Member Since 20 Dec 2010Offline Last Active Jul 24 2011 11:53 AM
Now that everything's settled, I'm preparing for my second London trip. It'll be for English lessons, but at a different school.
Updated 24 Jul · 1 comments
About Me
I'm a brainless Bio student, fan of SciFi and Fantasy for the most part.
I like to think I'm fairly good at visual "art", but I think writing is my true purpose, my raison d'être.
Oh, and I care about people. Like, a lot.
I even lose a night's sleep sometimes, because I'm upset at the troubles a friend is having.
Though most of the time, what keeps me awake is simply my inability to stop imagining things (mostly story ideas).
About writing... I mostly submit prose on public forums and websites. But I do write poetry as well (always with meter and rhyme, none of that "free verse" stuff) and a few valuable friends have received gift poems from me before.
I now have a snitload of different characters, three of which I can call my personas: Darry the cat-human mix (REALLY old), Mykel "Brainy" the yoshi, Darren Toprak the chinese dragon. And the latter appears in my fantasy series in progress, Mythospective.
I like to think I'm fairly good at visual "art", but I think writing is my true purpose, my raison d'être.
Oh, and I care about people. Like, a lot.
I even lose a night's sleep sometimes, because I'm upset at the troubles a friend is having.
Though most of the time, what keeps me awake is simply my inability to stop imagining things (mostly story ideas).
About writing... I mostly submit prose on public forums and websites. But I do write poetry as well (always with meter and rhyme, none of that "free verse" stuff) and a few valuable friends have received gift poems from me before.
I now have a snitload of different characters, three of which I can call my personas: Darry the cat-human mix (REALLY old), Mykel "Brainy" the yoshi, Darren Toprak the chinese dragon. And the latter appears in my fantasy series in progress, Mythospective.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 191
- Profile Views 11,370
- Member Title Blooper
- Age 14 years old
- Birthday May 2, 2010
in some random fantasy wonderland-type world.
Writing, reading, drawing, (day)dreaming, worrying.
Star Trek, Fringe, NCIS, yoshis, fantasy