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#295315 #FeministsAreUgly currently trending worldwide on twitter

Posted by 3Dude on 08 August 2014 - 08:31 AM in The Café

I'm getting some confusion over who started the movement in the first place. Feminists or anti-feminists. The huffingtonpost seems to think it was Feminists that started it but I think they might be confused a bit. I don't know though.
"Feminism should be about fighting for equality, talking about the big issues like the gender pay gap, FGM, domestic violence and forced marriage."
I agree with that but at this point it's a bit late. I'm also not convinced those are the only issues they're focusing on even when they say so.

Same here. If it was started by 'anti feminists' I cant find anything under the deluge of responses to it.

But doesnt it seem counter intuitive to respond to something that dumb in the first place? By responding to a baseless claim about value via appearence, arent they themselves supplying valur to the concept of the importance of appearence over actual worth?

#298014 "Wait a Year" - Nanco Bandai, on Project Cars Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 05 September 2014 - 02:47 PM in Wii U News

We obviously delayed until 2015, and there were some passionate people who got in touch with us about that. There’s no conspiracy here – we announced the Wii U very early on in our development cycle, and some people think because we’ve been working on it a lot longer so it should be out now. The Xbox One version looks wicked, the PC version looks awesome, so does the PS4 version. It’s not our goal to rush the Wii U version and have it not look as good as the other ones.[/size]
The Nintendo fans we’ve got are crying out for a game like this. They don’t really have that experience currently, and there hasn’t really been anything like it on Wii previously. It’s not our job to disappoint those guys. So when we say the Wii U version is delayed in 2015 because we need a little more time, that’s all it is. We just want to make sure it’s of the same standard of all the other games. To do that, we just need a little more time. I’ve seen the Wii U version, I’ve seen it quite regularly. It’s got dynamic time of day, weather – it looks phenomenal. And the actual console itself is quite good.

They should really just admit they quit working on the wii u version in favour of getting the Xbone and ps4 versions out first, and now they have to pick up where they ditched the wii u to finish.

#292841 "Wait a Year" - Nanco Bandai, on Project Cars Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 11 July 2014 - 02:59 AM in Wii U News

Didnt the wii u win slightly mad studios poll on what platform are you going to get project cars on?

#292844 "Wait a Year" - Nanco Bandai, on Project Cars Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 11 July 2014 - 03:21 AM in Wii U News



#299080 (Shockers) Watch Dogs DLC not coming to Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 24 September 2014 - 10:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Shocker: 3dudes money wont be heading for Ubisoft.

#298367 **WARNING SPOILERS!** Someone is Steaming Smash 3DS!

Posted by 3Dude on 11 September 2014 - 09:18 AM in General Gaming

Im all kinds of steaming for smash.

#303350 *Shots fired* Sony hits Nintendo with words

Posted by 3Dude on 18 November 2014 - 04:46 PM in General Gaming

Well, financially, the Wii u IS a shadow of the wii.


Unfortunately, the vita is a shadow of the psp...

#303397 *Shots fired* Sony hits Nintendo with words

Posted by 3Dude on 18 November 2014 - 08:56 PM in General Gaming

I'm probably going to drag a lot of hate for this, but...they're halfway right.
The Wii brand is a shadow of its former self. In both sales, public awareness, and developer support.
And as for the Vita...while it hasn't gotten much in the way of "AAA" support, or even straight up support from Sony and its owned companies, I've admittedly been using it way more than my Wii U in just about every aspect. Gaming, youtube...granted, I know this is more of a personal opinion, but the Vita /is/ a pretty good value if you don't mind trying new things. I've got more Vita games than I do for the Wii U, honestly. :T

Its a great peice of hardware. and I would get one soooooo hard if sony would just support it.

This is the machine sony should be experimenting with, its powerful enough to do anything in their stable, yet as a handheld halfway between ps2/3 its cheap enough to make full featured games for a fraction of the cost of a ps4.

We should be seeing those high quality sony ip's left out to dry during the worst generation out the arse on this, Dark cloud vita, alundra vita, colony wars vita, legend of dragoon v2 vita, team ico something damned vita, ghost hunter vita, Tomba vita, bushido blade vita, rise of the kasai vita....

