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#50053 Is "Wii U" the console's final name?

Posted by 10k on 31 December 2011 - 11:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly if they wanted to keep the wii name but distinguish it as a new console and not confuse the casuals, they should have just called it the "Wii 2"

#51000 Trying to Decipher What the Wii U will have as a GPU

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 02:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

I too came to the conclusion of 4870. It fits and it is advanced enough to run Cyrsis at 30fps and most other games at 60fps. A solid video card. It may be a customized 4870 however and a smaller one due to the advancement of manufacturing.

#51049 Wii U Online Network Thread

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 04:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo Stream still sounds amazing to me


Stream or Cafe or WUN (Wii U Network) or NWN (Nintendo Wii U Network) or just NN (Nintendo Network)

#51051 What apps do you want on the WiiU

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 04:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Stuff that will make me avoid getting my iPad while playing.

Angry birds
Infinity blade

#51053 Paul Network to have wii U game info this month

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 05:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

He was working on info about retro studios next project, after all they did get the first dev kit in 2010. It's most likely Metroid prime 4 or a new F-Zero

#51054 What do you want to see at E3 2012 for Wii U?

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 05:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

Release date (please be before by birthday on June 23rd :D)
First party launch title (most likely Pikmin 3)
Strong third party games that will be released at the same time as PS360
Show the Wii U's true power with actual game footage
A sleeker design for the console and controller (perhaps a little smaller or lighter)

Hopeful: name change haha

#51145 What launch titles will you pick up with your Wii U?

Posted by 10k on 03 January 2012 - 09:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am purposely not playing batman Arkham city because I want to pick it up for the wii u as a launch title. Also, I have a good feeling that Pikmin 3 will be Nintendo's 1st party contribution since it was delayed for wii and should be almost done.

Ninja Gaiden looks cool but I never played the first two so I might not get the story.

Also, retro's ip may be a launch title so we will see.

#51975 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by 10k on 06 January 2012 - 04:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

People are crazy if they expect the wii u to be priced lower than $300 during its launch. $350 is the lowest price you will see the wii u, and Reggie event said they won't lower it's price point for several years unlike the PS3 and Xbox 360. The original wii got its first price drop in 2010 with the super mario all star 25th anniversary bundle.

#52017 they said I was crazy... PS4 and next box at E3 2012

Posted by 10k on 06 January 2012 - 09:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

Xbox 720 will be revealed at E3. Bank on it. Sony just started doing research and developing PS4 titles (allegedly) meaning no PS4 until at least 2014. Holiday 2013 will see Xbox 720. I don't think Microsoft and Sony fear the wii u getting a headstart. They see it as the next dreamcast.

#52033 Wii U's Big Secret

Posted by 10k on 06 January 2012 - 12:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well the wii u was just a prototype. So much could change. Maybe the touchscreen will become multitouch like an iPad? Maybe the controller will be thinner and smaller? Maybe the app store was the secret? Maybe the online service is better thn Xbox live but costs nothing?

I can't possibly imagine what this big secret is if it doesn't have to do with graphics, online, or the controller. What does that leave us with? The console itself?

#52221 Pachter again!!!

Posted by 10k on 06 January 2012 - 09:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Michael Pachter = A Pigeon

A Pigeon that spews fecal matter from his oral cavity.

#52222 Wii U's Big Secret

Posted by 10k on 06 January 2012 - 09:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

I heard Sony experimented on the PS3 of making it's GPU upgradable (much like you could expand the N64's RAM with the expansion pak). It ultimately didn't make the final cut I guess because it cost too much or buying the newest GPU (which would have to be proprietary) would be too expensive.

I could see Nintendo doing this, because they are releasing first, and they do want to future proof their console and avoid a huge power-gap like the Wii-PS3 was.

#53078 they said I was crazy... PS4 and next box at E3 2012

Posted by 10k on 10 January 2012 - 04:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Aslong as nintendo Annouces this:
Retro's Big Project
Monoloft soft Working on a Wii U Game
HD Mario, Metroid, And/or Zelda For the Wii U
Release dates for 3DS Games

I'll be Set For Life :)

No you will be set until E3 2013 ;)

#53084 Why it won't matter if Wii U is not as powerful as neXtBox and PS4.

Posted by 10k on 10 January 2012 - 07:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

Here is some research I did. The numbers are rough but it can give you idea of the generational power leaps.


CPU: 1.79Mhz
GPU: 2kb
RAM: 2kb


CPU: 3.58Mhz (2x better than NES)
GPU: 64kb (32x)
RAM: 128kb (64x)


CPU: 93.75Mhz (23.6x)
GPU: 480i shared with RAM (32x)
RAM: 4Mb (Expandable to 8) (32x)


CPU: 486Mhz (5.1x)
GPU: 43MB 480p shared with RAM (10.75x)
RAM: 43MB (10.75x)


CPU: 729Mhz (1.5x)
GPU: 88Mb shared with RAM 480p (2x)
RAM: 88Mb (2x)

The wii was purposely underpowered, so using the leap of n64 to GameCube specs for the wii to wii u specs you get:

Wii U?

CPU: 3.6GHz Quad Core (About 5.1x better than the Wii's clock speed, plus 3 more cores)
GPU: 1080p shared with RAM (1GB)
RAM: 1GB (88MBx10.75 is 946mb, so I just rounded up to 1 GB)

#53088 Skeptical about the controller...

Posted by 10k on 10 January 2012 - 09:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

I get the feeling the wii u tablet we saw at E3 2011 was a quickly put together prototype, as developers like vigil said their dev kit tablet looked like a huge game boy and they never saw the current tablet. I get a feeling the "final form" of the wii u will have a slimmer console, and slimmer tablet controller that isn't as wide. Hell the circle pads could turn into analog sticks for all we know.

