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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2018 06:22 PM

#267245 Atheists/non believers: How do you cope with death?

Posted by Raiden on 18 January 2014 - 10:03 AM

Um. That sounds bad. What condition is it? I don't want you to die. Don't die. Please.

I was diagnosed with CHF(congestive heart failure) when I was 27 after 2 years working getting very very ill. Now disabled but it was downgraded to a more general cardiomyopathy.

I have an ICD in my chest now so a real life cyborg lol. I feel fine tho. Pretty much never notice it's there or any problems. The reality is there but I just keep on truckin and enjoying every day as best I can. Thanks for the post tho.

#267133 NPD results for all systems

Posted by Raiden on 17 January 2014 - 03:07 PM

Nice revival  Wii U,keep it up. Vita. Oh man it hurts to see that. big Vita fan but Sony needs to stop the perfect day ads(tho I like them) and show ads using Vita with PS4. That right there is something on life support in the US. Doing great in Japan so maybe Sony will drop western support if things do not pick up.

#267099 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by Raiden on 17 January 2014 - 10:49 AM

This isn't sports. He doesn't need to. He had 3 massively successful platforms. Just because one is struggling does not mean fire a guy. Nintendo will be fine and people can shove the fire Iwata carp up their ass. Also firing him now would shake up the company so bad do far more damage than good.


Things will get fixed and even if they are making massive bank people will doom them and call for heads for another reason

#267082 Why 2013 has been the worst year in gaming.

Posted by Raiden on 17 January 2014 - 09:47 AM

Dungeons & Dragons re-release
Dragon's Crown
Ys Memories in Celceta
The Wonderful 101
new Sly Cooper
Sonic Lost World
Mario 3D World
Fire Emblem Awakening
Ni No Kuni
Brothers a Tale of Two Sons
Rain (PS3)
Gone Home
The Stanley Parable

It was an awesome year for games.A great one and people who say no have a narrow view. Industry has been carping itself for a good while so no changes there. I could not get ore than 30 sec in the video. I can barely understand that dude.

#266977 Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

Posted by Raiden on 16 January 2014 - 07:46 PM

I like room temperature cake. Mmm. Happier with my Wii U than I have been with a console in ages. Those idiot can say whatever. Frak em.

#266958 3DS beats PS4 and Xbox One in the US in December, Wii U seeing its highest

Posted by Raiden on 16 January 2014 - 05:03 PM

Keep that Momentum in 2014. This year is make or break. To me this looks to be a stellar year. Once MK8 and SSBU hits Wii U should feel shades of it's elder Wii in sales picking way way up just for those games. Those 2 and Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta 2 and X should keep me busy til 2015. If they released SMTXFE this year then PS4 and XBO who?

#266848 Wii U adult gamers

Posted by Raiden on 15 January 2014 - 09:09 PM

31 year sold gamer



#266838 Neogaf Rumor - New Nintendo Platform Work Began 2013

Posted by Raiden on 15 January 2014 - 06:58 PM

Oh my goodness, lol.


I do hope you are trolling from boredom because your posts have become mind numbing idiotic ignorant drivel

#266803 Neogaf Rumor - New Nintendo Platform Work Began 2013

Posted by Raiden on 15 January 2014 - 03:38 PM

Because it's never going to top DS numbers? The tech is aged? Nintendo doesn't even use the gimmick anymore.  We've gotten over like two dozen quality games that would of come out like within a five year period during the DS's life cycle. 

Ok the troll joke is old now

#266665 Hello my fellow Nintendo Fans! Greetings from 7HzG_Dr.Legendaddy

Posted by Raiden on 14 January 2014 - 09:36 PM

Last Gen console. games for kids. should go 3rd party Wiiu fails. 3ds a gimmick

 get a real console and play more Call of..poopy....oh dear shnartz I can't even finish that post. Threw up in my mouth a little.



SEGA is the best(shush it's still the 90's to me) but I like Nintendo as well.


Welcome. May I take your wallet sir?

#266594 The Game Handle Topic

Posted by Raiden on 14 January 2014 - 04:11 PM

EDIT Saw there is a topic like this. Aplogies. Delete destroy exterminate.

#266406 Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the GOAT.

Posted by Raiden on 13 January 2014 - 09:30 PM

It's a farm animal? I don't understand

#266289 When Do You Think Nintendo Will Announce Their Next Handheld Console?

Posted by Raiden on 13 January 2014 - 10:23 AM

3DS just a gimmick! Tablets and Phones will take over! Fire Emblem? Zelda? Mario?

Princess Crown? PFFT!





#266251 Retro might work on future Miyamoto game

Posted by Raiden on 13 January 2014 - 12:03 AM

I'm also thinking Shiggy's game will be an FPS since it's the only thing he hasn't done and said that's the genre he wants to work on. 

He directed Metroid Prime


#266232 Spider-Man Spoilers: Big change is happening in April

Posted by Raiden on 12 January 2014 - 10:04 PM

Not read a comic since 1997 and this is pretty much why. They kill the main character on a weekly basis now and next week is right back up. May as well be a 80's TV show where all the drama is solved in the last 5 minutes. Deaths in comics used to mean something and were more permenant. In the more rare times they did it was a massive deal and had some spin on it. Jason Todd was dead for years and his return was pretty shocking. Superman's death maybe where comics started to kill and bring back on a much more regular basis. His come back took almost a year I think maybe more.


Now it's Kill character,someone replace him,mourn yadda yadda comes back.  I think I saw a couple years ago Spideys black suit he was just Deadpool in black. At times I want to try comics again then when I start to I see why be pointless to do so.  First time I tried they turned Superman into an electric bowl of fruity pebbles. Why I like the movies (except Nolans) they are not caught up and it's a good thing to me.

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