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Member Since 14 Jun 2011
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Rumor: Pikmin 3 information from E3?

02 June 2012 - 02:56 AM

So, I found this on gamefaqs, and the dude claims, "You don't get to hear my sources, how I got this info, etc. Trust me when I say I didn't just "hear this from a friend" or "I work for Nintendo" or that crap. Nope, this is the real deal. You're welcome in advance. Don't ask me for more information on this game because this is all I know. I'm certain you will find this is a 100% true on June 5th, of that much I'm certain"

-Pikmin 3's official title is Pikmin: Universe HD

-The game will be a launch title for the Wii U

-The game is "massive" and the basic plot involves Olimar bringing along Pikmin to several foreign planets, each one being "about the size of the first Pikmin title."

-The game uses the tablet screen to issue commands to the Pikmin unlike the previous games; it can be used to arrange custom formations, assign the Pikmin to various jobs that exceed merely attacking enemies, and other elements that add depth to the game.

-Building off of that previous statement, this Pikmin game is not merely about collecting items and defeating enemies to get those items. It focuses "more on building colonies."

-Louie is not returning as a playable character, but he does have an important role (to what extend I'm not aware.) I'm guessing it has to do with...

-Olimar's home planet of Hocotate will finally be present in the game.

What do you guys think? It sounds pretty believable to me, and the title has 19 characters, exactly the amount of characters that nintendo is hinting at to be a launch title. I love the concepts for it. I hope it's true.

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