#53396 This is why Nintendo should have stayed home.

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

2 things:

1) Nintendo is known for keeping secrets until release. Hell we didn't learn about super Mario galaxy until E3 2007, 5 months before its release. They did this with the wii. Revealed it 1 year before release but give specs until the E3 before its release. They like to keep secrets to surprise fans and to keep competitors in the dark about what they are planning to do.

2) Reggie didn't rule out an E3 launch (we could see the Wii U launch in June!) and he promised Nintendo would share tidbits between now and E3 so we will not be completely left in the dark.

There is still the game developers conference in march. Also, keep visiting wii u sites and n4g for more info.

#53399 Wii U at GDC 2012?

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 01:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

The only thing Nintendo has done to frustrate me so far with the Wii U is it's hype. Not many people are excited about it, know about it, or know its a whole new console. And if Reggie didn't flat out deny the wii u launching around E3, then why isn't Isis thing being marketed like mad right now. Hell, I keep calling stores to pre-order it and they aren't accepting pre orders yet and we could see this thing in 5-7 months from now.

#53402 This is why Nintendo should have stayed home.

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 01:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yet, Sony and Microsoft haven't released any official information about their next-gen consoles, either, so why is Nintendo on the chopping block for releasing so little? The PlayStation 4 will most likely may not make an appearance at this year's E3, if we take Kaz Hirai's statements at face value.

You should read IGN users comments on the article about "Kaz Hirai says 'no PS4 at E3'" it's hilarious. All these users are getting mad saying "we can't let competitors get a huge lead again!" and "PS3 is old, we need new hardware".

I think the problem for Nintendo was that rumor leaks in April (Project Café) forced Nintendo to reveal the Wii U at E3 before they were ready. Apparently Retro only got a dev kit around Xmas 2010 so nothing was ready. No game trailers, no hardware specs, no actual game demo's. Nintendo probably rushed to reveal something, anything, for 2011. That is why we still know nothing about the Wii U. The problem is now Sony and Microsoft have seen the main premise behind the U and they will copy it for their next gen consoles and just add more powerful hardware. Nintendo should have and probably did want to reveal at E3 2012 and have proper game reveals, trailers, final hardware designs and specs, and release it for holiday 2012 so Sony and Microsoft would fall behind and be shellshocked.

But revealing it last year was like a country going to war against another and announcing it first lol. "hey guys, we're gonna attack you next year at this time, day, location, with these weapons and tactics".

Whereas if they did their reveal in 2012 it would have been more like "BOOM! The War is on MOFO's, what's that? You're not ready? Too bad!"

#53406 Wii U unveil timeline?

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 01:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

I hope? It releases in summer or before my birthday (June 23rd) maybe pull a dreamcast and launch it at E3.

My prediction? September.

Everyone else's prediction and the most likely? November.

NES - October 1985
SNES - August 1991
N64 - September 1996
GCN - November 2001
Wii - November 2006

All dates are north American.

The earliest they have ever released a console in NA is august. The earliest in Japan was July (NES).

#53605 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by 10k on 11 January 2012 - 11:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo Stream
The Nintendo 6
Super Wii
Wii 2

#53767 Your hired to change the Wii U's name. What would you call Nintendo's...

Posted by 10k on 12 January 2012 - 04:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo-U just take out the Wii part, Nintendo Universe, Utopia, Unstoppable etc....Hey I like it >_>

I like that actually. The Nintendo U. Sounds nice. Go to eb games and ask for a multiplatform game like assassins creed "would you like that for the PS3, 360, or the U?"

One syllable.

#53774 nintendo fan on how to win next Gen.

Posted by 10k on 12 January 2012 - 04:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

The problem is most of Nintendos exclusives are not aimed at the hardcore western audience (mainly FPS's and open world games)

If Nintendo got its own gears of war, it's own halo and was capable of releasing hardcore third party games like GTA V and Red Dead games, etc, plus adding on its own first party games it can succeed.

Nintendo's problem was never that it had weak hardware, the problem was it always had one feature that scared away third parties since the N64. The N64 had way better graphics than the Playstation, but it used cartridges instead of discs, which was more expensive to manufacture and couldn't hold as much data (FF VII was abandoned on the N64 because of this). The GameCube had the hardware to run GTA III and other big franchises but it used minidisc hardware that only held 1.5GB of data instead of the 4.7GB DVDs that the Xbox and ps2 used.

This gen, Nintendo is finally using the same discs (blu-ray like), HD visuals that are almost triple that of the PS3, it has standard buttons for regular games, and a touch screen for the casuals, and also the touchscreen and buttons can be combined to add new ways to play. So they have everything all the competitors have, but they also have a tablet to differentiate themselves from the competition. The only thing that can hold the wii u back with third parties is its online system. Will it be like xbox live and assign gamer tags, or will we have to make new accounts for every third party game that wants to use online?

#53775 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by 10k on 12 January 2012 - 04:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

Watch the video posted on these forums about the Wii U pricing. Iwata and Reggie said the Wii U wont be cheap. $299 is cheap. $350 is middle of the line. $400+ is expensive. I keep saying the wii u will cost $349.99 but I'm starting to read articles and quotes from Nintendo and watch videos and see DIY's like IGN and it's starting to look like the Wii U is gonna be priced at $399.99 or $379.99

#53829 Skeptical about the controller...

Posted by 10k on 12 January 2012 - 08:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

This is what I wanted the wii u tablet to look like. Maybe they will release a classic controller pro like this.

#53974 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by 10k on 13 January 2012 - 02:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

how was the wii priced?

$249.99 USD and CAD on launch date. He said it won't launch at the same price as the wii and it won't be cheap. I'm going with $350+

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