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#308080 Zelda WiiU - thoughts?

Posted by tboss on 03 February 2015 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

We wont know until its in our hands, this is the way of Zelda.

#289348 Zelda U graphics thoughts

Posted by tboss on 10 June 2014 - 10:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

looks great to me. got a anime mix that doesn't look ugly, not to mention open world.

#304602 Zelda U Gameplay from Game Awards

Posted by tboss on 05 December 2014 - 09:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

and ive still been posting in the awards thread =/

#312324 Xenoblade X - Direct & Tree House 4/24/15

Posted by tboss on 24 April 2015 - 11:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

got back from class expecting to rewatch and catch-up, and its still going.

#304170 Xenoblade Chronicles X to Have a Deep Sci-Fi Story

Posted by tboss on 30 November 2014 - 03:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

im guessing that means more complex plotline, or less straight forward of a plotline.  Could also mean more complex concepts that play a more important role or more necessary to understand the plot.  The new game is dealing with 3+ factions, while xenoblade really only had major 2 for the vast majority of the story.


The lore, worldbuilding, and background were some of the 'sub' highlights that xenoblade did well, but weren't directly necessary parts of the story. Though those aspects of the game are very hard to beat. The story itself in xenoblade is very straightforward, with many of the main plot concepts spelled out for you. Most of the sub-plot points show more of the world building, lore, as well as thought into the naming.  


At least this is what i think Takahashi was talking about, as opposed to the more advanced concepts around the lore and the world building.

#307649 Xenoblade Chronicles X famitsu interview: Map is 400km squared

Posted by tboss on 27 January 2015 - 11:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

how accurate is a meter in that game to real life? Many games tend to approximate and end up with a distance that varies from .3-2.0x the actual distance.

#306981 Xenoblade Chronicles New 3DS Boxart

Posted by tboss on 14 January 2015 - 06:46 PM in General Gaming


Awesome!!!!! I'm really feeling it! XD I hate how the "only for" part is right beside the logo though, would have preferred a sticker on top of the plastic layer or something instead...


Btw, to all Xenoblade fans, should I buy this game on the new Nintendo 3DS? Or look for it on the Wii or wait for it to eventually come to the eShop?

Id say get it however you want it most. Its going to be hard to get on wii, and it could be pricey, anywhere from full retail price into the hundreds, depending on availability (Gamestop) in your area, or if you are forced to get it online through ebay.


The 3ds version will have some extra features (Like a model veiwer), will be portable, 3d of course, and it will be easier to find, however, at 240p, the loss of resolution will cut out a lot of visual details, despite the games being asset identical, for every 2 pixels on the wii game, you only get 1  displayed for the 3ds game.


Visual Example of what a lower resolution screen does to identical objects:


Of course, actual pixels cant be subdivided like that (Thos would be the biggest breakthrough in screen technology EVER) and of course, with my rotten luck they dont show what it should really look like, so Ill have to use another example to give you a visual idea of how this works visually.




Its not technically directly related, so ignore the words. Basically, whatever (pixelated) image you look at, pretend the one you are looking at is a circle on wii at 480p, and the one directly above it, is what you would get with the same circle on 3ds because of the smaller resolution screen.





This means the further into the distance you look, the more visual information is lost because of the lower resolution screen, for some  this may be an issue, however, being the original game was only 480p during a time when every other game was 720-1080, the games visuals rely on the strength of its scene composition and art direction, and not clean image quality and tons of tiny details. 


It might be because I have already done playthroughs in HD on dolphin (It does look very nice with clean hd IQ), but I am far more excited to see how the game pops in 3d, especially since I long ago was blown away by the 3d screens of xenoblade someone made for the 3ds browser. Ive been wishing for an impossible xenoblade in 3d ever since, and now its practically upon us XD




Well since you already have it on dolphin version, wait for a wiiU digital version. There is no risk of anything getting lost from the res drop, or draw distance. The 3DS version mostly just exposes the game to a larger audience. I wouldn't consider it unless they make extensive additions. Im also someone who doesn't care about 3D =/. Between the physical and eventual digital, There is little point to the physical unless you want it as part of a collection. The eventual digital version gives the money to nintendo and monolithsoft. The time delay for a digital version shouldn't mean much. So it comes down to collection or giving the makers of the game deserved money.  

