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#104100 Many Awesome New Wii U Accessories

Posted by andodel on 03 September 2012 - 12:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just Googled Atomic Accessories. They look real enough to me.

Wait, seriously. The descriptions sounded so snarky, and the products so worthless. Now I feel stupid :(

#103436 Nintendo Land Bundle

Posted by andodel on 31 August 2012 - 04:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Having two Gamepads in one box would be terrible seeing as no games support two of them for now.

He's talking about a Upad in the Nintendoland box, since hes saying it wouldn't be sold with the U outside of NA.

#103434 Many Awesome New Wii U Accessories

Posted by andodel on 31 August 2012 - 04:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ya know what I hate about the internet? It's hard to tell when people are being sarcastic. I'm taking about the people in this thread, not the article :P. I'm seriously hoping people asking for release date and price realize none of these are real.

#103432 Developers Finally Revealing some of Wii U specs

Posted by andodel on 31 August 2012 - 04:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

lol guys these specs are very questionable and so is the source, don't believe them at all, they aren't confirmed.

Regardless of whether there true or not, the Wiiu will be fine. People seem to think that the PS4/720 will crush it in specs, but thats just plain impossible. The only way they could be as far ahead of Nintendo as they were this gen is if they went 4k, which would potentially be the biggest flounder Sony/MS have ever made in the gaming industry.

#100727 Assasin's Creed Comic on AC III for wii u!

Posted by andodel on 20 August 2012 - 04:49 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess you really want it for the story, but since that's all you really want, you can easily find the backstory on the internet. Course, with AC, you don't really have to play the previous games, since the primary story is relatively basic, and the protagonists story is all fleshed out in the specific game.

#100725 GameStop Employee: "There will be no Wii U Midnight Launch(es) at GameSto...

Posted by andodel on 20 August 2012 - 04:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

I can see this for several reasons:
1) The Wii U and Nintendo is very family centric. At midnight, only gamers are going to be the ones daring to be awake to go to a gamestop and purchase one. Nintendo probably chose to hold back on that, because they wouldn't have their entire audience purchasing at that hour. In short, people expecting to buy during the day may find empty stocks.

2) The recent Dark Knight Rises incident.

3) Gamestop is gay.

What does the DKR thing have to do with this? It was a shooting, they happen all the time, regardless of the situation. If somebody wants to shoot up a crowd, then there going to do it regardless of other variables.
I really don't get all the hate for Gamestop. They just sell video games, and buy back used ones. You don't like the amount they'll give you, then don't trade in, but that doesn't mean they are a horrible store. Perhaps instead of getting into a conversation with the employees, just so you can find another reason to hate them, you should just buy/sell and get out.
As for a midnight launch, they've done this for past consoles, so theres a high chance they'll do it again.

#94857 what about physics gc and wii were fantastic just thought id ad a physics thread

Posted by andodel on 22 July 2012 - 02:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Physics are based on the game Engine, so yeah. I mean, the game engine needs specs to run, but the physics themself are only as good as the engine. Great example is Source.

#94396 Anti- zombiu

Posted by andodel on 19 July 2012 - 04:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Okay I know most of you will buy this game, but is there anyone who's not buying the game? For me , I love the concept, but there's just too much blood and horror and I don't really play M games, plus blood makes me Squamish. I watched the trailer for zombiu with the pictures only, I was fine when I watched it the first time, but the second time I nearly wanted to throw up. What made it even creepier was that it had the song god save the queen playing.

Don't get me wrong, I love the concept and all but I'm more centered around family friendly games. I have a little nephew who wants me to get it cause he thinks it's 'cool' I am not letting a 9 year old play a zombie game.

Plus I have a two year old goddaughter to think about so... Yeah...don't want to scare her. :)

Honestly, kids these days could care less. My guess is the 9 year old has seen worse than Zombiu. This generation just isn't scared as easily, which is why the survival horror genre has taken a hit.
Anyways, it sounds like you are a hematophobiac (Science for afraid of blood ;), so you really shouldn't get it if you aren't going to like it.

