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#293255 Pokemon X Y questions

Posted by Lafosse64 on 15 July 2014 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hello there!

Ive been away from the pokemon world for 3 generations (stopped in Pokemon Gold, returned in Y) and I'm really lost here, so i have some questions and requests please. I'm sorry if some of this could be covered in an already existing thread, but this forum is so extense that I couldn't find exactly all that I wanted and I decided to cover it all here:

1) Breeding
1.1) Ditto: How many maxed IV's do my Ditto need to have for succesfully getting a good egg? Do I need it to be totally flawless? or it's ok if it has just one or two maxed IV's? It depends on how many good IV's i want to get? 

1.2) The other Pokemon: Is it important that the other Pokemon (that is not Ditto) also have good IV's? or I just have to focus on getting a good Ditto?

1.3) Destiny Knot: What's exactly the Destiny Knot, how to use it (how does it work) and where to find it?

1.4) Natures: I don't understand anything about the natures. If the egg I get is a flawless Eevee but the nature is not adequate for getting a flawless Jolteon for example. Is it already useless?

2) Friend Safari:
2.1) Zone: On which friend safari do i find Ditto? 

2.2) Friends (Request): I live in Bolivia and sadly I don't know anyone here playing pokémon (or owning a 3DS at all) so I don't have any zone in friend safari. I was wondering if someone that has the Ditto safari zone could, PLEASE, add me as friend so that I can have better chances of getting a good Ditto.

3) Trading:
3.1) Charity (Request): If anyone is willing to trade and give me a good Ditto would be just sweet. I'm not asking for shiny. Just a Ditto that have more chances of giving me better pokémon. (The best Ditto i've found so far has just Max Special Attack and I've captured LOADS of Dittos. 3.%20frown.gif

3.2) Region: My Pokémon Y is in spanish. Does it make any difference or problem when trading with someone that has the game in english?

Thank you for your time, hope you can help me at least with the questions and if someone adds me for the safari thingy I'll be very VERY thankful.

Friend code: 2767-0193-6295


#292431 Tomodachi Life: My thoughts and opinion

Posted by Lafosse64 on 05 July 2014 - 03:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Tomodachi Life is a game that kept me with a big hype for days, waiting to finally get it. Two days ago I finally got the money to download it from the e-shop, and as I finally started the thing I realized it wasn't what i was expecting at all, BUT, despite my mixed feelings about what i found, i overall think that I liked the game. Here's why:

First of all, the idea of using your own Mii and make it live along with your friends from different places, or social groups, your girlfriend, and ex girlfriends, your family, and even famous celebrities is something that gives a lot of points to this game, I really loved that and hooked me fondly to play through it all.

After a while I realized that you don't have much power over the Miis. More than playing Sims I felt like i had lots of virtual pets (Tamagotchis) all in one. That was kinda disappointing at the begining and started to feel like ''damn, i really payed 35 bucks for this?''. The game started to become repetitive and annoying, and I was a bit pissed for the bad decision i made of buying it... but that couldn't be it, there had to be something else, i mean, why everyone loved the game? I had to keep trying it. 

After the boredom I decided to just create lots of Islanders. Friends, family, celebrities, exgirlfriends, etc. Just lots of Miis to see what happens. I found myself completely lost and emmerged in the game, I just couldn't stop playing it, checking my 3DS every 5 minutes or less. I realized that the most level has an islander, the better are its requests, also the more problems you solve and the more islanders you create make new features, items appear. I ended up playing it the whole afternoon and evening till I went to sleep, and woke up the next morning to play it again as soon as I opened my eyes, yes, the game is addictive and I was having fun, and happy with it... my 35 bucks were worthy spent. 

The most challenging part was making my Mii and my girlfriend's fall in love. Since you don't have much control over the Islanders you pretty much must be lucky if they even talk to each other. It cost me a lot and took a lot of time but I finally got them in love (I say costed me cus the first time my Mii confesed his feelings she rejected him, and it depends on how you advice your Mii to do it). Anyway Im looking forward to let them get married and they might be the first couple to have a baby islander (yay!)... Although after them my cousin's 19 year old Mii  had a crush on Shaquille O'Neal's Mii :l

To sum things up. It's impossible to say that this game is bad... it's good, its not INCREDIBLE... but good in the end.

