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Member Since 24 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active May 07 2013 09:22 AM

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In Topic: Activision says Wii U is next gen

07 May 2013 - 09:25 AM

Doesnt say power anywhere on there guy, that is also a definition dealing with the subject of temporality.

And as if your crippled argument didnt have enough nails in its coffin...

The first generation of the latest intel core processors, the icores, was the i7.

The less powerful i5 and i3 were later generation releases.

To top it off, next gen after nehalem, sandy bridge, has i3's and i5's that are less powerful than a nehalem i7.

Better luck next time kid.


My crippled argument? Dude, honestly, you have the worst arguments and examples I have ever seen.


Yes, the i5 and i3 were released after the i7 but it wasn't the next generation of the i7. You have some serious problems if you think thats a valid argument LOL. They are completely different products with entirely a entirely different consumer base. If Intel came out and said the next generation processor of the i7 is the i3, then you'd have a point.


Let me help you... it's like saying the next generation of the ford mustang is the ford focus because the focus was the next generation of cars Ford made. Dummy.

In Topic: Activision says Wii U is next gen

07 May 2013 - 08:49 AM

So when the PS4 and Next box come out, that means Wii U will be one generation behind, right? But the Wii was Nintendo's last generation's console, so where does that leave the Wii U? Floating in between? Or are the Wii, PS3, 360, and Wii U in one generation? Makes no sense to me. No one ever argued that the underpowered Wii was Nintendo's next gen console at the time. Why start now?


No, that's the whole point. The Wii U is considered next gen and will be lumped with the 720 / PS4. Does it make sense... no.

In Topic: Activision says Wii U is next gen

07 May 2013 - 08:30 AM

Thats likely because your vocabulary is poor and you never understood what a generation meant. Which is likely the case with all the upstarts trying to peddle the same nonsense.

a : a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor

b : a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously

c : a group of individuals having contemporaneously a status (as that of students in a school) which each one holds only for a limited period

d : a type or class of objects usually developed from an earlier type

a : the action or process of producing offspring : procreation

b : the process of coming or bringing into being <generation of income>

c : origination by a generating process : production; especially : formation of a geometric figure by motion of another

3: the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring

Gee, these definitions all seem to deal with terms temporality, but not a single definition of the word generation has anything to do with power.

Imagine that.


Main Entry:    next-generation

Part of Speech:    adj

Definition:    pertaining to the next generation in a family; also, pertaining to the next stage of development or version of a product, service, or technology

Example:    Programmers are now developing next-generation software


There you go, jackass.

In Topic: Activision says Wii U is next gen

07 May 2013 - 08:20 AM

I never said I wanted to change it because I don't care enough to want to change it. In general, the "next generation" of ANYTHING is supposed to be better than the previous or current generation (TV's, Phones, Cars, Consoles, etc.)


Has there been times that the "Next Gen" console has been less powerful than the previous gen as you stated? Yes. And that is why the current system is so screwed up and makes no sense whatsoever.  Console generations should be based on technological achievements and specs and not off a calendar date. 


But as you stated, it won't change and I agree with you it won't change. So to say that the Wii U is "Next Gen" is technically correct. Do I agree with it?



In Topic: Activision says Wii U is next gen

07 May 2013 - 07:56 AM

Firstly, we are arguing the semantics of what "Next Gen" means to different people. According to you and Wikipedia, it's what time frame the console was released in. To the rest of the gaming world, it’s what the future has to offer technologically.


Some idiot lumped a bunch of consoles in different generations according to a time frame and you abide by that, which is fine and isn't necessarily wrong.


The layman will see that the Wii U is considered "Next Gen" because it has been released around the same time as the PS4 / 720 and might assume it's on par technologically, but that won't be the case and that was my original point in the first place.

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