#94395 Super Mario Sunshine 2

Posted by andodel on 19 July 2012 - 04:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That's what I'm concerned about too. I really don't see why they dropped analog triggers. <_< I also remember a similar function in Luigi's Mansion to control the power of the suction.

I still don't get what the big deal is. I always just pressed it all the way down, never really had to do it lightly. Never did play Luigis Mansion, but I assume I could've played it in a similar manner.

#94262 Free Xbox live Gold?

Posted by andodel on 18 July 2012 - 05:14 AM in General Gaming

Its a key-gen, those are common on the internet. Sometimes they're real, other times fake with a virus. Download at your own risk.

#94261 Sonic Adventure 2 HD

Posted by andodel on 18 July 2012 - 05:10 AM in General Gaming

Could very well happen, since Sega and Nintendo are buddies now. Or at least more so than with Sony/Microsoft, considering they didn't release Sonic 2006 on Wii :P
The thing is, a lot of games have been revealed for Wiiu, and even ones that have haven't really been promoting it. Look at trailers and the like for a lot of games coming to Wiiu, and you won't see a Wiiu logo. For all we know, a Wiiu version could be in the works, they just haven't announced it. Don't get your hopes up though.

#94260 Valve has officially revealed Steam for Linux - including L4D2!

Posted by andodel on 18 July 2012 - 05:02 AM in General Gaming

Wow, so now Mac users don't have to feel like they're the ones getting shafted. Mac and PC users can laugh at Linux users together :P
No offense to Linux users, its a great operating system, but it tends to have compatibility issues, unless you use Wine.

#93554 Sonic the Hedgehog 2013

Posted by andodel on 16 July 2012 - 04:12 AM in General Gaming

Still no SA3 confirmation, but SA2 HD is heading to XBL/PSN.

Sadly, nothing was said about a Wiiu release :(

#93406 Wii U @ ComicCon

Posted by andodel on 15 July 2012 - 03:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

funny how a console makes it into a comic convention (or is there some secret wording here)
anyways, normal normal, its bound to be normal stuff but theres hope for new info

Comic-con isn't all about comics you know, it's really just an entertainment expo since it also has TV/Videogame booths, panels, etc.

#92898 Resident Evil 1.5 mod

Posted by andodel on 10 July 2012 - 03:00 PM in General Gaming

I'd like them to focus on what made the originals great, it wasn't shooting hundreds of enemies, it was atmosphere, terror, and suspense. Even a game that came out in 1998 (Resident Evil 2) still manages to be one of the best Resident Evil games to date, only maybe being beaten by the Resident Evil remake due to it's smoother game mechanics and graphical leaps.

Resident Evil 4 was refreshing, however they mistook the action element to what audiences wanted from Resident Evil, whereas it was the game mechanic that we enjoyed. If RE6 was mroe like Dead Space I'd be happy, unfortunately it's taken a route where I'd rather spend my money on a more original action shooter, OR a scarier horror game. I'm hoping for Eternal Darkness 2 and a Fatal Frame (Project Zero) for the Wii U to satisfy my hunger for a game that'l actually scare me to death.

Still a Resident Evil reboot would be handy, you could set the first one in an abandoned sewage-treatment facility instead of a mansion, and set it nearly entirely in the dark. The 2nd game could be a remake of Resident Evil 1.5, because it has enough differences for it to be a completely different game-play and story experience.

If you really want a good new horror game, go with Silent Hill. Even the most recent game in the series, Downpour, manages to be much like the original.
The prime reason RE left survival horror was because the genre really lost the horror element. Back when RE1 and Silent Hill came out, people were more easily scared. Now, the only way to geneuinley scare someone is if you throw in jump scares. Look at Deadspace, that game has the dreary environments and messed up things that RE had, but the fact is, that doesn't scare people. Maybe it weirds them out at best. Hell, even some people are impervious to jump scares. The only reason Deadspace is as popular as it is is because of all the action. sure, there's a lot of exploring and maybe some puzzles, but in the end, well over half of the game is blowing necromorphs to bits. The world and the people that live in it is changing, and video game devs have to take that into account. If you compare the sales of Downpour to RE6 after it releases, I'm sure you'll see why RE changed.

