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#9505 Worst game in history.

Posted by raney150 on 20 June 2011 - 05:41 AM in General Gaming

Yeah 3 zelda games and 1 mario game were on the Sega CD (add on for sega genesis.)
If you think your living under a rock cause you don't know about these 4 games, well thats a good rock to live.

Haha, as the guy below this post said, it would be impossible.

Nintendo would never ever give their franchises to a Sega console. I forgot all about the CDi

#9504 PS4 long way off

Posted by raney150 on 20 June 2011 - 05:39 AM in General Gaming

There were still games coming out for the NES in the late 90s, yet the console was by no means still on it's life cycle, fact of the matter is, the PS2 is gone, sure people still play it and the odd game might be released for it now and then, but the console isn't still in it's 'lifecycle.'

Actually the NES's life cycle was considered to end in either 92 or 95. I keep getting different answers. Which that would fit with a 10 year life cycle. But Sony has said there will be a 1- year life cycle for all of their consoles. It's arguable apparently whether they succeeded or not, but it doesn't change the fact that they have said it for the PS, PS2, and PS3. They will more than likely say it for the PS4, and the PS5, and however many more playstations there will be.

#9460 PS4 long way off

Posted by raney150 on 20 June 2011 - 02:27 AM in General Gaming

It does to an extent, while it was always known that once the PS4 came out, support for PS3 would continue, as it did for the PS2, it won't continue for that long, It the PS4 is released in 2013, they won't still be making PS3 games in 2017.

Also, It has been stated that they don't plan on a new console till 2017, but that statement was a long time ago and is very unlikely to happen.

Really, because they still make games for the PS2.

#9459 Wii U competition sooner then expected?

Posted by raney150 on 20 June 2011 - 02:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

I hate to break it to you but the PS2 is not in it's 11th year, it went out back in 2008 (about a year after PS3's release), just because people still play it, or there might be a game ported to it every now and then doesn't mean it's still on it's lifecycle.
If they want the PS3 to last till 2017 then the PS4 can't come out until late 2016.
The NES wasn't officially discontinued in Japan until 2003, but that was after the GCN came out (3 consoles later!) does that mean it had a life cycle of 18 years? No.

There are still games made for the PS2

If they are still making games for it, it's life cycle hasn't ended.

#9442 PS4 long way off

Posted by raney150 on 20 June 2011 - 12:44 AM in General Gaming

Sony did state that they thought the PS3 could last a decade, though I do think we'll be seeing something new before 2017, it won't be till 2014 I don't think.

The 10 year life cycle of the PS3 has nothing to do about when new consoles are coming.

#9440 Wii U competition sooner then expected?

Posted by raney150 on 20 June 2011 - 12:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I highly doubt it, they just showed how dedicated they are with their Kinect stuff, they are treating it as a new console. I'm guessing we'll see new console reveals E3 2013 and releases 2014.
Both Microsoft and Sony said this gen life cycle will be considerably longer, Sony even saying 10 years.

you have a link to go with those rumours?


Sony has never said they won't release new consoles for 10 more years. They just said the PS3's life cycle will be 10 years. That's a HUGE difference. The PS2 is in it's 11th year of it's lifecycle.

#9398 PS4 long way off

Posted by raney150 on 19 June 2011 - 11:12 PM in General Gaming

Of course they aren't going to say "Yeah guys, in a year we are going to show off a PS4 at E3". They may or may not show one off or release one for a while, but if they tell us they are going to release a PS4 in a year or two, it might ruin PS3 sales. So they are going to deny anything for a while, even if they plan on releasing one early 2013.

#9397 Worst game in history.

Posted by raney150 on 19 June 2011 - 11:09 PM in General Gaming

5.Legend Of Zelda Wands Of Gameon (Sega CD)
4.Hotel Mario (Sega CD)

Wait, what? Am I missing something here about how Nintedo franchises making it on to Sega consoles at one point?

My worst was Frogger for the PS1.

:P I loved frogger!!! lol

#9394 The Tablet Thread

Posted by raney150 on 19 June 2011 - 10:22 PM in The Café

Tablet vs notebook eh?
Notebook easily wins.

Notebooks have about the same portibility
bigger screens
better processors (most of the time)
more space to store stuff on them
cheaper price
much better OS, so you're not limited.

vs. this

The former can do so much more, store so much more, is much more powerful, and is the same price as the latter.

oops, that was a notebook not a netbook. Netbook still wins because of it's price and the fact that it's still more powerful than a tablet.

#8580 7 things you didn't know about the Wii U.

Posted by raney150 on 18 June 2011 - 01:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm very disappointed. Not only did I know the things that were true, I also knew that 2 "truths" they posted were false.

#7872 The Wii U needs 3rd party exclusives...badly

Posted by raney150 on 16 June 2011 - 05:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They don't really need third party exclusives. They just need the multiplatform games. Think about it, a console with Nintendo first party games and multi-platform games? I think a lot of people would go crazy for that.

#7868 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by raney150 on 16 June 2011 - 05:31 PM in General Gaming

I have
an NES somewhere at my dad's
A Nintendo 64
Some SEGA console (don't remember which but it was old)
Gameboy color
Playstation 2
Nintendo DS
gameboy advance
Nintendo 3DS

and I already bought a gaming PC but don't have it yet (it's shipping). I am about to get a PS3 as well.