#292001 Will this external hard drive work on my Wii U?

Posted by tboss on 30 June 2014 - 04:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Any USB2.0 hardrive with its own powersupply should work

Any USB2.0 hardrive with its own powersupply should work

#311420 Wii U - Shin Megami Tensei & Fire Emblem Crossover Project Gameplay Trailer

Posted by tboss on 02 April 2015 - 08:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Didn't really know what to expect when it was announced, still don't really know what to expect now. 


I was wondering if the game takes place in the future of one of the lands in fire-emblem, in which case one or more of the games will have taken place in the distant past. Of course the interview also says modern day japan. Not sure if that's the bases or the actual location.   The game play doesn't tell me much ether, except it is unlikely to feature the battlefield general in a obvious way. 


Judging from the little game-play we saw, there appears to be at least some positioning. As well as enemies/players not necessary attacking in turns but in a specific order, that changes throughout the battle. At this point I doubt it will be instanced turn based battles, though that is still possible, but we may get something in-between what came from code-name steam and ff12/xenoblade style combat. This also makes me wonder if you can control multiple squads in how and where they fight, but that is pure speculation, can give the game a tactical feel. 


Not sure how this crossover is going to go, I don't trust it to be good, but still interested.

#306401 Who to listen to when it comes to game reviews?

Posted by tboss on 04 January 2015 - 11:22 AM in General Gaming

I usually use collective reviews, along with people opinions that actually explain why they are good/bad.  aka, i use a mix of alot of sources. Most independent reviews tend to have issues such as bribing, and the people who are easily impressed or like drastically different tastes need to be weeded out. Do sometimes watch game play, though even that is semi-reliable on games that start poor but build on themselves to make it decent/good such as xenoblade's.

#311316 Who are YOU voting for?

Posted by tboss on 01 April 2015 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

for the return of snake.

#290519 Which game do you think is the best out of this selection?

Posted by tboss on 16 June 2014 - 10:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Out of the ones i played, pikmin.

#287419 What Would You Rate MK8

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Near perfect game, well balanced, good maps, good balance. Going all spped+ manuravability is easilly punished by items, light can go through almost unhindered but slow. Ai are much smarter and can troll you. Im wondering if the hard will use item shields...

My only major complaint is there isnt enough servers for 4-8 player lobbies. At 12 players every game it can get a little overly chaotic, also the lack of a basic items mode.

#287440 What Would You Rate MK8

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 12:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

8-8.8. Definitely the best Mario Kart I've played but items' randomisation is... too random at times that it is highly annoying. I hate it when I only get coins three times in a row and have nothing to defend my first place.


By the way, does anyone else get Blue Shells all the time? There is hardly a single race without one.


in grandprix i have been hit in almost every game, online they come at max, every other game. only the really strong items seem to have a placement cap, and most items are available from any place, though most are less likly.


also notice that the beginning of the first lap always gives weak items, i dont know how long the weak items last though.

#307156 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by tboss on 18 January 2015 - 07:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

voted Xenoblade. Have more faith in that game being something i end up liking. Think zelda will be good but i wouldn't be surprised if their is something in there to bring it down =/. then would splatoon and racing neo.

#308627 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by tboss on 10 February 2015 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Haha I hope they're not spending too much on the budget for Devil's Third. Cos no-one's buying the damn thing.


Nobody's hyping it up ether. Still have no idea if its going to be good then.

#303811 What Was Your 1st FPS Game and Favorite and WHY?

Posted by tboss on 23 November 2014 - 10:08 PM in General Gaming

My favourite is 007 Nightfire


not enough people know about this game...

#287493 What Mario Kart 8 Character will you use?

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 04:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

after playing some, i use bowser with the yoshi bike and whatever tire gives me the best speed/courning combination.


It is a good setup for getting ahead and maintaining a lead, getting hit or off roading will set you back more than most other setups. all but the offloading has at least acceptable recovery. Going all speed is the same type of thing, except if you get hit, it sets you back alot.  need a bike to get acceptable courning, on karts you cant turn at all, even with drifting.

