Good luck handling all three consoles on your channel!
- ZyroXZ2 likes this
Posted by DéliopT
on 02 June 2015 - 01:06 PM
I wouldn't expect surprises... well you never know but with E3 right around the corner I think they are saving all surprises for that. I think this will be mainly to focus on release dates with their summer release schedule. Just my opinion though.
We got MH X. Didn't expect them to reveal that type of game now.
Btw, is that a mainline MH game or a better version of the MH4 game?
Posted by DéliopT
on 28 May 2015 - 03:40 PM
Yep, it does. Fits lego well actually. Kind of excited and hope this comes to fruition.
Yeah! If there's a game that fits perfectly into that type of game, it really is Lego.
Amazing that it took this long to make a game like that when people still build stuff LEGO even today.
Posted by DéliopT
on 14 May 2015 - 10:27 AM
Something crossed my mind today after reading the Q&A.
We all know that the NX talk isn't new, that Nintendo already talked about its new consoles early 2014.
The question is, why did Nintendo, at the press conference with DeNA, said "dedicated gaming device" and not "dedicated gaming devices"?; Why singular and not in plural if everyone already expected that?
And they still used that expression in singular form during the lates Investor's meeting.
Iwata's reply to a NX question:
"Your question also included the "current notion of thinking about home consoles and handheld devices." When it comes to how dedicated game systems are being played, the situations have become rather different, especially between Japan and overseas. Since we are always thinking about how to create a new platform that will be accepted by as many people around the world as possible, we would like to offer to them "a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept" by taking into consideration various factors, including the playing environments that differ by country. This is all that I can confirm today."
Remember how he also mentioned how he wanted to change how HW is sold to consumers?
Then, what if, Nintendo really is just making one platform that will come alive through different type of HW?
Iwata already mentioned that he would like to increase the form factors, how he sees both handheld and home consoles for next gen, as brother and sister.
This could very well mean that the HW will execute the brand new concept Nintendo has for its HW but Nintendo could also release variants of the same HW ala Steam Machines/mobile devices.
If this is true it actually goes in line with AMD's statement of a 2016 deal that goes beyond gaming.
More and more, i'm convinced that NX isn't this or that HW, but it's actually a way to play their games. And i wouldn't be surprised if we saw some deals to incorporate NX into stuff like TV, Blu-ray players, etc.
Posted by DéliopT
on 14 May 2015 - 09:17 AM
Enjoy this Digital Event because it will probably be the last time it replaces a press conference. Yes, i am betting NX will be revealed and launched next year.
Even if that happens, it would be great if they could keep the DE forever. Just to see vídeos like these!
Love the vídeo! It's even funnier than last year.
The best moments:
Bill Trinnen being fired;
The kid;
And, to me, Reggie's face when he is working out and puts his hans above his head. That smile is just awesome!
I was betting on a Splatoon tournament and we'll get a Nintendo World Championship! Great.
I actually thought there would be another Best Buy event but just for Mario Maker seems a bit weak. Hope they announce more games.
Posted by DéliopT
on 10 May 2015 - 11:48 AM
I'm just surprised XCX caused such a boost!
Good indicator for Nintendo to invest in more core games that japanese fans like.
Posted by DéliopT
on 24 April 2015 - 08:43 AM
Posted by DéliopT
on 09 April 2015 - 03:31 AM
They're not discussing as if they're owners of the IP itself, they're discussing it as if they're players of the game that share their gameplay footage online like so many others do with so many other games. It being only Nintendo that does this is not irrelevant, it's exactly the problem. It's not a problem to Nintendo because this is their choice but this is just less incentive for YouTubers to stream Nintendo content so it's an odd move in the end. I would think people that watch Nintendo games would be more likely to purchase them not the other way around, so why would Nintendo want to reduce what is free advertising? Simply because they can get more money out of it by getting a share of the YouTuber's ad revenue.
Of course he can't decide what happens, all he is doing is expressing his disapproval of Nintendo's policies. I don't watch enough of Angry Joe's videos to be able to say how much he really appreciates his YouTube success but when Nintendo is the only company doing this I think he has the right to be annoyed by it.
I'm not sure why you would really defend Nintendo in this. Sure they have the right to do what they are doing but when they're the only one doing it (correct me if I'm wrong) out of all the gaming companies then I think it's something that should be criticised rather than just accepted as their decision. Nintendo gets a pass too easily with things like this when their only motivation is greed. They see a missed opportunity to make some extra cash instead of encouraging more people to promote their products online they think it's a better idea to take some of the money that person could make from it. Imagine with smaller YouTubers who don't make much at all from their channel, the cut that Nintendo takes from them would make it not worth bothering with Nintendo games.
Nintendo would rather take money from these people than encourage their online communities to grow, which would lead to more sales in the end for them so I can't see this being a worthwhile business decision.
The reason i defend Nintendo it's because they are the ones who are entitled to decide how they use their IPs.
And i wasn't just talking about AJ, i was speaking more against the general opinion that Nintendo shouldn't even try and take a cut on youtubers revenues and how people do act like they are the ones who know best.
I do feel like Nintendo is entitled to a cut on the revenue people gain based on their IPs. Isn't it fair?
Personally, i don't watch youtubers play games, but i question if the way they use their IPs really is the best for those same IPs.
I agree that free publicity is good. But not all publicity is good publicity.
All i know is that this is something that Nintendo has in mind as it wouldn't be the first time Nintendo acts on people's use of their IPs, even cancelling productions like those Zelda fan made movies.
I think that having a program does not stop youtubers from doing their thing.
From what i have heard, Aj didn't even have that many Nintendo videos to begin with and what happened wasn't the first case.
Posted by DéliopT
on 08 April 2015 - 08:20 AM
They shouldn't complain when Nintendo is the only company that I have heard of that does this? Other companies encourage YouTubers to make content of their games as it's just more promotion for them. I think he's right in complaining because they should be free to make content of any game they want and they are free to do so if it's not a Nintendo game.
When the IP belongs to them, then they are free to discuss as much as they want. As long as the IP does not belong to them - and they actually use it to make money - then they are not entitled to try and discuss as if they were the owners of said IP.
If it's just Nintendo or not is irrelevant. The IP, or IPs, does not belong to them.
That doesn't mean they can't agree or disagree with Nintendo's decisions. They just aren't anyone to "decide" what happens.
I see a lot pf people complain about this but i don't see people showing gratitude that they are making a living out of something that belongs to others.
Humility goes a long way.
And if i read correctly, Nintendo is letting youtubers have a piece of the pie. That's recognizing their work and importance, if you ask me.
But don't forget that this started without Nintendo's permission.
If it's not a Nintendo game, then it's that owner that has to speak up.
Posted by DéliopT
on 02 April 2015 - 03:19 PM
DK 64 was a big surprise!
Too bad i can't buy games now or Dk 64 would be mine.
Really looking forward to playing Yoshi Island DS and other DS games that i never managed to play.