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Merky Water

Member Since 22 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2014 06:55 PM

#275958 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by Raiden on 05 March 2014 - 04:38 PM

I liked how Lego City used it.

#275943 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by MorbidGod on 05 March 2014 - 03:22 PM


He's right. Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freezes doesn't use this at all, did  Pikmin 3 use it beyond a map feature? Nintendo bragged about the second screen, but have yet to do anything damn innovative with it.

He's right it hasn't been used, but it isn't a waste of resources for the developer if they use it. It would elevate your game.

#279079 I think its time to support Ubisoft

Posted by Hunter on 30 March 2014 - 11:51 AM

I don't care about the "downgrade" in graphics. it still looks like a fun game so I will still buy it.

#279141 Game Theory on the Wii U and Innovation

Posted by NintendoReport on 31 March 2014 - 02:23 AM

Wii U is the new virtual boy. Hearing that is getting old and this fella is about a year late to the party. 


It's a stretch.

#279057 Watch dogs wii u delayed

Posted by Kokirii on 30 March 2014 - 08:37 AM

Really wanted this game on Wiiu, but looks like its PS4 now.



Same here, I was just about set to get it on wii u after hearing all the praise that Ubisoft will use the gamepad in a innovative way for the game. But unfortunately, with this delay, I'm going with the ps4 version :(



Guys, if you're going to get the game, just stay the course and get the Wii U version.  It's not an essential purchase, it's not crack, and this isn't high school (though maybe you are in high school?).  You're not going to die, go into withdrawal, or be less cool if you get the game later than other people.  


If you're worried about online play, I'm sure you'll able to find people with the Wii U version online, even if you have to use a forum like this or NintendoLife to organize it.  

#274435 Wii U's Memory Bandwidth, GPU More Powerful Than We Thought?

Posted by Azure-Edge on 24 February 2014 - 08:47 AM

Well there are a lot of idiots out there. Believe me when I say there is a big percentage of gamers that feel like it is only a small step if that above ps360. Journalist also feel this way. I have visited too many sites and articles that have said that much. I think most people dont care anymore they have accepted Wii U is what they have been told it is. Its sad but 100 percent Nintendo fault


Totally agreed with you up until this point. It's partially Nintendo's fault, but I'd put a huge part of the blame on the so called 'journalists' as well.

#274390 Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

Posted by Raiden on 23 February 2014 - 10:46 PM

Why didn't the Gamecube sell a whole bunch then? It was way more powerful than the more popular ps2.


Um because the majority of the popula[tion at that time and a large majority still do think ps2 is more powerful than gamecube. this is where Nintendo policy on not talking up their hardware comes into hand. Nothing wrong with boasting a little bit if its true. I know there main focus is gameplay andthe gaming experience but some of their decision is briging the negative attention to their hardware.

Nah people knew flat out GCN was more powerful. Unlike Nintendo now Nintendo gladly obliged giving out specs and tech demo's. Then when Mikami and Capcom announced RE for GCN rainbow hit the fan like Bayo2. When people saw screens it was clear this is why GCN. It was very well known then among gamers GCN was more powerful but didn't matter. Nintendo's name was tarnished a s a kiddy machine and the disc it had 1.5 GB paled to DVD 4.7. GameCube also lacked any real online.


N64 lacked CDrom,GCN lacked DVD sized discs and online,Wii lacked HD. Wii U has an online system with ID's not the best but works. Has Missverse so a strong community. Is HD can do all the TV stuff the others can do. Has Video chat. Discs can hold as much as blu ray. Wii U doesn't have the giant missing piece past consoles have. Except marketing.

#274374 Gunslingers ~ The Nintendo Wii U Clan for Adults.

Posted by McMurphy on 23 February 2014 - 09:47 PM

The 2014 Winter Olympics are over. I don't know about the rest of you, but I was glued to the television (or internet feeds) during the entire event. Just like living it up in game, the Gunslingers forums and chats were full of GS members from Finland, Australia, Norway, Denmark, United States, Canada, Scotland, England, and several other regions of the globe discussing the Olympics. Amazingly enough, it done with good cheer, mutual respect, and laughter.

Case in point: During the hours of a particular Frosty Pints (i.e.: the community-wide celebration of the weekend with drinks and online matches), GS*Sosyc posted the following animated image in the forums:


And that is what a gaming clan should be about. Good times. Leave the competitive drama and stat boosting for the other groups. Rather, it is about having fun on your own terms and on your own schedule. It is about laughing. It is about comradery between friends, new and old, regardless of what nation you hail from.

