If there was a back door to the house.. I wonder if it's possible to bypass his lecture. That, or plant a metal tile over where he spawns from and get a thrill off of him attempting to dig over that.
- Wii U Forums
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Member Since 14 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Aug 22 2013 09:17 PM
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- Active Posts 24
- Profile Views 7,173
- Member Title Paragoomba
- Age 35 years old
- Birthday September 1, 1989
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Philadelphia, PA
Videogames, anything Nintendo has to offer (Nintenwhore here), anything Zelda, Animal Crossing, anything/else/ Harvest Moon/Rune Factory related, drawing/digital drawing, animals, nature, tacos.
Sailor Moon, Nintendo, Legend of Zelda
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: Spam Battle
29 May 2013 - 02:09 PM
In Topic: The petition about Nintendo exclusive Sonic games.
17 May 2013 - 11:07 PM
People who dislike ANYTHING exclusive for Nintendo, always act like ornery baboons.
They're just mad because they're greedy and want everything for Sony or Microsoft instead of Nintendo. So.. yeah. They're all anti-Nintendo... and that petition just proves it.
In Topic: My Realistic Smash Bros 4 Newcomers List
13 May 2013 - 09:01 AM
I'll probably get bombarded by this but I honestly don't care. I'd really appreciate it if Princess Daisy would at least, if not a character, become an assist trophy in the new SSB. She's been in enough party games to prove a point. Far more than Waluigi who I detest.
And I would not mind having a character from Animal Crossing as well.
In Topic: What games will U play this weekend
13 May 2013 - 08:54 AM
Well, I've taken a hiatus from Monster Hunter Ultimate since it's spring and all, and spring tends to make me want to play Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon.. So I have been playing both the gamecube and Wii version of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon: Animal Parade every day.
And a little Minish Cap to the side.
In Topic: Spam Battle
23 April 2013 - 06:49 PM
To put things simply, don't always rely on others to do work for you. You can do a lot by yourself as long as you're not lazy and stupid.
I could say the same about you, Nathaniel. You never want to play with my sexy Walrus anymore. I know I have an empowering voice, but I'm still yo' best man, neeja.
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