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Member Since 13 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2014 07:54 PM

#252347 3DS add-on for the Wii U?

Posted by Jason777123 on 20 October 2013 - 02:30 PM

I've actually been wondering myself why they haven't come out with this yet. I was always confused as to why they didn't come out with a DS player for the Wii as well (I assumed it was because the Wii wasn't powerful enough), but with the Wii U's gamepad and extra power, a DS/3DS player would be a perfect match. You could have the top screen on the TV and the bottom screen on the gamepad. I mean it's even a touch screen! I feel like Nintendo is going to come out with this eventually, it would be a huge missed opportunity if they didn't. The Wii U's definitely powerful enough to add anti-aliasing as well to smooth out the pixels.

#252127 Sonic Vs Mario

Posted by Jason777123 on 19 October 2013 - 10:24 AM

I'll just leave these here:

#187622 Hybrid Downloadable Games?

Posted by Jason777123 on 29 March 2013 - 07:54 AM

I still think they should just stop being cheap and go back to cartridges. The only advantage discs have over cartridges are that they are cheaper. It's not like size is a problem anymore either, because they could fit 2 terabytes in a N64-sized cartridge nowadays. Faster loading times and being able to save stuff to the cartridge (imagine downloading DLC to it) are just a few benefits of cartridges.

#183081 HD Remakes

Posted by Jason777123 on 15 March 2013 - 03:29 PM

Please, no more "HD" remakes. It would be great if they bumped up the resolution of Virtual Console games, but remakes are completely unnecessary. They can use the resources and time it would take to remake a game and make brand new games instead. Plus I'd much rather see sequels to some of the games mentioned in this thread.

#183070 Why the graphical difference of Wii U to PS4/720 isn't even close to 7th gen

Posted by Jason777123 on 15 March 2013 - 02:52 PM

     I know another one of THESE topics, but I feel as though there is a very important factor everybody seems to be missing. It's THE biggest factor in why the Wii seemed so under powered, the resolution. The Wii only supported 480p and the PS3 supported 1080p. THIS was the MAIN reason the PS3/360 were such a big jump in comparison to the Wii. Don't believe me, just play a Wii game on an emulator. Some games, like Super Mario Galaxy, are much more easily comparable to PS3/360 when they are running in true 1080p.


     It amazes me that everybody seems to be forgetting this huge factor. Even though the PS4/720's graphics are going to be better than the Wii U's, it won't matter nearly as much, simply because of the resolution. Both the PS4 and Wii U are mainly supporting 1080p (supposedly the PS4 could do a slightly higher resolution, but I doubt it will ever be used). This makes the difference way less noticeable. Slightly higher poly models and more dynamic lighting effects are going to matter very little when the resolution is identical.


     Another thing is the Wii U's textures. Need for Speed Most Wanted U is going to support PC's textures. That means there is going to be very little if any difference between Wii U and PS4 texture-wise. This means even smaller of a difference between Wii U and PS4. Will lower poly models really be noticeable if the texture quality is the same? How about slightly more advanced lighting effects or even slightly bigger draw distances? 

    In the end, when both systems are side by side and both are running in 1080p with their best looking games, you're going to have to squint to see the graphical differences this time around. Where as with Wii to PS3/360, the resolution made it much easier to notice the graphical difference, the fact that the Wii U has good texture quality and runs in 1080p is going to make it 10x harder to tell the difference.

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