Member Since 14 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Aug 22 2013 09:17 PM
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Well, that Microsoft conference was alright. I mean i'm impressed with all of the features and all, but the real matter are the games. And those 15 franchises.. Well, I hope that a few of them are games that will catch my interest. Otherwise, I will not be buying the Xbox One. Also, that controller looks mighty spiffy. I can't wait to get a grasp at that baby.

Well.. I almost forgot how incredibly easy Animal Crossing gamecube is. I suppose i'll play City Folk again on the side while I ace the first one. mmmhyeah. When New Leaf comes out, i'm prepared.. Prepared to make such glorious patterns and clothes.

Oh, sure. Get the 'Animal Crossing Sucks' thread locked. Unable to show people a piece of my mind these days...

If you want to have an actual conversation on animal crossing, go ahead. An actual serious conversation never happens in the forum games section.
May 12 2013 10:45 AM -
Hank Hill
Oh, sure. The joke/troll thread gets closed because people took it too seriously. People just can't take a joke these days...
May 12 2013 11:30 AM -
I was well aware the person who started it was trolling. I was going to respond to someone else though. And that's forums for you. which is why I try to stay away from the idiots.
May 12 2013 09:48 PM

The day my brother will be married will be a happy one. At least, I hope it will. My brother has been through a lot, and I'm a thousand percent supportive to him and my soon to be brother in law. I wish them the best and for them to look forward to May 8 as much as I will. I shall be the ultimate camera woman!

Alex Wolfers
I'm glad you guys got everything straightened it. I was worried for a moment.
Apr 22 2013 09:24 AM -
Go away, Jasper. I have Nathaniel. And Rob, i'm going to be your best man! No backing down now!
Apr 22 2013 04:10 PM

Just found out my state was getting bombed aat certain places as well as Boston and NY. Aaand I don't care.