#92789 Resident Evil 1.5 mod

Posted by andodel on 10 July 2012 - 05:13 AM in General Gaming

Idk, I'd rather them push forward than backwards. However I gotta say, REmake and RE0 are my favorite RE's. I hated 5, just because of some stupid game mechanics. RE6 looks like it will fix those, and while it isn't really a survival-horror, it'll still be a fun game.

#92741 Sonic the Hedgehog 2013

Posted by andodel on 09 July 2012 - 06:22 PM in General Gaming

I can't seem to make a link to the Youtube video's page itself, because it automatically converts... Oh well, just get onto this video and look at one of the responses from Hunnid-P himself:


ill have some new knuckles music as soon as sega and i work on this new project for sonic so stay tuned!!! i have many different projects im workin on n im here to give my fans what they want thx!"

Huh, well despite poor grammar, I guess he could actually work for Sega. None the less I still wouldn't take this as a confirmation of a new Sonic.

#92739 Resident Evil 1.5 mod

Posted by andodel on 09 July 2012 - 06:18 PM in General Gaming

Wait, how is this possible when 1.5 was never released? I mean, how could anyone know the level designs?

#92738 Mario Kart 7 Troubleshooting Help

Posted by andodel on 09 July 2012 - 06:15 PM in General Gaming

Did you properly move the data on the old card to the new one?
Wi-Fi certainly had nothing to do with it.

#92509 Sonic the Hedgehog 2013

Posted by andodel on 08 July 2012 - 04:55 AM in General Gaming

Not only is there no link, but even if there was, I'd find it hard to believe a comment from some random guy on youtube. I mean, it would be pretty easy to make that up :/
Not to say I don't want a new Sonic game. Hell, I'd love an SA3. Just would make it better if it didn't feel like I'm sliding on ice when playing Sonic. I mean, can't we just have him walk/run normally, and then have a separate button to speed him up (Boost button, only your not invincible).

#92410 Club Nintendo's Platinum and Gold Gifts revealed.

Posted by andodel on 07 July 2012 - 06:25 AM in General Gaming

I'm going to get Metroid 2 (Gold status), however its telling me I already claimed me I don't qualify, so I contacted support.

While I do like to defend Nintendo over CN stuff (Cause as we all know they don't have to do this), I do get why people are angry. I mean, you have to be envious of Japan and their 8-bit Mario pillow platinum reward :D

#92012 Monster Hunter 4 News/Pictures/Videos

Posted by andodel on 05 July 2012 - 04:41 AM in General Gaming

I doubt there will be an American release. Monster Hunter never has been a super seller outside Japan. Tri did ok, but I'm not sure it convinced them enough.

Total Units
North America: 0.55m 26.7% + Europe: 0.34m 16.8% + Japan: 1.05m 51.6% + Rest of the World: 0.10m 4.9% = Global 2.04m

For another comparison, the original Monster Hunter sales: http://www.vgchartz....monster-hunter/
North America: 0.11m 21.6% + Europe: 0.08m 16.9% + Japan: 0.28m 55.9% + Rest of the World: 0.03m 5.6% = Global 0.50m
I think you can see why they hate releasing outside of Japan.

#91364 Wii U Tech Specs (Post-E3 Rumor) *got salt?

Posted by andodel on 02 July 2012 - 05:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

PowerPC CPU? I thought it was confirmed Power7

I don't believe that was ever confirmed, I'm pretty sure it was just a rumor that's gotten to the point where most assume it is Power7.

I'm getting tired of rumor specs, they're all so different its not even worth it. Just wait till the consoles released.

#91234 What Store do you Buy your Video Games at?

Posted by andodel on 02 July 2012 - 04:37 AM in General Gaming

If its in a store, its Target. Occasionally Gamestop, and commonly amazon.

#91081 Possible leaked Smash 4 Roster Found

Posted by andodel on 01 July 2012 - 05:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Seems too farfetched to me. I mean, they haven't even began production for the game....

Yeah they have. Or at least they're in the idea phase. They said Kid Icarus is done, so they're starting on Smash bros.

I for one would love that list.

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