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#308863 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 01:33 PM in The Café

I'm already having to order a free replacement... dodgy c-stick x3

that sucks. and that almost means they gotta make you another one lol. These are suppose to be limited stock..

#308853 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by xile6 on 13 February 2015 - 09:46 AM in The Café







lucky devil you...


and i thought they would do more tho.


I can see people making skins of this and just adding it to the normal New 3ds

#294153 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by xile6 on 25 July 2014 - 06:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I swear to Tholtig you best not be talking about platinums metal gear rising revengeneance.

No not rising I like that game ot was cool. I remember it being something older. Might not even have been real or could of be dlc for another game.


You do get the whole point of this game is to be a crossover of sorts to where you have a dynasty warriors style game set in the Zelda universe right? Like you're criticizing a game for doing exactly what the game is telling you it's going to do. I'm sorry it's not exactly what you want, but don't bash it or consider it crap because of that. Grade it impartially for quality, but grade as biased as you like as far as enjoyment.

Yea I guess I hear to you. It would be wrong to fuss at need for speed for not being mario kart.

If there is a demo I will check it out. But I just wonder why would they go this route. I didn't really think that dynasty warrior sold that good.
But this is just imo.

#294133 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by xile6 on 24 July 2014 - 08:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not my type of game. It still sucks to me.
Looks like a rebranded dynasty warrior.
I think there was even a metal gear solid like this.

Idk why game makers take there series so far away from what it use to be.

#307147 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 18 January 2015 - 06:04 PM in General Gaming

If the announcement had come a week earlier I'd have the MH4U XL pre-ordered. It's a logical upgrade for me, as my blue XL is wearing down, but I just plain don't have the cash now. 3DS games> new system.

Thats why you sell your old xl and use that money for the new one.

Gamestop has a $100 trade in credit for the new one.

#307122 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 18 January 2015 - 11:23 AM in General Gaming

I got the Zelda MM edition preorder before they sold out.

I also got the Zelda MM Ultimate bundle coming also.


I am kinda hype about the C-stick. I know it will work like nubbin from the old laptops but it finally adds 2 sticks to the system (i dont count the circle pro attachment.)


I do hope that the New 3ds gets an OS upgrade. I am tired of the wii, wii u, NDS, Dsi, 3ds OS look.


I been playing the Monster Hunter demo and i might look more into it. It seems cool and better then MH3

Other then that idk.....

I hope there will be some good games coming to it since its has more input options and its a bit faster over all.

#308470 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 07 February 2015 - 08:57 PM in General Gaming

A warning to those buying the N3DS from gamestop. In an effort to try to stop scalpers, gamestop only lets you order 1 of each new 3DS XL and only a total of two altogether. However, after I cancelled my order to try to get a MH4 LE N3DS, the cancelled order still counted as 1. Which means, if I cancel preorder 1 more time or something wrong happens with it, I may have to have a long talk with customer service, because their system will try to bar me from getting any

Lets hope that isnt true.

I order a Zelda MM one from ebay since bestbuy messed me over.

I check the guys auctions and he has 100% feedback but he did sell 2 other Zelda MM 3ds.


So hopefully he either use different addresses or something. I guess i find out next week.


I did also order a plain black new 3ds from bestbuy. Ill see how that goes with them. I have lost fate in them.

Have never seen this guy before. He seems very crazy.

And the figure looks great.

#309598 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 24 February 2015 - 03:34 PM in General Gaming

Any peeps in NA with the XL going to import a charging dock?


http://www.ebay.com/...l dock&_sacat=0


just gotta break down and spend the money then wait the month lol..

#307270 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 20 January 2015 - 01:53 PM in General Gaming

Not the best solution, as you will need both 3DSs with you to do a system transfer. At the bare minimum most people will want to keep their NNID, but many people (like me) have a decent sized Digital collection they would like to keep.



Some GameStops will let you do a system transfer right there in the store, check with your local GameStop for details.

At least that's what my local GameStop did for my friend last year. But I hear it's spotty, some are willing to do it and some are not.



As said ^.

The gamestop i go to will let you transfer your data over.

Other then that i guess just buy the new system and sell the old one once you transfer everything.

I plan to sell my old one on ebay

#309199 New 3ds thread

Posted by xile6 on 18 February 2015 - 01:39 PM in General Gaming

So i got one of my New 3ds in (my girls black system)

The system looks great the black isnt flat or just glossy its kind of a carbon fiber texture.

The system itself is nice in the hands. While some of it is bigger then the normal 3ds xl it feels better in the hand.


The 3d is way better then the others. The normal size 3ds had problem with more or being to far away.

The 3ds xl help with that but it still only had a small sweet spot.

The new 3ds with head tracking just works so much better and that what 3d systems should be.


When you first setup the system it shows you an icon of yourself. so it lets you see and get use to how the head tracking works. And its pretty "jam it" good (lol just had to say it).


The button placement is cool. i havent gotten to fully test them out yet tho. I should be gaming on it none stop this weekend lol.

And the screens look better. just a bit tho. It like there just clear or maybe its the fact that the pixel are smaller so you dont see them as much.



Bottom line.


Its a great system and its what the 3ds should of been long time ago. I believe this system will make it and we will start to see better games. No one wanted to carry around a circle pro all the time.



forgot to add

I love the volume button being on the top screen. Its so much bettter. With the normal 3ds xl i would aways end up hitting it with my hand and turning it up or down. But since they moved it its so much better and the volume stays put

I can see more FPS coming out and more ports from gamecube since the button layout is much better.

