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Member Since 14 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2016 03:03 PM

#309191 Motion controls won’t be a requirement for Star Fox Wii U

Posted by Chronos21 on 18 February 2015 - 11:47 AM

Nope, i have to disagree, motion controls should be used in every serious shooter on consoles. Analog sticks are awful for aiming ;) But it should be allways optional and customysable!

#307996 metroid prime trilogy wii u

Posted by 3Dude on 01 February 2015 - 11:25 PM

going to relive some nostalgia here and hope again for a new game  
but... disappointed that it requires wii gear  this wasnt done on the wii channel it was on the U eshop so i hoped it was reworked for the gamepad  
but cant even enjoy it now because i have to unpack the sensor bar and buy a new wiimote. 
i carefully readcthe description and info before i bought it  but there was no indication it required wii hardware. 
to be honest bummed a bit. but still excited at the same time.
anyone else playing this?
how are you enjoying it?

I thought the pointer controls were a massive improvement. Then again, I actually bothered to learn how to use the motion controls and spent the entire generation dissapointed at their wasted potential as 99% of the games never used anything beyond ai livemove mode 1. ie motion record, ie waggle crap.

I was less happy with the visual downgrades, and purposeful removal of primes excellent meta game.

I recall being a bit miffed about prime trilogy not being the definitive version of the first prime, but in perspective, a few dropped lighting effects, water physics effects, and post op effects... sound maybe? don't amount to a bean in the face of the fact you are getting 3 of the best designed games ever made for a steal.

Learn how to use motion controls. Its much better.

#294679 Duck Draws Things OK I Guess

Posted by Hank Hill on 31 July 2014 - 07:14 PM

So, I got Art Academy 3DS. And I started drawing things. I did use reference pictures on the top screen while I drew on the bottom, but still had to draw them almost completely from scratch. Here's what I've got so far. :V




Sorta OK painting of a Cherry that looks more like an apple. :V




Don't think I linked this one before, but a friend showed me how to draw his version of a sableye. :b




Another thing I didn't link cause I wasn't happy with how it turned out. It's supposed to be a tulip, but it's all weird and brown in places it shouldn't be and not white in places that it should be. I HATE THIS ONE WITH THE PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS 




Drew a Chatot because they are totally adorable. :>




And more recently, I drew a Pichu. I like the shape/position of everything in and on the head, but something seems...off about the head's shape. Too slanted, almost. BUT HEY, it's done and finished and I don't feel like messing with it anymore. :v



#306460 Wii 2

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 05 January 2015 - 11:06 PM

I feel like it the top is breaching the border the bottom should be too, for balance.

#306054 I tried to make some music

Posted by Hinkik on 27 December 2014 - 05:46 AM

Sup people,


As some of you may know, you got quite talented musicians on this forum (MatrixChicken and Chaos for example)


Just thought I would share some of the ones I've made. Obviously not as good as others but still looking for feedback to improve.


A Gerudo Valley remix, Big Room House style:


A fast DnB track (Might work for montages?):


A remix of my favorite Pokemon City theme:



#306396 Star Foxish

Posted by NintendoReport on 04 January 2015 - 10:31 AM

why must they remake this game again. i want a new star fox game

Err what? They are making a new game.  Nukie is just using starfox 64 3d as virtual placeholders.

#303710 Devil's Third new info

Posted by Hound of God on 22 November 2014 - 04:55 PM

But awesome as it is, can you use the wii remote?


'Cause once you're there, you can never go back.

#298397 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 11 September 2014 - 05:42 PM

It's him!

Nukie: *laughs*

#298391 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by NintendoReport on 11 September 2014 - 02:34 PM

See? You and Miyamoto are one and the same.

It's him!

#298389 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 11 September 2014 - 02:17 PM

See? You and Miyamoto are one and the same.

#298364 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 11 September 2014 - 08:52 AM

Wow I'm in. Haha

Heck, you're practically Miyamoto.


I'm assuming you would also have a mode like MK8. You know, "I'm using tilt controls!"? that thing.

#298387 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by NintendoReport on 11 September 2014 - 12:47 PM

This is a game that we've developed internally up until now, but because we do want to bring this to market very soon, we are looking at some potential partner companies that we can team up with," Miyamoto said according to Gamespot. Regardless of who he might partner with to make this project possible, he assured that he will directly take charge of the project.

The way that the game is to be played is by utilizing both the Wii U's GamePad and the television as Gamespot had previewed the game during the Electronic Entertainment Expo earlier this year.

The GamePad would allow the player to gain the "cockpit view," to be used for aiming and looking around while being independent of the ship's movement. The television screen still allows for the traditional view of a Star Fox game.

"You can take out enemies, just not with the same level of precision as using the GamePad. Meanwhile, you need the TV screen to get a larger look at the full battlefield and keep track of your fighter when taking evasive maneuvers," said Miyamoto.


#275737 My songs

Posted by SteventheSlayer on 04 March 2014 - 06:19 PM

I was inspired, or perhaps reminded, by MatrixChicken that posting music was a thing. Unfortunately, all I have atm is the 'rough drafts' so to speak, as I only have cheap notation software right now.


For the most part, these are things I improv-ed on the piano and decided to jot down.


So anyway, I'll only post a couple of the ones that don't sound too terrible, and hopefully I can write the rest up properly later on.


It's in dropbox/midi form as it's the easiest for me atm.


https://www.dropbox....y Shining 2.mid









#298352 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by NintendoReport on 11 September 2014 - 01:53 AM

Wow I'm in. Haha


To stay on topic, I do think you have some nice gameplay ideas and mechanics. It would certainly be a way to immerse the player even further

#298331 Mr Myamoto plays Ace Combat Wii U.☆ MOCK UP☆.

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 10 September 2014 - 02:59 PM

attachicon.gif2014-09-11 00.48.53.jpg
I'm sure you'll recognise the above image originally as Shigeru Myamoto showing off Star Fox at E3, but the is my take on the Wii U flying genre.
The picture depicts the Mr Myamoto flying a jet from inside the cockpit(TV) using the gamepad, with the control scheme would be much the same as a standard controller.
The gamepad is being held to the left, so the image on the gamepad would be what you would see looking out the aircrafts left window.In this case a fighter flying over the city.
You say"wouldn't your arms get tired? ".
You'd raise the gamepad to check for bandits, look for the horizon, see where the ground is & things like that. Otherwise it sits on your lap displaying a map. Also by panning the gamepad around the cockpit the player can utilise different functions, for example-raising the gamepad up out of you lap will bring you to the weapons console.
Yes, I can't wait to see what the next Star Fox will be like, but my take is more traditional with a Wii U twist that would make it unique and set it apart from the pack.

Have you considered getting into the gaming industry man? You should be in the gaming industry.

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