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#79473 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by Nintendoes on 20 May 2012 - 07:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

I checked out the topic on the site myself and he seems like a developer yet not a big developer. The question is if he is not a big developer how did he get all this info and why share it? I think I will make a profile on the site to see his profile.

#79500 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by Nintendoes on 20 May 2012 - 09:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

It sounds all over the place. Even after you bypass the shaky translations,

bullet point by bullet point, it doesn't really make all that much sense.

No, the supposed "developer" himself didn't post that. Rather another person (the one that posted it) claims that he contacted hi through pm or chat and that the "developer" told him all that information and he just organised it and put it in bullet points.

Come to thing of it their "chat" might prove the clues to uncover if he is telling the truth or not; I better contact that guy.

His username is Mudkip98 there is a ton of info on his profile page. He joined about a year ago and is not a Mod or an Admin, but he seems to be trustworthy

#79486 Ubisoft employee leaks a massive load of Wii U info!

Posted by Nintendoes on 20 May 2012 - 08:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I will try to get info on him to see if he is really is a developer. So far I have this from his profile page.

Username: Developer1

Rank: Goomba

Gender: Male

Total posts: 7 (all of them in the topic that you guys saw.)

Posts: Una mia curiosità: ricordo che quando Wii U fu presentato allo scorso E3, vedemmo che il controller venne utilizzato per software come quello degli scacchi o come Webcam. Ma questi software, saranno già pre-inseriti? E ce ne saranno altri simili? Inoltre, ci sarà il device Streetpass di cui si parl...
by Developer1 Today, 13:17 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431 Re: Informazioni sul Wii U

Infine a differenza di quanto possiate pensare il controller non disporrà dei Trigger come nel DualShock3 e nel controller della XBOX 360. Oddio, davvero? Questo mi dispiace profondamente. Per il resto: puoi dirmi qualcosa su Killers from Outer Space? Mi interesserebbe sapere come sta andando il su...
by Developer1 Today, 13:10 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431 Re: Informazioni sul Wii U

Puoi dirci se il controller rivela le superfici? (non so se mi spiego) Intendi la Realtà Aumentata? Mi sembrano specs più che plausibili, si parla di specifiche come queste da mesi... Ci sai dire altro? Ad esempio, è vero che la CPU del Wii U ha solo 3GHz di frequenza di clock? Nei primi devkit era...
by Developer1 Today, 13:02 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431 Re: Informazioni sul Wii U

Puoi dirci se il controller rivela le superfici? (non so se mi spiego) Intendi la Realtà Aumentata? Mi sembrano specs più che plausibili, si parla di specifiche come queste da mesi... Ci sai dire altro? Ad esempio, è vero che la CPU del Wii U ha solo 3GHz di frequenza di clock? Nei primi devkit era...
by Developer1 Today, 12:55 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431 Re: Informazioni sul Wii U

Puoi dirci se il controller rivela le superfici? (non so se mi spiego) Intendi la Realtà Aumentata? Mi sembrano specs più che plausibili, si parla di specifiche come queste da mesi... Ci sai dire altro? Ad esempio, è vero che la CPU del Wii U ha solo 3GHz di frequenza di clock? Nei primi devkit era...
by Developer1 Today, 12:51 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431

Re: Informazioni sul Wii U

Phrozenstorm wrote:Dicci se esistono davvero i ninja di Nintendo.

Se non scoprono questo topic... by Developer1 Today, 12:46 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431 Informazioni sul Wii U

Salve a tutti, sono uno sviluppatore di Ubisoft Milano. Ho seguito molto di recente la situazione del Nintendo Wii U, vorrei diffondere con voi alcune informazioni che la Nintendo ci ha fatto sapere. Molto probabilmente però non dureranno a lungo, ma ci provo lo stesso. Il Wii U ha 2 giga di RAM, 56...

by Developer1 Today, 12:34 Forum: Nintendo Kingdom Topic: Informazioni sul Wii U Replies: 41 Views: 431

Joined: Today; 12:34

Last visited: Today; 13:56
Remember: for the times I don't know what time zone they refer to; I am guessing that they refer to whatever time zone Italy is in right now.

#118851 All the info on wii u voice chat revealed

Posted by Nintendoes on 18 October 2012 - 03:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

Tell me who gave the quote. As far as we know we can put this as an anonymous rumor!

#86752 no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3

Posted by Nintendoes on 11 June 2012 - 03:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Has no means of communication been confirmed? The system should have online voice chat in this day and age. I find it odd that people are just accepting the Wii U's issues when they should be wanting more from Nintendo.

They didn't say anything about the systems capabilities they just said no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3. Why are you so negative?

