hit the market at the perfect time.

Reggie should never have been the head of noa.

And he had a thankful job. He's the one people would mention when anything good happened.

But his arrogance belies nintendos inherent humility. And cursing at E3? Not cool, reg.

He was there to be tough against criticism during the wii days. Did his job. But in truth, he has nothing to really offer now. Not saying he should be fired. But a reassignment would be great.

During his tenure as head of Nintendo America, western developers have shied away more than ever.

Now, with the advent of wii u, it has gotten worse. He is partly responsible for that.

I can understand your position. My position is this-it is very hard, in North America, to face the gaming press with Nintendo's strategy. It is very difficult to justify their actions to the 'core' gamer since online was more or less avoided, and then insulted with friend codes. 


My point-Iwata comes in, says to Reggie, "This is what we are going to to, it is your job to align NOA's operations with this strategy." Reggie says, "Sir, I am not sure this will work in with this market, but I will do what I can." Keep in mind, these boards, the fans you see on this Nintendo fan page that are frustrated, are probably on a much larger scale for what Reggie had to deal with. Imagine talking to IGN after your third party reel is shown less than 24 hours after the PS4 is revealed to be $399. 


Do you have example's of this arrogance? I have seen showmanship, and I have seen him in formal situations. Talking to IGN is a place to be Reggie the character, and speaking to Forbes is where he is completely different. 


As always, I appreciate, and value, your response. 

#227524 Iwata has no plans of resigning

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 29 June 2013 - 02:47 PM

people like Reggie because he doesn't do anything! people just hate iwata because he is the one that has to say everything. 

He can't do anything;). 


He can see needs for all sorts of things, give his input, but, he has to eventually maintain the operations of NOA based on the global strategies set by Nintendo Ltd. It isn't like he is sitting around goofing off while everyone works around him. Likewise, I do not claim to know he is doing his job. But, we can say for certain that his power ceases with offering input to Iwata and the duties as COO of NOA. 

#227378 Iwata has no plans of resigning

Posted by Nintyfan86 on 29 June 2013 - 12:40 AM

Iwatas only mistake has been operating in a comfort zone for too long.

But he's a fresh thinker and he's willing and able to grow.

He's a bit stretched right now, but still laser focused. Admirable qualities.

With the advent of Wii u, he has led Nintendo to create an unprecedented console a "large screen" gamepad, with zero lag, a very capable console in terms of graphical chops, an entire, brand new and extremely robust social network, a tv integrated service, an application platform operating system, created an entire online ecosystem infrastructure, honed in on a fresh way of communicating directly to fans with animate do Directs, which he also takes personal time out to host, set up a fairly unique deal with best buy to play E3 games still in development, etc.

He is old school and that hampers him a bit, but he's fluid, meaning he rolls with the times and reaches for something greater.

Some of the guys around him could stand to learn a thing or two from him. Miyamoto especially. He's too wrapped up on what made him successful. He hasn't shown a desire to grow or expand his horizons since the original Pikmin a couple of generations ago. His recent critical comments at e3 about not seeing games her like to have made was meant as criticism of competitors. But in reality, it shows that he may be a little out of touch with what people are looking for. There are no doubt many developers who are looking at his games now and thinking that they would not have like to mske them. Miyamoto is a legend. But sometimes he is a roadblock.

Then there is Reggie. Regime is a salesman. He's not really wired to be a CEO. He's a jive talker. That what he does best. But it's not what Nintendo needs. Nintendo needs to be brutally honest with themselves and follow iwatas lead in terms if transparency and pushing beyond comfort zones for greatness. Reggie first became known in a big way with one of the most amazing intro films ever introducing the Wii. This amazing highlight film played, reminding everyone why Nintendo is the 800 lb. gorilla in the room, not Microsoft or Sony. And then Reggie started doing his thing: talking. Taking about kicking butts and taking names, blah blah blah... Right before brainwashing Nintendo fans into accepting another GameCube for the second generation in a row, but now with more waggle.
That's what Reggie does. It's almost embarrassing when he's asked legitimate questions by press. He almost never answers the question and just goes off into spin mode beating around the bush before finally arriving at a non answer. Often, the press seem a bit irritated and rightly so. Then there is the matter of him seeking more preoccupied with his own importance than to really push for growth on nintendos part. Iwata seems to have a head on Reggie and where his weaknesses are. That's why he has assumed many of Reggie's duties. That's a good thing. But Reggie is probably on his way out. NOA. Needs someone with aggressive vision to grow and stake claim in new territory. Not to simply talk big while metely protecting the little they have. There might be a place for Reggie. But not as president or CEO.

These are the big three at the big N.

Iwata is agile. He will lead the company onward and do it well. He hasn't always been. But recently he's showing himself to be a humble visionary. Miyamoto needs to pick up on the humility part a little more cryengine he will be able to care less about his status and more about the next great thing.

