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Mocha Bear
Member Since 08 Sep 2013Offline Last Active Mar 02 2014 07:37 AM
About Me
Welcome to my "About me". I'm Mocha Bear and I'm not sure what to write here so I'm gonna do a bit of plagiarising from TheUltimateWaddleDee.
Top 5 Favorite Games Evar!
1. Persona 4 (Play it, that is all)
2. Wind Waker (Sailing really hits my sweet spot)
3. GTA Vice City (The Lance Vance Dance!)
4. Sonic Adventure 2 (Multiplayer is what really puts it up here for me)
5. Super Metroid (Or Metroid Prime...)
Top 5 Favorite Songs
1. It Doesn't matter from Sonic Adventure (What can I say? I'm a sucker for cheesy lyrics)
2. I am the one and only
3. Blues in the velvet room (Love it)
4. SkyArrow Bridge (Just fits so well)
5. An Die Fruede (Just really cool)
Top 5 Favorite Things to do on the Internets
1. Watch Let's play (Specifically Sgblikestoplay)
2. Hang out on forums (Like this one)
3. Read news sites
4. Browse for good fanart of my favourite series
5. Browse youtube
Oh yeah as a side note, go and play Persona or SMT. They're both hard but fun series. (Persona isn't as hard as mainline SMT)
Top 5 Favorite Games Evar!
1. Persona 4 (Play it, that is all)
2. Wind Waker (Sailing really hits my sweet spot)
3. GTA Vice City (The Lance Vance Dance!)
4. Sonic Adventure 2 (Multiplayer is what really puts it up here for me)
5. Super Metroid (Or Metroid Prime...)
1. It Doesn't matter from Sonic Adventure (What can I say? I'm a sucker for cheesy lyrics)
2. I am the one and only
3. Blues in the velvet room (Love it)
4. SkyArrow Bridge (Just fits so well)
5. An Die Fruede (Just really cool)
Top 5 Favorite Things to do on the Internets
1. Watch Let's play (Specifically Sgblikestoplay)
2. Hang out on forums (Like this one)
3. Read news sites
4. Browse for good fanart of my favourite series
5. Browse youtube
Oh yeah as a side note, go and play Persona or SMT. They're both hard but fun series. (Persona isn't as hard as mainline SMT)
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 138
- Profile Views 10,895
- Member Title Cheep-Cheep
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday August 7
Drawing, Procrastinating and video games (Kind of a given)
Persona, Spiderman, Sonic
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- Number of Polls Created: 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast: 4 votes
- Reputation Given: 12 positive points
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{"boards":[{"postCount":"55","topicCount":"1","name":"General Gaming","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/5-general-gaming\/","totalCount":56},{"postCount":"43","topicCount":0,"name":"Wii U Games and Software","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/15-wii-u-games-and-software\/","totalCount":43},{"postCount":"25","topicCount":0,"name":"Roleplay and Forum Games","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/10-roleplay-and-forum-games\/","totalCount":25},{"postCount":"24","topicCount":0,"name":"The Caf\u00e9","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/11-the-caf\u00e9\/","totalCount":24},{"postCount":"19","topicCount":"1","name":"Introduction Central","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/7-introduction-central\/","totalCount":20},{"postCount":"5","topicCount":0,"name":"The Museum","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/9-the-museum\/","totalCount":5},{"postCount":"4","topicCount":0,"name":"Wii U Hardware","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/4-wii-u-hardware\/","totalCount":4},{"postCount":"4","topicCount":0,"name":"Site News and Feedback","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/8-site-news-and-feedback\/","totalCount":4},{"postCount":"1","topicCount":0,"name":"Wii U Game Reviews","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/21-wii-u-game-reviews\/","totalCount":1},{"postCount":"1","topicCount":0,"name":"Wii U Hardware Help","url":"\/\/thewiiu.com\/forum\/22-wii-u-hardware-help\/","totalCount":1}]}
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