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Member Since 06 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2015 05:31 AM

#299738 Best looking Wii U game right now?

Posted by DarkMagician77 on 03 October 2014 - 11:54 PM

I have about 2 dozen Wii U games ranging from the fun and simple NintendoLand to the gorgeous looking Rayman Legends.  I know graphics is only a small part of what makes a great game but it is still important.  What do you think is the best looking WIi U game out at the moment? After debating between the likes of Trine 2, NanoAssault Neo, Rayman Legends, MK8, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World

I give the nod to a remaster of a nearly perfect game that is the LoZ:WWHD:




Can't wait for the "NEW" cel-shaded Zelda coming out next year!!! It'll be a classic!

#290687 Gameskinny: If you're over 30 and love Nintendo, you are Not a Normal human.

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 17 June 2014 - 04:04 PM


No, hes an idiotic man child with severe arrested development issues.

He is literally the exact opposite of 'right'.

Critics who treat 'adult' as a
term of approval, instead of as
a merely descriptive term,
cannot be adult themselves. To
be concerned about being
grown up, to admire the
grown up because it is grown
up, to blush at the suspicion of
being childish; these things are
the marks of childhood and
adolescence. And in childhood
and adolescence they are, in
moderation, healthy
symptoms. Young things ought
to want to grow. But to carry
on into middle life or even
into early manhood this
concern about being adult is a
mark of really arrested
development. When I was ten,
I read fairy tales in secret and
would have been ashamed if I
had been found doing so. Now
that I am fifty I read them
openly. When I became a man
I put away childish things,
including the fear of
childishness and the desire to
be very grown up.

C.S. Lewis.


I saw that post, and I've already seen the quotation numerous times. People love to post it only when it supports their "childish" habit, but that's a discussion for a different day.

It isn't applicable as an argument to what this guy is at all. Once again, he is talking about what society says about people who are over 30 that play nintendo games. He is, in NO way saying those people are right. In fact he says that nintendo games are quality, and a defense to the "video games are bad because violence" argument because people play them and still have massive amounts of fun without any of that dark and gritty stuff.

The guy does not say ONE negative thing about Nintendo, OR ITS GAMERS. All his statements about these two subjects are either neutral or positive.

#283267 Buy Mario Kart 8 and get a free game!

Posted by Mewbot on 01 May 2014 - 12:54 AM

For Aussies, chances are we're getting a deal the same or similar to this, because the website says to check the Nintendo Australia website in the coming days for more news. 



We better have a list at least as good as America...


Yep, about 15 mins after posting that, the Aussie website went up.

And we've got a better selection than America! Yisss!


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