Reggie... Idk. He is what he is. He will be an asset where jive talk is needed, but little else.

The Wii u generation is a new Nintendo. It's an aggressive Nintendo that is pushing hardware power with software and hardware innovation at an impressive rate. Lets not forget Nintendo is playing catch up here. Me and Sony have bad a couple generations to learn. Nintendo is catching up very quickly though with all the infrastructure investments they've made.

This is a generation of transition which marks a new era for Nintendo. The foundations are being laid for now and the future.

Though the Wii U is not doing as well as hoped right now, it will pick up. And it's the springboard for a much more agile, robust, innovative, bigger, more powerful, and more developer-friendly Nintendo.

When you don't just look at current Wii I sales numbers, but look at what's actually taking place, it's all extremely encouraging.

Nintendo could so the exact same things ms and Sony did. They can buy gddr5 ram, they can buy an APU from AMD. But they built the Wii u. Because that's what they thought was best.

It was a choice. And it was a good one. But they has third parties go back on their word, hurting sales since there were no games. We've seen the first round of Wii u specific games at e3 and they look phenomenal. Some of the best graphics out there.

So iwata doesn't need to step down. He's lathing a new foundation. When you do that, you don't see a house yet. But the broader the foundation, the bigger the house. And the firmer the foundation, the better chance it has to withstand the trials and tribulations that hit everyone.

You have made a very good point by criticizing Reggie, and it is one I can frame my post around. Now, I could not (respectfully) disagree more, and I hope my reasoning opens some insightful discussion.


Reggie has a thankless job. He starts out as the marketing officer, and then moves on to the COO position of NOA. Now, this is a subsidiary of Nintendo, Ltd. in Japan, of which Iwata is the Global President (as you know, but I benefit from setting it all up).


Reggie is, more or less, limited to what he gets from the 'mother ship'. When he walks in, and they are readying the launch of the DS, and they are working on the Wii. At the same time, the PS2 and Xbox Original (stupid MS, now I have to type that word) are getting loads of content, and the GCN is dead in the water. Gameboy Micro is there, and the DS has a weak launch, with PSP on the horizon. He is fielding interviews about the obvious, "Where are the games?", and the like. Watch him talk at E3 '05. Pretty sad. Again, not his fault.


Additionally, from that period on, he has to defend the Wii against the monsters of PS360. Again, the mothership, Iwata's brain child, meant for Japan first, and everywhere else second, is thrust on NOA. Reggie has to talk about blue ocean's, different demographics, and yes, he has to side step those questions your talking about. I mean, how do you answer something like, "The real next gen systems are on their 3rd gen games now, and HDTV's are at 50% penetration, outside of the upcoming Mario Galaxy sequel, do you expect hardcore gamers to be satisfied with shovelware and fitness titles?", without losing your job?


This brings us to Wii U. Was it Reggie that told Iwata to sit on the firm's retained earnings instead of preparing for next gen development? This is where Iwata made a massive mistake, and it is one that made the head start irrelevant. Imagine Pikmin 3 at launch, or possibly something else, like Mario Kart 8. Instead, Nintendo was unprepared, which is shocking to me.  


In short, Iwata appears to have a very different view of the industry, and I do not think it has anything to do with age. I believe it has to do with the, "Satisfy Japan first, and adapt it for the other territories", aspect of their organizational culture. 


Back to Reggie. I do not know how the Wii U and Nintendo Land made it through testing if the goal was to have the Wii Sports effect on the consumer. I could imagine people liking it because it was new and different during tests, and imagining the potential, but those statistical inferences not carrying over to the real US market. Again, Reggie could now be so far out of touch, and sucked in to the organizational culture that he really thought the launch ports would be enough (believe me, you believe your own BS after awhile). 


So, in looking at Iwata from the eyes of the typical PS4/XB buyer, Nintendo is really where it should have been with online 8 years ago. Where it should have been graphically 6 years ago, and, well....


The thing about the blue ocean concept is not to ignore your competition completely, but to look across different consumer groups and create a new product/service that satisfies them in a different way. Wii did this for casual gamers, but that ship sailed (most likely to Apple, I hope Wii Fit U proves me wrong), but right now the Wii U appears to be like the product that only really serves a limited audience, as the gamepad is not attractive enough to do what it is designed for (attract core gamers in 2011 and innovate, be for everyone in 2012, hide under the rug during E3 2013). Nintendo is doing this, ironically, with Bayonetta and X. Only one problem with that though (2014). Oh, and the limited scope of appeal again. 


I should also say that I love Nintendo, Iwata, the Wii U, and 3ds. Iwata being the new CEO of NOA should change everything I spoke of. I hope Reggie is really paying attention, and I really hope things workout. I cannot go back to a gamepad-less experience.  

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