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#270047 Wii U adult gamers

Posted by routerbad on 02 February 2014 - 09:39 AM in Competitions & Matchmaking

29 here routerbad

#269736 The Router#bad YouTube channel

Posted by routerbad on 31 January 2014 - 02:54 PM in The Museum

I assume you didn't mean to spam this topic 3 times lol

Heh, no.  Got a PHP error and retried a couple of times.  I locked the extra topics and reported myself to the other section mods.

#269731 The Router#bad YouTube channel

Posted by routerbad on 31 January 2014 - 02:29 PM in The Museum

That's... Surprisingly (no offense) fun to watch! :D Do you record your voice live on the bike, or in post?

It's all done live.  I don't do any post recording.  As such, it is unscripted and fairly raw.  Aside from cuts to remove my ahhs and umms, there is very little editing.

I was referring to the 3 threads.

Yeah that was frustrating to say the least.  

#269727 The Router#bad YouTube channel

Posted by routerbad on 31 January 2014 - 02:18 PM in The Museum

What an advertising advertiser.
Now we know who runs all those bots.

This is the museum, I'm looking for feedback.

Watching right now, getting some popcorn.. Love the format!

oh.. and nice to see you here again. 

I've been around, just haven't been posting.  I still have to moderate topics from time to time in the gaming section.

#269721 The Router#bad YouTube channel

Posted by routerbad on 31 January 2014 - 01:30 PM in The Museum

Hello everyone.  Starting last December, I started creating and posting videos to YouTube on a new format that I haven't seen done before.  Many of you know that I love riding motorcycles and I love following the video game industry.  What I'm up to is a basic motovlogging channel where the primary topics revolve around gaming.  Check it out and let me know what you think (constructive criticism welcomed, but don't expect me to accept every suggestion).


Day Tripper: Underratings, That New IP Smell, and EA Can DOS It Up Their FPS and THQ


Night Rider: Nintendo working on 9th gen "Fusion Terminal/DS"?


Night Rider: Nintendoom is Alive and Well


Playstation Now Too Far Ahead of Its Time?



Sorry for the apparent new thread SPAM.  I was getting a php error that made it appear that the topic wasn't being created.

#269718 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by routerbad on 31 January 2014 - 01:23 PM in The Museum

You all can add me to the list as well.  http://www.youtube.com/user/routerbad

#256623 wii u sale increase ?

Posted by routerbad on 17 November 2013 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

well reports are that Ps4 sold one million units in america on Day 1 so.... time will tell but as of right now thats the best launch in sony history. Those next gen graphics.

Goes to show you how oblivious Americans tend to be when they open their wallets.  They will believe what IGN tells them over what their eyes do.

#256622 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by routerbad on 17 November 2013 - 09:31 AM in General Gaming

ummm before the wii u was launched nintendo showed the bird demo and zelda tech demo both of which gave a FALSE sence of power,nintendo then changed the processor for an inferior one and your left with what you have got,bayonetta looks absolute RUBBISH compared to killzone 4 in EVERY way!! no one except wii u fanboys on here are dissapointed with the ps4 lol check out the pre orders for it,people are well and truley HYPED for its release.

Those tech demos were made using target hardware in a very early prototype dev unit.  The hardware was never scaled back at all. 

#254337 Satoru Iwata admits that Wii U so far failed as a worthy successor to the Wii.

Posted by routerbad on 02 November 2013 - 08:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Let me refine what I mean. Ok. . Yes Mario will sell. But not enough to sell 70 million Wii U units.

There was no excitement for the Wii U. There was more excitement for the PS4 announcement them for the Wii U launch.

There is excitement over the next PlayStation launch. You can't deny that. Why is that? My take its the hope for something new. Newer IPs. Sony is not afraid to come up with a new one.

That is huge.

Your Mario take strengthens my prediction of a 20-30 million unit sales for Wii U. Nothing to be worried about. Just realize the Wii U is a first party only machine and 3rd party support will be minimal and lower quality than PS4 and other.

Actually, Sony are afraid of doing anything truly new.  They are also afraid of actually evolving some of their more popular IP's.  They have fallen into the same rut over the last few years of doing the same things with a different coat of paint that major publishers have been.


Interestingly, Nintendo do something new, quirky, unique, or just fun that with any other character would be a new IP, but because they use Mario haters gon' hate.  There is a big difference between making a new main title just to make it look different from the last 15 of the same game you published, and making something different but putting a familiar and extremely marketable face on the cover.


Also, W101 is a new IP, Pikmin is an IP that hasn't seen the light of day for over 6 years, Bayo 2 was a dead IP that Nintendo brought back to life. 