If I have to highlight negative points, I'd say that Nintendo missed out to do a ''sims'' syle of game that would have been WAY BETTER than the actual Sims. They made something that could have been MUCH better if only they had given more attention to some points like the leveling system or a much more detailed character creation to make different reactions in future events. Also more ways to make your islanders meet (in general, more power over the mii's), wider customization of your Island and last but not least... better and larger minigames. 

If there is any way to make this game better, is to take note of what i just said, among other things for Tomodachi Life 2. 

I recommend this game, A LOT, but I recommend the downloadable version, cus you must treat this game like a virtual pet and check on your island from time to time so you may wanna have it as an app while having a game cartridge of some other title on the go. 

To finish this, I have to say that I just have 3 days playing and that after what I've seen the game may get even better from now on, i don't know but it appears like I still have a lot to see on this game and Im just starting it.  Thanks for reading! 

#292426 Tomodachi Life - Nintendo Devs Sing About Their Games

Posted by Lafosse64 on 05 July 2014 - 02:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Shaq' Mii is marrying my cousin's Mii :l ... I don't know how to feel about it lol. 

#292425 Club Nintendo Gifts this year?

Posted by Lafosse64 on 05 July 2014 - 02:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hope they give away codes for games. Since now I live in Bolivia they wont ship anything here. Or at least give the option to choose between physical rewards or downloadable free games

#292130 Why The Lack of Third Party Support May Be a Blessing

Posted by Lafosse64 on 01 July 2014 - 01:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Where is this mystical alternate universe you live in?

lol, I know right now Ubisoft is acting like a selfish Daisy holding games cus the install base is not enough. BUT that doesn't change that Ubisoft was the first to be all in on the Wii U. if Nintendo inreases it's install base Ubisoft wil continue supporting Nintendo. and Ubisoft games have saved Wii U's ass. Imagine if Ubisoft had never released any game... not even ONE... The Wii U wouldn't have even survived to this point where they are finally releasing games. 

#292085 If you were in charge on Nintendo...

Posted by Lafosse64 on 01 July 2014 - 09:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

You would bankrupt nintendo


I personally, would keep it as it is, 1 desktop console and 1 handheld.  But I would offer a strong desktop console and for more than 5 years.  I dont understand their logic into life spans... I would keep built quality up, expandable machines (a wii U that can get upgrades, such us more ram and a dual gpu for feature games) and the lifespan would be 10-15 years, if I had nintendo. I would preffer instead of focusing in attractive cheap hardware, to offer a platform for many years and invest in games, instead of research in new ways of play... lol


I would focus in open world games and new franchises, for both casual and hard core. And I would buy a western studio, because nitendo is all about eastern culture and gameplay. They luck in western likes.  Everything has to do with elfs, moon and turtles.   An example is Crytek right now is in the brick of bankruptcy, I would buy crytek and Konami (because Konami has the football game, also Mr. Snake).


I would also make a series of metroid games, like a mass effect series and style...


I am against mobility, so no interest of pushing nintendo into mobile... even my personal mobile phone is 12 years old.. lol

The making new franchises part is a great idea but, the ''upgrading'' consoles is a bad idea,you would be doing what Sega did with the Genesis and the 32x and Sega CD add ons to improve the system. in the end they overwhelmed the consumer and the system end up failing after their first years of glory when it was just... Genesis. After losing money on those add ons and consumer trust, they released a half baked console (Sega Saturn) and totally lost it there making them have to rush to release the Dreamcast and ending up losing dramatically against the PS2 one year later... you would also make Nintendo go to bankrupsy. 

Stik with the making new franchises thing and everythings gonna be fine lol. 

#292052 If you were in charge on Nintendo...