#7099 Post your desktop

Posted by raney150 on 15 June 2011 - 12:06 PM in The Café

Posted Image


I'll post another later since mine scroll every ten minutes.

OOOOH! Me likey!

#6795 First Wii U Specs revealed by Nintendo

Posted by raney150 on 15 June 2011 - 04:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

It's the same tech as the "Watson" processor, that doesn't mean it's as powerful as the Watson processor which was a literal supercomputer, lol.

Well Watson has several processors. 2,880 to be exact, all 8 core.

And I read somewhere that technically, Watson isn't a supercomputer. Apparently that's not powerful enough to be one. What was special about it was it's ability to comprehend English and it's ability to learn.

Although yeah, the Wii U will be NO WHERE NEAR as powerful as that lol.

#6793 Wii U will not play DVD's Do you care?

Posted by raney150 on 15 June 2011 - 04:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have a computer, a PS2, and a DVD player that can do all that. I don't need it.

#6698 BLUE!!

Posted by raney150 on 15 June 2011 - 02:11 AM in The Café

Haha yeah...
Honestly, I don't know what happened to Sony, they dominated with the PS2, and now they are dead. They are going to have to do something big soon, that isn't a blatant rip off of something Nintendo has done.

They aren't dead. So what the PS3 hasn't sold as much as the PS1 or PS2? It still outsold the gamecube and original Xbox combined!

and by the end of the year it will probably outsell the Xbox 360

#6585 3rd person vs. First person

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 09:41 PM in General Gaming

I am not a huge fan of shooting games, but if I am going to play one, it's going to be third person. I prefer the 3rd person point of view way better than first person. I would rather see my character and surrounding area. I hate just seeing arms and it just doesn't feel right for me.

#6558 Alleged PSN hackers caught

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 08:58 PM in General Gaming

How can they care more about their customers than theirselves....?

Sorry for double post, but wow... >.>
And did anyone watched Anon's latest Youtube vid?
at the end it says 'Sony were first, and you'll be next' while playing the Mario theme...

can you post a link to that video

#6436 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 06:04 PM in General Gaming

Phone service? There is no phone service on Vita....I think your confused about what 3G actually is, it's not a phone service but a general wireless service used for any type of data transfer...phone service is just one thing it's used for. With Vita it's use is to allow the device to access all online features anywhere that AT&T has coverage, meaning you don't have to be near a WiFi hotspot as you do with current handheld gaming systems. Useful but at the same time has it's own drawbacks because obviously that requires a monthly service fee.

Woohoo, games we all played 13 years ago ftw! Of all the games you could have said, that wasn't really the best option, lol. Not going to impress many non-nintendo fanboys with a game they've likely already played and beaten many times. Don't get me wrong, Oot is easily my favorite Zelda game but at this point I've played it so much it's just not as enjoyable as it use to be.

It would appeal to people that haven't played it. There are some of those people, like me.

#5841 Could the Wii 2 be outdated soon?

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 09:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

You also have to keep in mind that Microsoft has a very small install base in Japan though. That's the real reason the PS3 has performed so much better in it's lifecycle sales than the 360 (selling nearly as many with a full year less time on the market). If you look at only N/A and Europe the numbers shift heavily in favor of the 360.

While it's possible we could see a PS4 as early as next year, I in fact would heavily doubt it. Sony lives by the 10 year life cycle and there is no indication they will abandon it now. The PS3 still has a lot of life left in it so they can take their time, I think 2014 is the earliest we'll see a PS4, with Sony running PS3 and PS4 support concurrently for a couple years like they did with the PS2 and PS3. It makes sense for them for the lifecycle tendencies and it also allows a year or two more for higher tech capabilities to cheapen (and a year or two makes a huge difference when your talking about the price of technology).

Actually, North America is the only territory that remains with more 360 sales than PS3 sales.

and yes, Sony lives by the 10 year life cycle, but to you know what that means?
Releasing a PS4 right now would not break their 10 year life cycle deal. That just means that it will be supported for 10 years. The PS2 is on it's 11th year of it's life cycle.

#5833 So many of us new people

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 09:16 AM in The Café

Hey, hey, I do have a name, you know. :)

I may have created this forum, but it belongs to both myself and David now. So he's advertising it for the good of both of us, not just me.

Not that I mind. ;)

So you are the creator? Hi then.

#5690 What are you afraid of?

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 07:27 AM in The Café

I am severely afraid of heights. Although it has lessened in recent years, but I just got to the point of riding rollercoasters

#5681 "The Wii U Controller Needs Analog Sticks and Triggers"

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 07:23 AM in Wii U Hardware

I love the 3DS circle pad, but I think proper analog sticks are needed for a home console.
For the 3DS, it works perfectly fine, and would on a home console. It would just be so weird though. I'm hoping they switch to clickable analog sticks though. and the triggers seem fine to me.

#5676 So, what 3DS games do you have preordered?

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 07:20 AM in General Gaming

Street Fighter 3D
Doa: D
Sims 3

Zelda OoT
Kid Icarus

Plan to get:

#5641 How powerful do you think project cafe will be?

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 06:49 AM in Wii U Hardware


Wii U > 3DS > Wii > GameCube > Nintendo 64 > SNES > NES > Atari 2600 > Hotel Mario > Xbox 360 > PS3 > PSVita.

Ummmm???? Any reason you have some false statements there?

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