The short term was launch. Nintendo is clearly not thinking in the long term because they are now a year into the life of a new console and have shown nothing for it. If I were thinking long term I know I would want at least a few high profile system sellers out during that time.

Long term, like actually longer than a typical development cycle for a single game.  A year is nothing, and they already have some very fun exclusives available on the system.  This holiday season will be very interesting, especially with that Skylanders bundle and 3D world coming later this year.  The library is shaping up quite nicely, and I have just about every release thus far this year.

#254279 Satoru Iwata admits that Wii U so far failed as a worthy successor to the Wii.

Posted by routerbad on 02 November 2013 - 08:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Um. ...dude... the other 2 consoles aren't even out yet and the Wii U is in third place. It will just take until March to show it.

In peoples minds it is an after thought. Nothing will change it.

The general public is sick of Mario. You will have a segment that will buy it. .. but not Like the glory days. New IPs please.

The lack and poor quality of 3 rd party support will also be killer.

The PS4 and Xbone are here. They know they had their chance and it is gone. They effed up and there will be no 3ds recovery. Nintendo is about to be blown away.

Sales figures over the last few generations would say otherwise regarding Mario. Also, if you think ever third party is going to go full stop on last gen development to pick up on PS4/XB1 immediately following launch, you are mistaken. Just like the WiiU those systems need a user base to make it attractive to publishers. When all is said and done after all of the analysts have their word, profit potential is what counts to them, not hardware specs or DX/OGL versions.

#232862 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 12:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Same people that complained when Nintendo offered10% off of games in Japan that are bought in the first week on the eShop because it wasn't enough, or it wasn't an ambassador program, like they are going to do that again.

#232859 Shin'en Explains Wii U EDRAM Usage

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 12:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nice post, and the details provided make good sense! Now.. back to those lazy devs...

Love it, one CPU core, unoptimized shader assenblies, rendering to two screens, at 60fps 1080p, looks and plays better than ports from enormous publishers.

#232848 Shin'en Explains Wii U EDRAM Usage

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Hardware



Manfred Linzner of Shin’en:

Wii U eDRAM usage is comparable to the eDRAM in the XBOX360, but on Wii U you have enough eDRAM to use if for 1080p rendering.

In comparison, on XBOX360 you usually had to render in sub 720p resolutions or in mutliple passes.

Even if you don’t use MSAA (MultiSample Anti-Aliasing) youalready need around 16Mb just for a 1080p framebuffer (with double buffering). You simply don’t have that with XBOX360 eDRAM. As far as I know Microsoft corrected that issue and put also 32MB of Fast Ram into their new console.

We use the eDRAM in the Wii U for the actual framebuffers, intermediate framebuffer captures, as a fast scratch memory for some CPU intense work and for other GPU memory writes.

Using eDRAM properly is a simple way to get extra performance without any other optimizations.

In general, development for Wii U CPU+GPU is simple. You don’t need complicated setups or workarounds for things like HDR(High Dynamic Range)or linear RGB (Color Modeling). What we also like is that there are plenty of possibilities for speeding up your rendering and code, but you don’t have to dig deep for them to get proper performance.

For instance, all of our shaders used in ‘Nano Assault Neo’ are not really optimized. We just used the first iteration of them because they were already fast enough. We looked later through the shaders dis-assembly and noticed we can make them 30-40% faster by better pipeline usage or better hints for the shader compiler.

As ‘Nano Assault Neo’ never had a problem running at 60fps (including a 2nd screen rendering at 60fps on the GamePad) we didn’t have to do that kind of optimizations back then. For CPU usage ‘Nano Assault Neo’ only used the main CPU core. The two other cores were almost idle, beside a few percent used for our audio thread.

So all in all ‘Nano Assault Neo’ only used a fraction of the currently available resources on Wii U and looks and plays quite nice. And for the future, don’t forget that in many consoles, early in their life cycle, not all resources were already useable or accessible via the SDK. So we are sure the best is yet to come for Wii U.’



#232808 Get The Wii U Now, Be A Late Adopter To PS4 / XBone

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 09:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hence why I said I could wait. 


Although, I already own a Wii U, so the statement was more rhetorical than anything.

There's no point in waiting for a price cut when there isn't one coming.  Wii U first makes more sense, because the PS4 games landscape is going to be sparse for a while after launch.  Meanwhile many of Nintendo's biggest titles are coming out before, during, and after both of the other consoles launch

I'll rephrase. It makes more sense to spend your money as you see fit, buying games when you want them. I could wait to buy the next Batman game, sure, but do I feel like waiting a year or more just to get a better deal while everybody around me spoils the story? Uh...no.


For sure.