Posted by Lafosse64 on 01 July 2014 - 12:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im not a business man so ill just talk my fantasies. Inside what is possible I'd:

- Open Nintendo Network to latin america in general and open Club Nintendo latin america
- Make a 50US$ premium subscription for Club Nintendo where you get a free classic or indie game monthly and some discounts 
- Change Marketing Campaign to target (for real) Hardcore gamers
- Change way of thinking to a more modern and inclusive way  without changing philosophy of the company
- Go partially mobile. open nintendo e-shop that works with Nintendo Network ID for smartphones to download mobile exclusive apps to customize your phone, chat, access Miiverse (upload pics from your phone to Miiverse), charge money to your e-shop, bring some NES and SNES games for smartphones and option to try some demos but NOT MAKE GAMES FOR MOBILES.
- Give veteran fans what they want (Starfox, F-Zero, etc etc... new games from classic franchises) and also games for kids. In general never leaving behind the classic franchises despite the next point:
- Open a division to develop M rated games creating new franchises for hardore gamers, hence, start a new FPS franchise with massive multiplayer to compete with Halo, new action adveture franchise with a new character that will also represent Nintendo (competing with Kratos and Masterchief) 
- Get games from last gen that the Wii missed out for purchase on e-shop (eg: Darksiders Bulletstorm, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, GTA IV, Metal Gear, Dead Island, Resident Evil 5 and 6, etc)
- Make e-shop downloaded games cross through Wii U and 3DS.
- Once all this is done get all the 3rd party support (Activision, Konami, Bethesda, Blizzard, Rockstar, Capcom, etc) except for EA.
- Holidays 2016 release new handheld
- Holidays 2017 release new home console without completely closing support for Wii U for 1 more year. Make new system backwards compatible and with the option to migrate NNID to new console and add achievements system.

#292049 WiiU banned in the US...if Phillips has it's way

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 11:12 PM in Wii U News

Yes it is a bad idea.

Of course it is a bad idea, stepping down from the Wii U to make a whole new console after 2 years of lifespan would create an alienation to Wii U owners and a complete loss of trust to the company's products and name. Losing tons of trustful customers. Most people will just go ahead and get a PS4 or an Xbox One and forget about Nintendo. 

If this happens Nintendo will be walking on SEGA's footsteps and the Wii U would be next SEGA Saturn while the new Nintendo console would be the next SEGA Dreamcast. 

If all this is true, Nintendo must win this case and just hold on to the Wii U whatever it takes for at LEAST 5 years. and THEN release a console that can match the 9th generation of PS and Xbox. In any case, I don't see possible that the Wii U will get banned of the US.

#292048 Nintendo says third party will return to Wii U

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 10:55 PM in Wii U News

i think the Wii U is starting to go up the ladder. When I got my Wii U the salesman almost begged me to buy it cus he was scared that he got a system that won't sell. After almost a year my girlfriend (few days ago) went to buy her own Wii U and she couldn't find one cus all were sold, SOLD. They ran out of Wii U on every electronic shop in Bolivia and she was told to wait till the next ship arrived cus people were waiting in line to buy the Wii U. And same happened to a friend in Morocco. And all this was made just by MARIO KART 8. Imagine what Super Smash will do. 

Nintendo needs to take advantage of this small raise in sells and get a decent amout of 3rd party deals to come for WIi U in the near future so that this hype with the Wii U wil continue. And also make a better marketing campaign to promote the Wii U showing what is comming. I bet that if Nintendo can keep  the good 1st party games that are comming, get some good multiplatforms and get a bunch of well known franchises like Call of Duty and Pro Evolution Socccer people will be more than interested on the Wii U. Also GTA 5 is a BIG BIIIIG selling ticket for the Wii U, they should do something about that. 

I hope something like this happens and the Wii U regain 3rd party and customers trust. After that Wii U owners get good content, Nintendo get money and we can all flip the bird to EA cus WE DON'T WANT EA GAMES ON NINTENDO! 

