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Member Since 17 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2014 04:49 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Console wars

03 March 2014 - 10:44 AM

Unfortunately it's something that won't die. Many gamers will bash eachother's consoles until the next gen consoles get announced/released and the war will move on.


Like sports fans.

In Topic: What I would do to save the wii u

03 March 2014 - 10:40 AM

Cheaper price, more games (perferribly more new IPs), and better advertising. Third party support is pretty much a lost cause at this point unless Nintendo does something about it.

In Topic: Retro Studio: Wii U "great box to make games on." New game already in...

03 March 2014 - 10:38 AM

Retro Studio is one of the finest developers in existance. Whatever they come up with I am confident it's something I'll buy.

In Topic: Sony in another Lie Scandal! Gamers Don't Care, because it's Sony/

03 March 2014 - 10:35 AM

Never cared for the MP all together. SP is just ok, it has great graphics and all but I want some really fun gameplay.

In Topic: Proud owner of a Deluxe Wii U. Miiverse ID: twohits

03 March 2014 - 10:32 AM

Loving my Wii U Zelda HD Deluxe! And PC gaming ftw!

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