#232810 Is Retro really only working on DK?

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 09:56 AM in General Gaming

I don't think people understand how much work actually goes into DK. Just because it is a 2D side scroller doesn't necessarily mean it is "low scale".

Oh and X doesn't even look that impressive apart from visuals.

It's wide open, no loading, with environments that stretch from city streets, to industrial complexes, to treacherous natural habitats, to space.  It features mechs that can be customized and serve different purposes throughout the game, has a multiplayer component, weather, great visuals.  Yeah this game looks hella impressive to me.

#232795 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 09:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not just that but there is work, time, resources, and money put into porting over these games. They wouldn't just simply work on the hardware because it's a classic retro game. People need to keep this in mind too.

$10 is actually a decent price considering the title.  However, the price they set might be a sign of sorts.  Nintendo love foreboding (banana's in 2012 e3 Direct?)

#232792 Get The Wii U Now, Be A Late Adopter To PS4 / XBone

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 08:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

I thought it made more sense to buy the consoles you wanted and the games you want for them as they come out.


At least, that's what I'm doing. inFAMOUS: Second Son and Destiny certainly won't be on the Wii U.


What you're saying also works both ways. I could wait on a Wii U, buy a PS4 at launch, and buy a Wii U once it's gotten a price cut and most of its games are $30 or less through eBay/Amazon/etc.

It won't be getting a price cut any time soon.  

#232791 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 08:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just said no sale! I'm not going to pay $10 for any VC game, I don't care what it is. I'll just get the game... elsewhere. For a lot less. A lot.

Unless you plan to pirate, which I strongly advise against, you won't.  Used copies of just the cartridge go for upwards of $150.

#232765 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 07:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo announced that Earthbound will be available on the Wii U eShop today for $10.






#232764 I think people are overestimating the PS4.

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 07:03 AM in General Gaming

Why not?

microsoft are going to use their clouds from day 1.

Think about how much bandwidth (not just local bandwidth, but dedicated bandwidth from point to point) it would take to provide a 4k stream with lagless input response.  Most people can barely stream 1080p, and bluray streams are laggy even over home wireless networks.  It takes a buttwad of b/w to make that happen.  I don't even think gaikai will be decent quality for 720p or lower PS3 games, based on experience with several VDI technologies.

#232753 I think people are overestimating the PS4.

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 06:14 AM in General Gaming

It'll be able to do 4k by leveraging the cloud (gaikai) later on as the console gets older.

Don't hold your breath for that.

#232752 Rayman Legends director criticizes Wii U GamePad’s resistive touchscreen

Posted by routerbad on 18 July 2013 - 06:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The #1 most demanding thing I do with my touch pad, and the ONLY thing I use the stylus for is drawing my miiverse drawings, and thats more than enougg for me to want resistive over capacitive.

I barely ever use multi touch on my devices that support it, and when i do, its because i cant get the right zoom from double taps, and feels inconvenient.


#232504 The Power of the Wii U lies in MegaHits not Magnaflops

Posted by routerbad on 17 July 2013 - 03:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

Anyone with knowledge about having a bigger GPU vers CPU and the ramifications about it, I would love if they could explain it  in simple terms ... I know this is the case with the Wii U but what impact does that actually have?

You should take a look at some of the past hardware threads, specifically the ones with the CPU and GPU die photos.

#232502 Sony Prove the Wii U's Texture Bandwidth is not slow

Posted by routerbad on 17 July 2013 - 03:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

One of the problems regarding dev teams is that they're just throwing HUNDREDS at development, thinking it's an easy way to get things out faster. It's like trying to make a cake and thinking you can cut down on the baking time by just doubling the temperature. Doesn't work like that. For SOME games, large dev teams are inevitable (like Grand Theft Auto, The Elder Scrolls, and ANY MMO), but I don't see why we need 600+ man dev teams for everything. Pubs have become one-trick ponies by just doing blockbuster after blockbuster instead of doing blockbusters, but also SMALLER projects throughout the years.

Very true, an unsustainable business model.  You have to create a breadth of properties that appeal to different demographics to stay consistently profitable.  Many publishers rely on ONE demographic and throw all of their money at making games for them, when to be honest many of them don't spend a whole lot of money on games to begin with.

#232482 Sony Prove the Wii U's Texture Bandwidth is not slow

Posted by routerbad on 17 July 2013 - 02:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well its more about paying off the large dev teams and  other   random crap they like to pay for, so the longer a game takes to make the more it costs them,  using a pre existing engine costs them less time and money.

Agreed.  I think dev teams as well as marketing budgets are becoming extremely over inflated.  Obviously to the point where they aren't able to even recoup costs on games most of the time.  

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