#291937 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 10:43 PM in General Gaming

As a collector I'm proud to say that I own:

Atari 2600
Nintendo NES
Nintendo GameBoy
Nintendo SNES (Super Nintendo)
Nintendo 64
Sony PSone
Nintendo GameBoy Color
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Sega Dreamcast
Microsoft Xbox
Sony PlayStation 2
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo DSi
Sony PlayStation 3
Sony PSP Go
Microsoft Xbox 360 Slim (Halo Reach Limited Edition)
Nintendo Wii U
Nintendo 3DS XL

HPIM3759.JPG HPIM3766.JPG HPIM3774.JPG HPIM3780.JPG HPIM3781.JPG HPIM3787.JPG HPIM3792.JPG HPIM3796.JPG HPIM3800.JPG IMG_2506.JPG IMG_2507.JPG nintengo.jpg xvox.jpg

#292042 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 10:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think Bayonetta 2 is one of the best deals of 3rd party that the Wii U has. This is treating the Wii U with the respect it deserves. Giving Bayonetta 2 with Bayonetta 1 inlcluded is just the way it should always be. 

For Example Mass Effecct 3... why the Xbox 360 and PS3 have a special edition with the complete trilogy and not the Wii U? seriously? Nintendo gamers were the only ones missing out.  Mass Effect 3 should have came with Mass Effet 1 and 2 included. Some Developer companies really like to spit on Nintendo's face.  

The Wii U is still capable of handling any game coming out these days (with a bit less detail maybe) and i think that at list for a whole more year it will be able to hold them, after that time i understand that some games could pass the chalice on the Wii U.
I really think its disrespectful to not release the last Batman on Wii U after we had 2 previous Batman games. Or the new entry of Call of Duty just like GTA 5, the Wii U can easily handle GTA 5 and that game would make the Wii U sell a lot more and no one would complain about sales issues.

Seriously if you have a system where you can play all Nintendo exlclusives, plus, at least most multiplatform games (except for EA crap) then most people will be more tempted to get a Wii U. Or at least people would make their decisions based on which exclusives they like the most (Halo, Mario, Killzone idk..) right now it is obvious that a normal customer will prefer a system like the PS4 or Xbox One cus they have most multiplatforms and also some cool Xbox or PS exclusives. Anyone that is not a Nintendo fan can pass on Zelda or Mario if they get access to many more great games.

anyway i went totally off topic, Bayonetta 2 is and example that Nintendo need to keep to gain customers. More customers, means more support and more support means more content for Wii U owners. I recommend EVERYONE here to buy Bayonetta 2 and support 3rd party support on Wii U. Besides, Bayonetta 2 can't disappoint. 

PS: those pics look pretty neat. 

#292039 I would purchase more, but I can't!

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 09:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That's a real bum. :/ I only buy on the e-shop with nintendo club coins lol. even tho there are lots of games that i love from the e-shop most of them i have them on their real cartridge for the actual console. And since im living in Bolivia now games here are super expensive.

I buy one game monthly and take the most of the club nintendo coins. Here a brand new game just released (like Mario Kart 8) costs like 90 US$. And an old one costs around 75 US$. There are no ''used'' or ''pre owned'' games in stores and if you buy second hand from someone else it never goes lower than 60 US$. ¬¬ Plus here the currency in Bolivia is called ''Peso Boliviano'' which is 6.90 Bs for every 1 US$. so Mario Kart 8 here costs: 621 Bs. its 1/3 of what I earn monthly D: (Here taxes are already included in the price, so you don't need to think of the couple of extra bucks)

#292038 Post Your Wii U Library and Collection

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 09:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This what at the moment i have with me here in Bolivia to play with my Wii U

I also got from the e-shop: Yoshi NES game, Super Mario World, Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD and Mario Party 2 

Attached Thumbnails

  • wiiugames.jpg

#292037 How did you started gaming?

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 09:22 PM in The Café

Ok so this is my first time on a gaming forum AND I wanted to share how I started gaming. You can do it too here.

It all started at the age of 5 when I got my first original Gameboy (the black and white one) they gave it to me with Tetris and Kirby's Dream Land... few months later got Lion King, Mario Land, Pinoccio, Animaniacs and Ninja Turtles. And my cousin got an NES with Megaman 2, Megaman 5, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. So we were all the time playing together.

So being Kirby's Dream land the first game that I ever beated in my life at the age of 5. :D  After almost 3 years i got my Gameboy Color with Pokémon Blue and my cousin another Gameboy Color with Pokemon Red... And THERE is when all started. 