You are invited to join the Gunslingers.

The Mario Kart 8 Clan for Adults.
The Nintendo Wii U Clan for Adults.

Gunslingers - Blazing Trails for Parent and Hard Working Adult Gamers Since 2007.

#274315 Wii-u gift card and E-shop cards back on sale!

Posted by Fig on 23 February 2014 - 02:45 PM

I bought two 50 dollar cards for 80 bucks. Plus I'll get DDP eshop credit when I spend them. A must do deal if you've gone digital.

#270995 Nintendo & Wii U at the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games 2014!

Posted by Hunter on 07 February 2014 - 09:38 AM

Ah well the Olympic Games have been a controversie lately because of the anti-gay law and everything. Human/gay rights is the first thing the people here think off when you talk about the olympic games in sochi. Ticket sales reportedly have been lower than expected so while it's smart that they are finally marketing their products and games, it might just spark something nobody wants.



I don't want to get into a debate or anything but I just want to say that although Russia has these anti-gay laws in place, they are blown way out of proportion by the western media. Putin has even said he welcomes gay people to attend/compete (and why shouldn't he since the law people are talking about only prohibits the promotion of homosexuality to minors?). And on top of that, while we in the west may disagree with these laws and views on homosexuality, the Russian people generally support it. http://www.theguardi...nto-putin-hands


Anyway, at the end of the day this is all politics and shouldn't come into sports or in Nintendo's case, business.

#273426 Next gen face off: Wii U 3rd party game better than PS4/Xbone version

Posted by GAMER1984 on 19 February 2014 - 12:01 AM

Compared to PS3, 360, and PC versions. And so what? Are you expecting definitive against imaginary PS4/One versions? Any game that has work put into it for the wii u, that would be the definitive, Rayman Legends, NFS: MW U, I heard good things about the Batman series, and Splintercell the part they took out. Sure Watchdogs will be the same.



this game i believe could do wonders for Wii U. The one thing we have to give Ubisoft credit for is EVERY one of their Wii U releases since launch they have done their best to utilize the gamepad in meaningful way. Hopefully they dont cancel the Wii U version of watchdogs and they are taking the time (it confirmed is releasing after the other version) to Polish it so we can get a game that visually looks as close to the p4/x1 version and makes great use of the gamepad to gives us... wait for it.... THE DEFENITIVE VERSION OF THE GAME.  I was planning on buying the game day1 so i hope they dont cancel it. I can only hope that if it does release Wii U/Nintendo gamers will put their money where their mouth is and support by buying the game. A game like this getting like minimum 500,000 in sales on Wii U could really open some doors just IMO

#273010 The Irony of Nintendo and Third Parties

Posted by grahamf on 16 February 2014 - 10:31 PM

I'm kind of the same too. After having both an Xbox 360 and a PS3 and not being really that interested in the games (not even LittleBigPlanet, which was the primary reason why i got the PS3), I'll be sticking with my Wii U. First party Nintendo games seem to have this constantly high level of quality that just isn't guaranteed in other games. Heck, the Lego Movie Videogame has trouble with it's free play mode that has made it impossible to 100% complete missions.


I believe the main reason (and probably the only real reason) why we don't have so many third party games is the expected level of quality. Nintendo from the start has attempted to enforce higher quality in games (which is why the NES saved the videogame industry), and that has left it's userbase kind of spoiled. Third parties have always tried to maximize their margins, and that meant cutting back on quality assurance. This (and no room for cutscene videos on the SNES cartridge) meant that they were effectively locked out of publishing on Nintendo consoles unless they ponied up the cash, and when they did throw a bone they already had a reputation for poor quality (and half-assed ports with missing features didn't help).


As of right now, Nintendo is mostly independent of the rest of the Videogame industry. It does need to remind those that left and tell those that don't know this, however.

#272929 What Mario Kart 8 Character will you use?

Posted by Azure-Edge on 16 February 2014 - 05:25 PM


#272694 Bought my wii u

Posted by NintendoReport on 15 February 2014 - 05:36 PM

I'd never sell my Wii U or a Nintendo console and miss out on memorable times with characters like this:



#272630 Sold my wii u

Posted by PyroKinesis on 15 February 2014 - 01:20 PM

I would start banning members who pull these publicity stunts, changing their names to this nonsense, etc.

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