#87120 no online multiplayer for Pikmin 3

Posted by Nintendoes on 12 June 2012 - 03:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

"RTS" is real-time strategy, but the RTS games that I recall playing took based in turns. Battle of Wesnoth is an example of a turn-based RTS game. There are differnet kinds of RTS games - Pikmin is an action game, but definitely has RTS elements.

Maybe I'm not giving technology credit, but we're already experiencing lag with online multiplayer titles that have 16 players - do you think that it could handle 100s of characters syncing with playable lag?

Battle of Wesnoth is a Turn-based strategy game not a RTS.

#84695 The fear I had came true

Posted by Nintendoes on 05 June 2012 - 06:30 PM in General Gaming

People look at the facts. This is launch people of course the graphics are going to run at current gen performance. But after launch, in 2013 , the games will look like pc. The launch titles ARE awesome if you look away from Wii Fit U and Sing. Those titles are only meant for the casuals! Look at these launch titles, which are not even close to all of them and tell me that they suck.

#86709 Ending the Wii U power debate once and for all

Posted by Nintendoes on 11 June 2012 - 12:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

Directly from the Nintendo All-Access page:
  • Size

    Approximately 1.8 inches high, 10.5 inches deep and 6.8 inches long.
  • Weight

    Approximately 3.41 pounds (1.5 kg).
  • Wii U™ GamePad

    The Wii U GamePad™ controller removes the traditional barriers between games, players and the TV by creating a second window into the video game world. It incorporates a 6.2-inch, 16:9 aspect ratio LCD touch screen, as well as traditional button controls and two analog sticks. Inputs include a +Control Pad, L/R sticks, L/R stick buttons, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons, ZL/ZR buttons, Power button, HOME button, -/SELECT button, +/START button, and TV CONTROL button. The GamePad also includes motion control (powered by an accelerometer, gyroscope and geomagnetic sensor), a front-facing camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, rumble features, a sensor bar, an included stylus and support for Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality. It is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery and weighs approximately 1.1 pounds (500 g).
  • Other Controllers

    The Wii U console is capable of supporting two Wii U GamePad controllers, up to four Wii Remote (or Wii Remote Plus) controllers or Wii U Pro Controllers, and Wii accessories such as the Nunchuk, Classic Controller and Wii Balance Board.

    Posted Image
  • Video Output

    Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, Wii D-Terminal, Wii Component Video, Wii RGB, Wii S-Video Stereo AV and Wii AV.
  • Appearance

    The new console features a compact design that will make it a natural addition to any home entertainment setup.
  • CPU

    IBM PowerⓇ-based multi-core processor.
  • GPU

    AMD Radeon™-based High Definition GPU.
  • Storage

    Wii U uses an internal flash memory. It also supports SD memory cards and external USB storage.
  • Media

    Wii U and Wii optical discs.
  • Networking

    Wii U can access the Internet via wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) connection. The console features four USB 2.0 connectors – two in the front and two in the rear – that support Wii LAN Adapters.
  • Wii Compatibility

    Nearly all Wii software and accessories can be used with Wii U.
  • Audio Output

    Uses six-channel PCM linear output via HDMI® connector, or analog output via the AV Multi Out connector.

#87393 Iwata : The other companies online is to far developed for Nintendo to Catch up.

Posted by Nintendoes on 13 June 2012 - 12:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wow, way to highlight the most negative quote in the entire article there, CVG. -_-

If you read the article, Iwata talks about Miiverse being a "foundation to build Nintendo's online from". Miiverse is clearly already ahead of XBL and PSN in some ways. Improved upon, it could definitely become the most comprehensive and social-focused online network a console has ever had. We've already had confirmation of friends lists, messaging, full downloadable retail games, eShop, DLC capabilities, etc. The only bad information we have regarding Nintendo Network is that Reggie said "friend codes" would return in some form, and we have yet to find out what he meant exactly by that.

Don't worry about it guys. This article is just fishing for page views, like pretty much everyone in video game journalism does. The reality is much better than the title makes it seem. ^_^

He meant that you could turn one of your "friends" into a "best friend" who you can video chat with and do other extra things with.

#87385 Iwata : The other companies online is to far developed for Nintendo to Catch up.

Posted by Nintendoes on 13 June 2012 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yes, but he also said that the Wii U's online is taking a different approach then other companys.

#79605 First Images Of Next-Gen Unreal Engine 4

Posted by Nintendoes on 20 May 2012 - 03:13 PM in General Gaming

Posted Image

Now let us compare with The Zedla Tech demo make in weeks with old dev kits

Yeah, I think the Wii U can run Unreal 4

#87405 Iwata says developers are currently utilising 'only half Wii U's full...