Sigh, this dimension sucks. Where are the sliders, I need to go to a dimension where everyone didnt screw everything up...

#295625 10 Interesting facts about Waluigi

Posted by 3Dude on 12 August 2014 - 09:39 AM in The Café

Actually... Yes, that was fun, thanks.

#288952 15 Capcom games coming to VC

Posted by 3Dude on 09 June 2014 - 12:13 PM in General Gaming

Hah, mighty final fight is the best version of final fight.

#286925 2 Weeks Until Mario Kart!

Posted by 3Dude on 28 May 2014 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well mine arrived today. I didn't expect it to arrive this early. :)


#304290 2015 - Assassin's Creed Victory! - London (Victorian)

Posted by 3Dude on 02 December 2014 - 07:51 PM in General Gaming

They wont stop making them until people stop buying them. If people want gaming to begin evolving and progressing in design again, they need to stop being tools to marketing.


Real game designers, the ones with talent, are leaving the videogame market to persue varied, and very successful careers in gamification instead, because they enjoy the creativity and talent they get to excersise that just isnt financially rewarded in todays marketing brainwashed publisher conglomerate dominated consumer market.... And they now make more money in months working half the time than they used to make in a year.


If people want great games again, we need an audience worth making games for. As of right now, we have an audience that simply wants to be told what to buy, and then be told how awesome what they just bought is, and enjoy being conditioned to viciously attack anything else.

#290021 2D/3D Metroid in planning

Posted by 3Dude on 12 June 2014 - 03:46 PM in General Gaming

'As for Metroid Prime, nobody at all makes anything like that. So in other words, if you don't do it, no one will.'

An apt description of my personal gaming hell. My favourite genres are ill suited to mass produced factory line crapouts, and as such, have all but ceased being made. Bittersweet news. Glad a new metroid is in the works. Bummed production hasnt even started yet.

#299303 30 min of Fatal Frame

Posted by 3Dude on 26 September 2014 - 03:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

heres another video 
im not too sure about this game anymore. the controls seem jerky, theres a lack of facial expression, the characters dont seem to be truly "interacting" with the things they touch because it seem like they aren't really touching them, the graphics arent a problem but they make the "object interaction" go through one another and seem stiff like her skirt when she is crawling, if that makes sense. plus the characters seem a little stiff too, like it seem like their fingers cant wrap around stuff lol.

Im not alone, we can be obsessively horrible together!

#299227 30 min of Fatal Frame

Posted by 3Dude on 25 September 2014 - 07:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

AI and animation need to make huge steps towards acknowledging whats happening on screen, The framework is already in games, somebody just needs to go from 'make sure head looks at nearest object' to 'run scared facial animation and walk cycle appropriate to nearest threat'.

Not specifically a slant at this game, but at games in general, it just really sticks out to me here because everything else seems to be really well done... And then you have this girl who is supposed to be terrified lesuirely strolling through pissed off dead chick rave.

This kind of game could also really benefit from some environment contextual animation as well.

I really dont mean to sound so downo nt he game, im really not, it just looks so damn clean that these thngs really stand out now.... Where they really didnt before.

#305833 32gb or 8gb?

Posted by 3Dude on 22 December 2014 - 06:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

Both storage amounts are pretty puny. You are going to want a hard drive regaurdless if you are planning on downloading retail size games, or lots of eshop titles.

Not saying you cant get by without one, (i dont use one) but you may find yourself deleting and redownloading titles when you need to clear room or play things again.

#296880 35 Minutes of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted by 3Dude on 25 August 2014 - 04:43 PM in General Gaming

Looks pretty awesome, if a bit bland... Could do with some more fantasy in the environments, interesting landmarks, like the great tree on the mountain.<br /><br />Looking forward to this.

#290397 3dudes free game of the day, HAX:CORP by Guilherme S. Töws

Posted by 3Dude on 15 June 2014 - 09:10 AM in General Gaming

What if AAA video game developers didnt treat you like a moronic peice of crap? What if they actually thought you were capable of learning things like a human being?

Watchdogs recently brought to the plate a game around the concept of 'hacking', but in reality, you dont hack anything. Everything is done with a predetermined finite state machine, where you just point to the thing you want hacked, and click on it, and it does its predetermined job.