After that i've been behind every Nintendo console and my cousin migrated to Sony when the PlayStation came out (needless to say I got the Nintendo 64 which became my favorite gaming system till now) 

I've kept every system I've had and when i was 15 I started collecting and getting every system i could and missed like the Sega Dreamcast, Atari 2600, etc,,,  Now I have a pretty neat collection of videogames.  THE END.  lol

Hope you enjoyed and start sharing your experience :3  oh and btw, I ended up keeping my cousin's NES :3

My first NES and Gameboy: 


#292035 Twilight Princess... Maybe it's time.

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 08:50 PM in General Gaming

Play any Warriors game and will set up what to expect from Hyrule Warriors. Warriors Orochi 3 on WiiU is cheap and a good start. I will flat out say they are not for everyone. They are super dumb made with a somewhat small budget. They can be really fun for some or boring for others. You mow down hundreds of enemies and mash buttons to defeat stage bosses. Not a whole lot more to it. Sometimes you will have to complete some objective to progress in the stage but it's pretty straightforward.  More or less Japans Call of Duty type thing, Mainly the same game,pumped out often and super repetitive.


I only buy them every few entries and when the price has come down. You will either have a lot of dumb fun or get bored.  Since it has 2 player mode I would try that as well.


Woah, two player mode? Warriors of Orochi 3 AND Hyrule Warriors both have two player mode? so its like team up with your friend to bash lots of enemies like a maniac and make pontless mayhem? well... added that, I might just go ahead and say that im a bit excited now lol. Me and my best friend are fand of any co-op beat'em up since we played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 on the NES. 

I will follow your advice and get Warriors of Orochi 3 to get prepared and then get Hyrule Warriors. hehe 

#292033 Anime Discussion

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 08:44 PM in The Café

My favorite Animes:

1) Neon Genesis Evangelion
2) Attack on Titans (Shingeki no Kyojin)
3) Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)
4) Saber Marionette J - J to X
5) Dragonball & Dragonball Z
6) Once Piece
7) Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
8) Bleach
9) Deathnote
10) Darker than Black

#292032 Twilight Princess... Maybe it's time.

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 08:36 PM in General Gaming

to be fair Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game i beated as a ''grown up'' and I really enjoyed it. I played it first on the Gamecube. My favorite Zelda is Ocarina of Time and I think Skyward Sword is much better game than Twilight Princess. As for Hyrule Warriors, I have mixed feelings about it. I hope is a good game.

#292029 Origin of your username

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 08:29 PM in The Café

Its my lastname and my favorite system is the N64 so that's why Lafosse64 ... see? easy lol 

#291967 Wii U Pro Controller question (problem)

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 07:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well then, it must be indeed an identical copy. But damn it works bad, the joysticks really suck :/  I bought them from an electronics shop, a non-known one. bought it new, i opened it myself. such bad luck, I payed 50 bucks for them. Anyway, the salesman is quite a nice person so probably he doesn't even know he is selling pirated controllers, ill go and tell him so he can change his provider, but i wont ask for refund or anything. Ill just buy new ones elsewhere and make sure that are originals. 

#291953 Wii U Pro Controller question (problem)

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 03:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

''Yes, you are correct, Nintendo is written on USB cable.


PS. Is your usb charging cable black or gray? It should be gray with Nintendo logo.


Does your battery cover look like this? Is the Nintendo Logo the same style font, and look? If so, it's a fake. below is a fake.''

Hey! well... it's weird. The cable is gray, not black... but it doesn't say Nintendo anywhere.

The controller, no, the logo looks legit, with Nintendo's font. Which leaves me confused once again. The cable is reason enough to think its fake? 
can you tell me if your Wii U Pro Controller's joysticks feel and work the same as the Gamepad's ?  Thank you for eveything!



