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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2017 06:12 AM

Topics I've Started

Thoughts on Linkle

22 November 2015 - 04:43 PM

I'm pretty sure most of you here have already heard that Linkle will be a new character in Hyrule Warriors. I've seen a lot of mixed opinions on Linkle. So I was curious to see what people though here.


Most people seemed to dislike her name but I don't really have a problem with it or her design.







Do you like or dislike Linkle? Would you like to see Linkle (or another female protagonist) in a main series LoZ game?

Xenoblade Chronicles X - Costume changes for Western Release + Discussion

30 October 2015 - 05:42 PM

If this is more suitable to be merged with the official Xenoblade thread then please do so, I was curious as to what people here thought not only regarding this but also on the lingerie costumes being removed from Fatal Frame for Wii U. I can't really think of other examples from other companies or which company in particular is responsible for making these decisions so I don't want to criticise Nintendo for what may not be their choice since it's probably more to do with the EU/NA rating system.


Anywho, just wondering your thoughts on this? Should we be able to use the same costumes as the original release? Is this a big deal or not an issue for you? Are you disgusted that a 13 year old character is wearing this?


Personally I think we should get the same costumes as the original release. Sure she's a young character but that's how they designed the game, I can't see people actually getting off to this stuff anyway... I've seen people saying that only pedophiles would want this in the game and similar things but I have seen a number of people against the decision also so at least there's somewhat of a discussion around the issue going on.





Sonic Lost World coming to Steam!

15 October 2015 - 03:07 AM





It's coming the 2nd of November!


From the looks of it this was announced earlier this month but I missed the announcement and some of you may have too. As a Sonic fan who doesn't yet own a Wii U this is great news, I still haven't finished the 3DS version though but I feel like I'll enjoy the experience more on a larger screen anyway and I'm fairly certain the 3DS has different levels.


Anyone else planning on buying this on Steam?

Capture card questions

13 August 2015 - 10:19 PM

I’ve been trying to find a capture card that I can use to play games on my PC. I tried the AverMedia Live Gamer HD and it didn’t work as I wanted since I was unable to play older consoles on it even with my Composite to HDMI and Scart to HDMI adapters. AverMedia support has since told me that they do not support such converters so I’ll be looking to sell this card and find one that works with the converters such as the ones I mentioned.

If anyone here has experience with capture cards then any advice would be appreciated, although I am mainly looking for a PCIe capture card.

View and post counts not updating on threads...

06 July 2015 - 03:56 PM

This has been happening for a little while now (maybe coming up to a week, I'm not sure). Post counts aren't updating when viewing new posts or even going to the different forum sections and looking at the lists of threads there.

A bunch of the threads that can be seen in the following image have multiple posts in them (so they must have views too) and yet they still say 0 views and 0 replies.



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