But what if they actually let you HACK things? Well,Zaratustra productions hax corps does just that. It treats you like a big boy, who can read and figure things out like a big boy. And lets you hack into the constructs of its game world and reprogram them.

The premise is simple, you are stuck in a gigantic evil warehouse of the evil, evil corporation, and must hack your way to the data chips to find out whats going on.

Collecting data chips will give you information you can use to better hack/progress in the game world, hacking objects and using basic critical thinking and problem solving abilities will ALSO allow you to learn how to Hack.

For example, after hacking into one of your first servers you see the code:


The game suggests you replace 'close' with 'open' and you instantly get how the game works. It just works. From then on, all you leanr is learned yourself, or via collecting data chips.

The game is html5 and runs in the web browser, so its super easy to get started.


There are 50 data chips total, I have managed to get 47.

So just think. What if, instead of a tiny little game, made by a single person, what if this mechanic was taken out of this game, and put into a AAA game like watchdogs? What kind of possibilities would then arise, with the actual capability to quickly, simply, and effectively reprogram objects in the game?

It would be a Brave new world.

#288698 3Dudes free game of the day: Eversion

Posted by 3Dude on 08 June 2014 - 09:30 AM in General Gaming

The game didn't work for me. I clicked the link, it downloaded, but when I went to start it up, it said "Application not found". You better not have screwed with my computer.

It wont screw with your computer. Probably just a case of a wrong pointer to where the file actually is, it is rather old, so different versions of windows might not handle file pointing the same way, which would lead to not being found. Try just opening it instead of downloading it, and clicking directly on the execution file.

Just a little pointer, gems will remain collected when you die. Trying to collect all the gems in a level, rather than just going from right to left, completely changes the game.

To that end, blocks stay destroyed when you evert.
Enemies stay dead when you evert
Both blocks and enemies can be crucial to both kill/not kill in order to collect all the gems.

#288690 3Dudes free game of the day: Eversion

Posted by 3Dude on 08 June 2014 - 09:05 AM in General Gaming

Just figured Id throw out some gems every once in a while. These will typically be games that are seemingly straight forward, but provide more meaning than force glance would suggest.

Was digging though my pc games and found a little text file with an adress I guess I visit every so often, Think its been over a year this time.


Why, its a nice little side scrolling platformer! See I dont HATE them.

This link comes straight from zaratustra productions, so its virus free. Its incredibly small, so you could just push open, and click on eversion .exe and be playing instantly.

Dont forget to check out his other work if you like. Its always nice to see people keeping high quality products free just because they love what they do.

And... Thats all Im going to say. If any one actually tries this, and for long enough to begin to see what it is, it would be great to start a discussion about it.... To do so before hand would really ruin the experience.

#296191 3rd party console exclusives reality. Except Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 18 August 2014 - 08:13 AM in General Gaming

But that's pretty much the point of the game. It's a hack and slash shooter with over-the-top violence- it's not supposed to have a lot of substance, it's just supposed to be fun.

The game looked completely meh to me, until they began showing off the multiplayer. Then it became really, really interesting to me.

#293192 792p next gen consoles vs PC

Posted by 3Dude on 14 July 2014 - 02:37 PM in General Gaming

Pretty good conditioned environment... As far as multiplat games go.

#284817 [Rumor] Leaked: Nintendo Digital Event 2014 --- Star Fox by Platinum Games!

Posted by 3Dude on 10 May 2014 - 07:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Way too good to be true.

Besides anythingbthat actually puts 'monster hunter' in the description for X is fake.

Xenoworld is also a poor name. Concept is good enough, but should exchange world with a homonym that doesnt sound doofy.

Like Xenosphere.

#291283 A Serious Problem

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 07:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

I worded my OP wrong about the tv turning off. It's just the console itself that suddenly shuts off. After that, the only way to turn the Wii U back on is to unplug the AC adaptor and plug it back in. And the Wii U isn't in any case, aside from an extremely large and open shelf with plenty of space.

The whole CONSOLE shuts off? And you have to unplug it? Repeatedly?

Dude, thats not normal at all.

Looks like you won the poo lottery.

#291350 A Serious Problem

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 02:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well Im glad things are better for you now.

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