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You try again, it happened to all of us, it's just like errors you get in smash bros, it kicks you out and you just rejoin.
May 09 2015 01:58 PM

Last year Nintendo revealed it's E3 plans on April 29th. Just a few fays away, could we see another announcement on the same day, sooner or later?

Tried some smartphone games... either i suck at playing with smartphones or some genres just weren't meant to use the touchscreen! Disappointed :(

Bill Cipher
Eh, when something works on Mobile, it works well. I'm thinking Ingress. However, the lack of actual controls is a weird barrier. I do think that games that are built around constant companionship could work(Something like Animal Crossing for phones but not freemium.) I do think they can have unique and good games on them, but there's the big barriers of pricing for the market and keeping a dedicated consumer base on a extremely fickle market. Think PC's in a sense, where despite...
Jan 05 2015 08:01 PM -
Bill Cipher
Being all in one devices they still can host some spectacular games.
Jan 05 2015 08:04 PM -
I've only download free games of course, but in terms of controls, some genres really need some actual controls, other are fine on a touch screen. Asphalt 8, for exemple, works well because you only have to rotate the device.
Animal Crossing games can work because they don't really need the accuracy of buttons.
And WHY do they need online to be played? why?
Jan 06 2015 04:36 AM

According to Nintendo, Wii U sales increased only by 10% this November compared to last year. Not even the best HW week since launch prevented this. It's bad...

I was only speaking about the whole November. If it beat last year's launch how can it be down YOY when it is the first time the console sees a repeated month?
With Mk8 and Smash already out - despite the great response to Smash - it only manages to sell more 20k than last year. That's what i've been saying.
In other words, despite Smash(ing)sales, the console could only do 10% more. It's great that Smash could lift sales by so much, but it's really bad when, des...
Dec 14 2014 04:25 AM -
Oh my bad I misread.
Still, smash came out 9 days before the end of the month. So assuming it was smash alone that made the difference, that's a 10% increase in 9 days. that's pretty darn good. overall it probably increased sales more than that, but that'll have to be in the December report.
Dec 14 2014 07:49 AM -
I don't know if Smash accounts for the 10% increase by itself, but if Wii U had the best week because of Smash, then it bodes well for December's numbers, because it surely needs it.
Dec 14 2014 11:54 AM

Iwata promised a QoL "reveal" in 2014. Could he be planning it for the Investor's meeting next week? Probably not a full reveal to the media but real insight on the thing, is my guess.

Link has a new ride in MK8: https://twitter.com/NintendoPT/status/522417329762992131/photo/1

^ Nice one! :D
You talking about this look Sorceror12: http://www.gamesinasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/316cd2b12571f5b6e168782d4bb529141.jpg
Link could have that warm TP look after he hits someone: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm3idtxm5R1qfju8t.gif
Oct 15 2014 10:48 AM -