#291945 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Lafosse64 on 30 June 2014 - 12:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok Ok let's see:

1) StarFox Wii U  (where Fox STAYS INSIDE THE ARWING/LANDMASTER, and maybe just ONE stage on foot)
2) New Metroid game in first person perspective with a Halo CE-like multiplayer mode.
3) New F-Zero with super mega graphics and super mushrooms/acid psychodellic tracks that will get you straight to the hospital
4) Whole brand new Nintendo-made mature/bloody first person shooter with massive multiplayer
5) If Nintendo can't do numer 4: Ask Sega to make The Conduit 3 with good graphics, better story, better AI and massive multiplayer
6) MMORPG Pokémon game exclusive for Wii U. Openworld where you start with one Pokémon and play throughout the game like in the portable versions but online so that you can see other trainers walking around and be able to ask for a duel in real time.
7) Get the annually CoD and PES entries every year to have at least those two basic multiplatforms and flip the bird to EA'S Battlefield and FIFA.
8) Get for Online download the first entries of games that Wii U just got since the sequels like Darksiders 1, Bayonetta 1, Mass Effect 1, 2, etc.
9) Get Gamecube best selling games on e-shop
10) Grand Theft Auto V for Wii U 

#291944 GameTrailers says Nintendo had the best press conference at E3

Posted by Lafosse64 on 29 June 2014 - 11:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

and I totally agree, this time Nintendo exceeded expectations. I was just expecting some more Super Smash info, some Nintendo Tvii dump one or two gimmick games but NOOOOO Nintendo showed a lot of games that im DYING to have now. and that makes me very happy. I hope Nintendo keep delivering like this to the Wii U, maybe we wont have all the multiplatforms or super graphics... but we will get the greatest quality in Nintendo games if Nintendo keep up the good work.

Can't wait for 2015...

#291943 Why The Lack of Third Party Support May Be a Blessing

Posted by Lafosse64 on 29 June 2014 - 11:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Personally, I've fondly thought and overthought about Nintendo's consoles third party support topic and well...

in the past generations for example i had a Gamecube for Super Smash, Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart, etc... but had to buy a PlayStation 2 to play Final Fantasy, a decent football soccer game, Tekken, Grand Theft Auto, etc.

then with the Wii happens the same, I was happy with SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, Zelda, Metroid, etc.  But had to buy an Xbox 360 to play again a decent football soccer game, Tekken, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Skyrim, decent Call of Duty, Battlefield, and many many more multiplatforms that the Wii just NEVER GOT, NEVER. (and Im not even counting the 360 exclusives like Left 4 Dead, Halo series, Gears of War series, Crackdown, etc.) 

Id say that i could have used my PC for those but... NOT ALL ARE ON PC and generally I don't use PC for those games that are easier and quicker to play local multiplayer like PES or CoD or L4D o shooters that i happily play with the Xbox 360 controller which for me is better than a mouse. Besides PCs are only used for games like WoW, LoL, DotA, Diablo, StarCraft, etc. lol

Anyway, when the Wii U came out I was really expecting more 3rd party support... now I can see that the Wii U is dead on 3rd party. HAPPILY on first party they are really going to release quite a lot of good games that im really surprised and im dying to get. But i still think Nintendo should try to keep some 3rd party developers to release big budget games and well known games except for EA. EA can go and die I don't care. But games like PES 2015 from Konami should be on Wii U this year... or this next Call of Duty... I mean if they can release it for PS3 and 360 then it can be made for Wii U. or any next Tekken... and hell... suck Ubisoft's socks so that they won't stop releasing games for Wii U cus Ubisoft has saved Wii U's butt with their games. (And asking for a little too much, have GTA 5 released for Wii U... I mean... they  can port a 360 version to Wii U right? hehe)

in the end... if I can get all these beautiful first party games plus PES 2015 and Call of Duty on my beatiful Wii U that I love and adore.... Ill be more than happy. 

#291941 Zelda U graphics thoughts

Posted by Lafosse64 on 29 June 2014 - 11:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

i was specting something like the visual demo they showed at E3 2011 but... bah... I can't complain, even if it was 8bit it would be ZELDA and would be AMAZING. Besides the graphis are ok... looks like how Skyward Sword should have looked and the open world is just the best idea they had. Hope they make it a bit more RPG-ish this time. Like it was once said... ''Zelda has a lot to learn from Skyrim'' ... and taking some ideas wouldn't be bad at all.

#291940 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Lafosse64 on 29 June 2014 - 10:56 PM in General Gaming

Master Chief (Halo) and Link (Legend of Zelda) !! 

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