#287066 What Mario Kart 8 Character will you use?

Posted by tboss on 29 May 2014 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Baby Peach! When my family first started playing Mario Kart Wii regularly, we noticed that Baby Peach was often in first. So I decided I would play as her. xD And now she's my main! :)


i didn't notice this, i usually saw a heavy character with the bowser's bike winning most often.

#288917 What features would you like to see announced for the Wii U at E3?

Posted by tboss on 09 June 2014 - 10:32 AM in General Gaming

crossgame chat+ improved online


also GC+N64 VC

#308553 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by tboss on 09 February 2015 - 10:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

why are so many people saying 6-8 x86 amd core. The only reason to even consider x86 is because its familiar, not because its good.  Its used now to make most pc's compatible with eachother, when your making something specialized, like a console, you can use a architecture much better suited for games. 


as for 6-8 core, This was, and still is, a terrible idea for consoles, which are meant to focus on 1 application, and a few OS background tasks. You are better off with 1 core thats as strong as 4 or even 3 of those cores. trying to get 1 application(game) to effectively use 6+ cores has proven itself a very error prone and unnecessary difficult process. I wouldn't be surprised if so many current gen games are so glitchy because devs tried to make use of the cores, combined with the already short deadlines. Most games now would not run off 1-2 of the amd cores they are using now.

#287497 What do you guys think about Iwata?

Posted by tboss on 31 May 2014 - 04:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

The good, guy understands making good games, and pushes for Nintendo to do so.  He does try new things, and is a little more lenient than the last guy to 3rd party, (the last guy had no problem telling them to Wii off), though he makes very few attempts at gaining them. seems like second party or no ninty support, unless they can prove themselfs. He has also proven to take honor related things seriously and cares about delivering something good, not ripping people to horde as much money as possible.


the bad. The bad is always easier to point out. Iwata seems more like a dev than a businessman. He used to be a programmer making the original smash bros. Nintendo is prone to assume many people like the same games, and not step outside the boundary. such as all the platformers we got with little else. Also demonstrating lack of actual business knowledge is how much he squandered advertising and creating hype for his console. Hype is the main driving force for the consoles this generation, look at PS4, it has literately nothing going for it except hype, x1 and wiiU have more and better games, PC rapes it in power. Hype alone is bringing it in the lead. 


Honestly i think iwata should be one of the lead devs of one of the games Nintendo produces. Nintendo should have a CEO that has a market sence, but has a confirmed interest in actually making good games. aka best off getting a gamer who did great in business and approved by Miyamoto and other lead devs to pick CEO. Have the CEO be in charge in how funds or split and get a actual marketing team, i would give him limited control with only being a adviser to what games are produced, which would likely be saying where demand is. Also recommend some limitation that prevents the CEO from thinking in mass money and not good games, which may be dependent on devs having a say in the CEO's term.  the last few parts are more to prevent a Nintendo becoming EA situation if a softshell lizard gets in charge and goes away from what nintendo is good for. One of the good things about him being in charge is there is no immediate risk of that.

#293267 Vote for Wind Waker in 'Your Beautiful Game'

Posted by tboss on 15 July 2014 - 10:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

out of the current finalists, sure. 


as for all, there were so many repeats that i stopped looking.

#307572 Van Damme kicks in Xenoblade Chronicles X!

Posted by tboss on 25 January 2015 - 11:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

... is Van Damme wearing crouch armor?  His design looks great until you notice that, though it shouldn't be surprising compared to some of the armor in the last game.


Other then that, design looks good for him Irina.


Also don't get 3dude's derp face problem. Lyn's make's since considering her in game age. Elma looks like spray-can tans and bleach blond got stereotyped as american, which contrasts greatly from the limited back story we heard so far =/. Id can see it if we see it on alot more characters and the game tries to tell us they are 20+.

#300401 Unboxing / Speed Tests New 3DS / C Stick

Posted by tboss on 14 October 2014 - 04:16 PM in General Gaming

those botton colors are throwing me off =/ 

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