#307882 Wii Emulator

Posted by xile6 on 30 January 2015 - 05:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

That some pixel art and blow it up full screen.

How does it look?

Now your trying to blow up a 480 wii game to 720. It's going to look worse then it did to start off with.

Sure they could go back over the game and make it hd, but that means your have to re buy the game again.

#303609 Super Smash Bros "There is no SD card inserted."?

Posted by xile6 on 21 November 2014 - 04:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So you made a post without continuing?
It tell you that it's for the screen shot saving.
No big deal.
And I bet it saves to the sd card for easier ablitiy to transfer to a pc and upload.

#299762 Amiibos Are a "Smash" Hit

Posted by xile6 on 04 October 2014 - 06:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

The cases look cool. But i doubt I'll ever use these things. There be more for looking at. Also how useful are the figures in game?

#303711 The Official: Showoff Your Amiibo Thread

Posted by xile6 on 22 November 2014 - 05:31 PM in General Gaming

ah here is my setup



#303796 The Official: Showoff Your Amiibo Thread

Posted by xile6 on 23 November 2014 - 07:26 PM in General Gaming

You live in Austrialia?

Lol no.
I posted from my cellphone and some how the pic got flip.. I'll fix it when I get to my laptop

#303793 The Official: Showoff Your Amiibo Thread

Posted by xile6 on 23 November 2014 - 07:19 PM in General Gaming

These a level up fast.
I lost but it was close.
No idea why that's upside down.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20141123_211129.jpg

#301906 first Watchdogs WiiU screenshots and info

Posted by xile6 on 04 November 2014 - 08:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Id say not at full price.
Maybe a few hundred at around $25 to $30 a game.

To tell the truth this game should of be released before the ps4/x1 version.
It would of made some money, but no they are releasing it months after. I doubt many will buy it.

#309503 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by xile6 on 23 February 2015 - 06:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

They gotta start over and leave the backwards play behind. It's slowing them down in terms of what a new system can be.

The same thing happen with playstation. They left the backwards play to force more on the next gen.

But nintendo needs to get there spec up. They are normally the first one out the gate with new systems. And then ms and Sony looks at there specs and say oh I'll doubt that and we will win.

Nintendo needs to listen to there customers and stop all this kiddy stuff.
That holds them back way to much. Everyone thinks the wii systems are just for little kids. And some or the games are and they just don't show off the teen and adult games. Which is where the money is.
Little kids don't have money. So they can't buy s games or systems.
But if you show off a bad ass me trio that's is rated teen. Then the will get the older people to buy the system.

It will have to have a better and new GUI. (I'm sorry but I'm tired of the 3ds, wii,wii u look ).

Better online play.
Better eshop. (The wii u one is ok but can improve alot)
Every game made would need to support a normal controller. Alot of people don't like using the game pad all the time (I like it even tho devs don't do anything special with it)

Humm mmmm

Price range would probably be close to the $400 to $500 range.

And they need to change very little for nes,snes,gba games. I think if they charged only $1 or .99c that those games would move very fast and they will get more sells.

That's about all I can think off.

#309526 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by xile6 on 23 February 2015 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

^ yes times a million.


they need to drop the wii name. But they wont. I will probably be called "the new wii u" just like the 3ds.

I truly think the should of called the New 3ds "Super 3ds"

But the next Nintendo system should have a brand new name. and the main first party games should be rolling out at lest 1 pre 6months.  metriod, mario, zelda, smash bro, mario party etc....

#305314 New Wii U Gamepad spotted in Japan's advert

Posted by xile6 on 14 December 2014 - 04:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

Now I want those chairs lol....

But nah its the same size.
I don't think nintendo would make the game pad bigger.
It's a nice size for me but I know some believe it's already to big.
They might make a smaller one but then it would be kinda like a pro controller and ds screen combine.

#308465 Print Out Zelda, Kirby, Mario, Yoshi Valentine's Day Cards

Posted by xile6 on 07 February 2015 - 07:00 PM in The Café

these are pretty cool.

If i was a little kid and in school i would use this lol.

#303712 Post what you think of the person above you...

Posted by xile6 on 22 November 2014 - 05:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Many posts but don't quite remember anything he ever said... :ph34r:

^ pix makes me wait to see if the guy is going to fall over lol.


#297878 Destiny General Discussion Thread- The Game of The Year, Game of The Forever.

Posted by xile6 on 03 September 2014 - 08:07 AM in General Gaming

I wasn't hype about this game. Imo it's Halo mixed with board lands.
But i ended up playing the beta and it's pretty cool and fun. I did like board lands and was glad it's more towards that side then halo.
I pre-order it and will be picking it up at launch.
The game does look so great.
I'll probably just do single player for a while then hope online.

#297961 Destiny General Discussion Thread- The Game of The Year, Game of The Forever.

Posted by xile6 on 04 September 2014 - 01:32 PM in General Gaming

Play online mannnnn. It's going to be competitive.

I probably will. I tend to try the story first then hit online. But this game is different. I'll hone my skills then get online.

#291358 N64 coming to WiiU

Posted by xile6 on 23 June 2014 - 05:00 PM in Wii U News

omg these are going to look so bad on a big screen at 1080.

I also bet they will charge an arm and a leg for these old games.

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