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Member Since 08 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2018 06:22 PM

#264049 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Raiden on 30 December 2013 - 01:21 PM


#263875 Sony: We're more committed to new IP than other platform holders

Posted by Raiden on 29 December 2013 - 03:21 AM

and thats your opinion and nothing more

is knack your mom? You seem very defensive for a plastic disc.

#263869 Controversial gaming opinions

Posted by Raiden on 29 December 2013 - 01:43 AM

Limbo is boring as hell


I hate GTA & COD and most FPS esp most modern ones. prefer more retro ones from the 90's or Serious Sam


Skyrim is a prime example of a bad game. Ugly in aesthetics,graphics. Full of bugs and glitches that should not be forgiven and same crappy combat from Morrowind. ESII was the last good ES game.


Kingdom hearts is dull as can be and this is from a massive RPG fan and almost never hates an RPG but KH is one.


Wii U if used right can have some of the best looking games this coming generation.


Can't stand anything about XBO and I usually buy all of them. Every previous gen I got them all. XBO has the horrid UI and again like 360 and OXB badly put together and failing hardware. It will take years of great exclusives that interest me and no a FPS or Halo or western stuff isn't it and a much lower price to have me even consider it.


I prefer my Vita to my 3ds.


Indie games have brought back the best era in gaming ever. the 1990's.


MS should drop out of the console race.


We need consoles to be consoles again and offer something different in each one. Wii U does. PS4/XBO much like 360/PS3 are basically the same.

It was better when SNES/Genesis/TG16  PS1/Saturn/N64 as they truly offered something different.


FFX is terrible and so is 13. Yeah I rarely dislike RPGs but Square managed to put out a lot of crap.


Blue Dragon is one of the best RPGs last gen and is better than Dragon Quest. IMO Mistwalkers second best game behind The Last Story. LO is 3rd.


David Cage games suck all of  them.


Lost Planet 1-2 and EX Troopers some of the best TPS last gen.


Grandia II > Grandia (I love them both)

#263850 playing games without the hassle of changing discs ?

Posted by Raiden on 28 December 2013 - 08:30 PM

Kids these days. Would not last when we back in the day played epic RPGs and had multiple discs for a single game. Lost a disc or scratched one you were boned. Or heck when we had password systems instead of saves and drew our own maps for games. Come on man changing a disc is no inconvenience.


Unless you turned into these guys


#263435 How'd your christmas go?

Posted by Raiden on 25 December 2013 - 10:35 PM

Had a nice quiet small Christmas. But am excited to say next week I should be the owner of a Wii U

#263033 Project Cars dev "Wii U more than capable" for the game

Posted by Raiden on 23 December 2013 - 10:47 AM

Slightly Mad's Andy Tudor says Wii U version is "extremely promising"

Project CARS is a unique game in more ways than one. A rival to the likes of Gran Turismo and Forza, the racer has been crowd-funded and is being developed with the assistance of more than 35,000 backers. Alongside Kickstarter, Slightly Mad's Worlds of Mass Development platform could revolutionise the way games make their way to market — and that makes Project CARS one to watch.

The studio — which has previously worked on the Need for Speed: Shift and Test Drive franchises — has always insisted that the Wii U port of the game would live up to the promise of the other editions. However, with the recent news that the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions had been dropped in favour of focusing on the PS4 and Xbox One, some Nintendo fans were rightly concerned that the same thing might happen to the Wii U edition. Thankfully, Slightly Mad's Creative Director Andy Tudor has moved to calm such fears.

Speaking to Red Bull, Tudor said:

The Wii U is more than capable of providing the core Project CARS experience. Sure, some super-high-level graphical effects may not be possible but in comparison it also offers a unique interaction experience via the GamePad controller, with the second screen potentially becoming your track map overview, rear-view mirror, telemetry, or simply mimicking a real race car steering wheel whilst you use the gyroscope to drive.

Plus there are great possibilities to extend our existing WMD community into the Mii Community with discussion and sharing of content and ideas. There’s no realistic racing game on the Wii U currently yet, and we hear the fans crying out for one. Project CARS provides a Forza or Gran Turismo-like experience for those gamers and it’ll be something to really show off what the system is capable of. From our internal playing, it’s looking extremely promising.




#262895 GameStop Ooopps Moment of the Year (For Me)

Posted by Raiden on 22 December 2013 - 03:03 PM







#262878 GameStop Ooopps Moment of the Year (For Me)

Posted by Raiden on 22 December 2013 - 01:23 PM

You can make your money back nearly with just the disc alone. I have the PAL and US copy and can't bring myself to sell tho :ph34r:

#262861 If the Wii U is not powerful...

Posted by Raiden on 22 December 2013 - 11:49 AM

Presents a ridiculous claim while providing no evidence, argument or even logic besides "an unknown dev friend of mine said so". Expects everyone to just blindly believe him. Attacks anyone who responds with desbelief over this hilariously sketchy remark with personal insults. Generalizes over age. Spelling and grammar issues.




