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Captain Marvelous

Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2014 07:04 AM

#280810 So close to absolute greatness

Posted by MatrixChicken on 10 April 2014 - 03:06 PM




Can't... Take... It...


Too... Much... Ignorance...

#277338 New pics for Arkham Knight

Posted by Zinix on 15 March 2014 - 11:44 AM

looks the same as the last game



Go get your eyes checked, son. 

#276863 Official Titanfall Thread- Game of the Spring- Multiplayer Game of the Forever..

Posted by Zinix on 11 March 2014 - 05:15 PM

Some people just have taste for something more high grade than wine in a box. LOL at western FPS garbage. And while I am playing many games on the WiiU lately 3D World as I just got it over the weekend and awaiting ACIV in the mail...don't act like it's my only system. Have 26 others to game on.


Just beat Strider (Arcade) Strider 2 & Strider (2014) on PS3 just the other day. One sitting brah. Hard mode. Frame Gride >>>>your petty COD Robot kids game. :laugh:

Lol playing ACIV where the framerate drops to 15. 


You have no idea what you're talking about. If the game was on the Wii U you would be praising it. The thing that pisses me off about fanboys is they're so "delusional" that they blindly bash a game they have no knowledge about besides "it has shooting in it!". Unlike you, my brain isn't mushed by the Nintendo propaganda. I learned from the Wii that owning a single Nintendo console is utterly pointless. I own all three consoles because I'm not a tool, and I can appreciate each system manufacturer for their pros/cons. 


Continue to say mindless moronic stuff. Grow up.  Have fun waiting months for Mario Kart 8 for two months while I have Infamous Second City Son and Titanfall to keep me occupied until then 


You're calling Titanfall a kid's game yet 3D World is made for kids. Nintendo's whole audience is targeted towards kids. 

Anyone getting this on PC?


#271548 Watch dogs wii u delayed

Posted by Zinix on 10 February 2014 - 02:15 PM

Why would I buy the Wii U version now if its delayed and the other verisons will be available?

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