Posted by Nintendoes on 13 June 2012 - 12:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

I hope they know what they're doing here. I think Nintendo tends to very grossly underestimate the sheer value that hardware/processing power has in a gaming console. There was a lot of opportunity here for Wii U to be the first true next-gen console, even WITH the tablet controller draining resources. I'm pretty dissapointed that Nintendo has gone for a low power route yet again, but circumstances are different to how they were when the Wii launched, and it could end up turning out much better in the long run.


#87515 Retro to busy to work on Zelda

Posted by Nintendoes on 13 June 2012 - 05:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That explains Metroid Prime 3.

It is a squeal to a game that THEY made.

#87507 Retro to busy to work on Zelda

Posted by Nintendoes on 13 June 2012 - 05:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

You seem pretty certain about something that is only rumoured.

Retro usually make games for series that were NOT on the last gen of consoles. Metriod and Donkey Kong Country for instance. Both Star Fox and F-zero fit this bill.

#84677 Why I'm still excited for Wii U

Posted by Nintendoes on 05 June 2012 - 06:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well, the presentation is not over yet, remember Nintendo All Access. Nintendo's presentation was awesome but the awesome bits were scattered around and the spaces were filled with less exiting bits. I will show you the awesome parts now.


Posted by Nintendoes on 06 June 2012 - 03:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

See this in 720p guys.

#84682 Why I'm still excited for Wii U

Posted by Nintendoes on 05 June 2012 - 06:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

I got more!

The GameCube was a sales failure but it won the hearts of many Nintendo fans over. It saw excellent entries in the Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart, Starfox, Smash Bros, franchises. It saw the revival of Metroid in the criticially acclaimed Metroid Prime 1& 2. It saw a brand new IP in Pikmin and it's sequel. It got decent third party support for most of its life (it got all the FIFA's, NHL's, Maddens, Soul Calibur II, Sonic games, Resident Evil 4, etc). It was graphically capable with it's competitors and it had a normal controller with awesome triggers and comfort. No gimmicks. When it was revealed at E3 2001 they showed Pikmin, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race, Star Fox Adventures and Eternal Darkness.

Wii U showed us Pikmin 3 and NSMBU. No new IP's, nothing from their most talented studios (EAD Tokyo 1 of Super Mario Galaxy 1 fame, Retro, Monolith, etc.) It has no identity, it is a tablet but also a controller. Do they want the core or casuals? Because that conference was 95% casual with the first 10 minutes or so dedicated to us. There was no graphical showcase of a game, no teaser trailers, no gameplay trailers of core games, nothing! What have they done for 1 year? They have 3 first party studios that havent relesed a game in 2+ years (the 3 I mentioned above, EAD 1 actually hasn't made a new game since 2007). You're telling me none of those studios had even a 30 second trailer of alpha footage or a cgi trailer two years into development time?

Project P-100 is a new ip isn't it?


Posted by Nintendoes on 05 June 2012 - 06:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, its probably not the full graphic power because the first one is a port and the second one the development was moved for Wii to Wii U. The graphics are pretty good never the less.


Posted by Nintendoes on 05 June 2012 - 06:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah I am trying to be positive.

Assasins Creed is not a port.

Well, its like a super upgaded port.

#103848 Nintendo and the 8th gen....Pressure?

Posted by Nintendoes on 02 September 2012 - 08:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo: We don't care what you are doing.

Sony and Microsoft: Well we don't care either.


Sony: What do the satellites say Iwata is doing now?

Microsoft: Eating a sandwich.

Sony: Write that down!

#98007 If Wii U fails to get 3rd party games who's to blame?

Posted by Nintendoes on 06 August 2012 - 04:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

The reason why third parties won't develop for Nintendo is because they are so sucessful without their help that they are afraid of being overshadowed by Nintendo's ips if they make AAA titles for Nintendo systems.

#97320 Copied From Nintendo!?!?

Posted by Nintendoes on 02 August 2012 - 05:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yes, they did.

Power Glove

#110603 everything iv gathered says 45nm custom AMD 4670 GPU

Posted by Nintendoes on 20 September 2012 - 02:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

Only fanboys use all caps.

#183762 Monster Hunter reviews

Posted by Nintendoes on 17 March 2013 - 07:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Here are all the current reviews I can find:





#104658 How would Sony's money losts effect the PS4?

Posted by Nintendoes on 05 September 2012 - 04:58 PM in General Gaming

Anyone know if reports on Sony's losses are Game-subsidiary specific or the company as a whole?

Every electronics division that Sony owns is losing money. They break the world record of biggest annual loss year after year. If they overprice and overpower the PS4 the ENTIRE company is dead.

You're basically asking if Sony wants to exist or not.


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