Honestly, what you're arguing is irrelevant. I can't completely disprove that the Wii U's GPU is better than the Xbone's (as laughable as that may sound) because we don't really know what half of the Wii U's GPU is for, but I can assure you with absolute certainty that the Xbone is more powerful than the Wii U. The GPU is not the only component in a console, and the Wii U's GPU being slightly beefier than the Bone's doesn't change the fact that the Xbone's everything else wipes the floor with the Wii U.


Go ask that friend of yours which console is more powerful, his answer won't be the Wii U.

All this attitude from a child. How quaint.

#262802 If the Wii U is not powerful...

Posted by Raiden on 22 December 2013 - 12:04 AM

They're cesspools because people like you say ridiculous things, and you *all* seem to know famous devs who back your claims. Try harder next time.

He isn't famous. I do have pics of him with Suda tho. You don't offer anything just acting like a  jerk and offering no counter other than Youtube level of usless and mind numbing comments. If in your early 20's then would explain a lot.

#262719 Treachery in Beatdown City-PS Vita

Posted by Raiden on 31 December 2013 - 09:39 PM



Little background is this is one fo the games my friend is working on. he and his other friend worked for years at R* and QA and also did trailers for games like GTAIV and Max Payne 3 Red Dead and others. (in fact got a funny story how Shigeru Myamoto screamed his head off at my buddy. Iwata and Shiggy were on a trour for Chinatown wars and my friend just pulled an all nighter and was tired..he does ths a lot as well pulling long nights and quick naps and as his boss walks in saying how hard a worker he is my buddy is sitting at his desk passed out and Shiggy screams at him and to this day he is very scared of that man lol)


Talked to him today and is wrapping it up and will release a new trailer soon and made this gif.





The game began as a pitch for a Final Fight and Streets of Rage entry but ended up as it's own game. Have a fighting system similar to that of Fallout 3. A overworld similar to that of Mario 3 but can move about. yes tere wil be references like mad to other older games. My buddies fave console so far this gen is Wii U.



#262692 Sony's future plans for the PS Vita.

Posted by Raiden on 21 December 2013 - 01:51 PM

Not really. For the time it's been out I feel that there should be more.


I got the games I think where great and ended up with only like 5 games. I been checking for games since killzone and there are none out or coming for me.

Ragnorock,Sen no Kiseki and other Legend of Heroes,Ys,Gravity Rush,Sly Cooper,Rayman Origins,Legends,Blazeblue,Corpse Party,Dragon's Crown,Earth Defense Force,Everybodies Golf,FFX HD,Frobisher Says more God Eater on the way,Gulty Gear,Tearaway,Little Kings Story,MGS HD,Monsyer Hunter G coming,Muramasa,Oddworld HD,One Piece, more Persona,PSO2,Phantom breaker,Rainbow Moon,Romance of the three Kingdoms,Samurai/Dynasty Warriors,Soul Sacrifice,Broken Sword coming,Wipeout 2048,Zero Escape more RPG's and other games coing and Treachry in beatdown City.


If you can't find something in all that and more. Then you must have a very small window for games you play.


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#262666 Sony's future plans for the PS Vita.

Posted by Raiden on 21 December 2013 - 11:34 AM

If the vita gets games it will rock.

The system is great but without games it's like a car without gas there nothing you can do.


So if it gets games there would be no problem selling it.


It has them and great ones

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#262659 Sony's future plans for the PS Vita.

Posted by Raiden on 21 December 2013 - 11:02 AM

I own both but prefer my Vita. Love that thing. Don't think it's to late yet. PSP took a while to take off and ended up with approx 70 million sold but had a real rough start. Vita will not catch up to 3DS. We all know that but it can still have a respectable life span. Like Nintendo has with Wii U more recently Sony just needs to up the marketing. Since PS4 is doing well out of the gate should bring out some PSvita and PS4 bundles at a discounted price 450$? 475$? Sony may lose money on the Vita but can maybe gain interest in the long run. Vita has quietly built a solid library in 2013 IMO and for me my GOTY both were on Vita with Dragon's Crown and Ys Memories of Celceta. More Falcom games on the way Atlus and Square and more.

#262649 Just Pre+ordered WatchDogs for Wii U

Posted by Raiden on 21 December 2013 - 10:12 AM

1. when i said 360 is  more powerful that was when i knew nothing about Wii U

2.That was when my cousin messed up with my account and i ended up with a warning

3.i complained about the price because for 300$ is way too much

4.that's true while all current gen systems (ps4, Xbox one ) are much more powerful than Wii U, and you can get almost the same power With Ps3 and Xbox 360

5. do i have to even reply about the adult rated games


beside all this i bought my Wii U because  of the gamepad and Monolith X


I had enough of this , it seems that am unwelcome in this place so i Will go and find an xbox one or ps4 forum were people respect each others opinion


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