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#276438 Why Watch Dogs Shouls Be on your Must Have

Posted by JaylisJayP on 09 March 2014 - 06:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I love my Wii U, but from what I've read it looks like there will be a more alive world in the PS4 version aside from any graphical improvements.  I'll wait for reviews first but I'm leaning that way on this title.

#272341 Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 14 February 2014 - 07:32 AM in Wii U Hardware


Also we're dealing with people who care about pretty graphics who aren't smart enough to operate a PC outside the realm of Facebook.


This is such a ridiculous stereotype, and I'm not sure when it became so black and white regarding gameplay vs. graphics.  For as much as Nintendo fans don't like others coming down on their choice for different reasons, there are certainly a fair share of Nintendo gamers who seem to be fine with ripping other gamers because they enjoy graphics.


I think you'll also find the vast majority of those who enjoy good graphics for - you know - VIDEO games, want them in conjunction with good gameplay and stories, not one or the other.  And as an owner of 5 different consoles and a Vita and PC, I can easily say there are WAY more than enough quality games that offer the complete package with embarrassingly better graphics than most Nintendo games.


Gamers should not have to sacrifice good graphics and put up with awkward gameplay gimmicks just to get quality gameplay.  And they're not, which is why Nintendo is losing out and continues to fall.


So yes, the falling behind on graphics is a huge element to what's hurting Nintendo.  They put their time, money and effort elsewhere for a second time and it didn't work out for them again.  As others and Nintendo have said, they misread the market...really badly. 

#272332 Now this is an article about Nintendo

Posted by JaylisJayP on 14 February 2014 - 06:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think these "experts" who are clamoring for Mario on phones are underestimating just how rampant emulators are, as well.  I'd imagine a decent percentage of those who want Mario on their phones already have it.  And with the drivers out there for the Moga and Moga pro controllers, it's playable with a gamepad, too.

#272321 Pachter: Nintendo stop Wii U production, move to XB1/PS4 until new console

Posted by JaylisJayP on 14 February 2014 - 05:10 AM in Wii U Hardware

he's got a point, nobody is buying the WiiU & people with the WiiU are not buying any games, people are not going to pay £300 to play a couple of Mario & Zelda games.


there is little point in defending the WiiU anymore Iwata has admitted the WiiU has failed, what is Nintendo going to do carry on supporting & paying stores for shelf space until 2018/20 ?


I think your pricing is high for what they system costs these days.  Wii U could've been a huge hit had they made it a bit more powerful (didn't have to be on par with ps4 or x1) and dropped the gamepad.  They couldn't explain why it was needed or why it was innovative, Nintendoland sucked imo and at the very least was a FAR cry from Wii Sports in terms of a word of mouth system seller, and just as many predicted it became a tack-on feature, much more quickly than motion controls did for the Wii by the way.  Hell DKC doesn't even show the game on both tv and gamepad at once.  Its a totally useless feature imo and hinders the comfort of using a controller.  I'm glad I finally bought a nyko pro controller when it was on sale last week. 


This being said, I love the system.  I really do, the 9 games I have are all awesome.  But if Nintendo put these games on X1 and PS4 nobody would ever have a reason to come back to Nintendo.  If they go third party, they're making their bed.  Is that a bad thing?  Depends who you ask but possibly not.  Either way, I think there are too many games in development for the Wii U that are coming out in the next 2 years to just scrap the console.  It IS selling, it's not like HD DVD here.


I'm not particularly interested in Smash Bros. but the X RPG, Zelda U and HOPEFULLY something Metroid comes along soon.  Until then, I still haven't picked up DKC or Lego City.  Plenty to play if you give the system a chance.

#271479 DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

Posted by JaylisJayP on 10 February 2014 - 04:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nice....just bought Mario 3D World (which is great) when it went on sale for $39.99.  I think I'll wait for $30 for DKC and then get that, too.  I always loved these games but couldn't get into the Wii one for some reason.  Honestly, the lack of HD in a world where I was used to HD already might have been the issue.

#254491 CoD Ghosts Wii U to run at 880x720

Posted by JaylisJayP on 04 November 2013 - 03:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That's not even 720p...yikes.  Not that I would even consider buying it on Wii U with the PS4 and XBone around the corner.

#252474 What if... (About Wii U's Holiday Line Up)

Posted by JaylisJayP on 21 October 2013 - 04:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Elder Scrolls Online is a good 2014 release!


Dark Souls 2 in March...



I don't necessarily think it would matter because the damage per se was already done with the low install base leading up to the holidays (although a recent story said September Wii U sales #s jumped 200% from August in the U.S.).  With the XBOX 1 and PS4 coming out, I don't think people would lay out the money for the Wii U system AND those games AND the other next-gen systems.  If they already owned the Wii U, then of course they would be much more likely to pick up these games.


Nintendo would've been smart (maybe they still will) to allow some kind of a bundled deal even with the price cut for BF and leading up to Christmas.  2 games (including either NintendoLand or Windwaker) and the Deluxe system for $300 would be enough to get people to take a second look.

#247900 Sega says Sonic audience is clearly on Nintendo platforms, not Xbox or PS

Posted by JaylisJayP on 25 September 2013 - 04:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The statement is probably more true than not...the only problem is a lot of would-be Nintendo fans aren't even on Nintendo's platform at the moment.

#247757 What if Nintendo was to re-release classics in HD?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 24 September 2013 - 04:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was saying this leading up to the Wii U release, if they did HD collections they'd probably make a killing, or at least sell some more consoles.  Do an HD Super Mario All Stars collection, Super Mario World, Zelda 1/2 HD remakes.   Super Metroid, hell the Prime trilogy.  All those Super Nintendo Donkey Kong Country games.


I'd buy much.

#247756 The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Receives a 9.8/10 from IGN

Posted by JaylisJayP on 24 September 2013 - 03:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Seeing as I never played this the first time around, this will likely be the game that gets me to pick up my Wii U again...but it won't be until I can get it for like $25 or so.

#244670 Amazing marketing idea for Wii U to fight off Next Gen this holiday and beyond

Posted by JaylisJayP on 07 September 2013 - 03:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It wouldn't do anything.  Gamers are already completely cultured not to care about nintento's online network at all because of how irrelevant it is compared to the other 2.

First off, paying $50 a year isn't really anything. If you can't pay that you probably shouldn't be buying video games. People pay $1200 a year for their "smart phones" but cringe at $50. Very funny actually.

Also Nintendo cannot fight off these next gen systems. They are about to get run over by a freight train. PS4 will be in more homes then Wii U in under 6 months.

But guess what? Nintendo does not care. All they care about is selling enough systems to sell the 1st party games in the millions. They know we will buy them.

They do not care if your Wii U can play GTA or whatever. They want to sell 10 million Mario Karts. End of story. Put a fork in any dreams of strong third party support. That is done.

Buy a PS4/Xbox one of you want the third party stuff. The Wii U is for jumping up and down in overalls.


Here's the thing also with your Nintendo first-party games logic...they can only sell as many games are there are systems.  You don't think they know this?  If people aren't buying systems, there won't be enough people to buy those Mario games.  They might sell a million, but they won't sell 10 million. 


Hell I have stuck with Wii U since launch and even I wouldn't dump $50 or $60 on a first-party game with the real next-gen systems coming out (of which I am getting both).  I'd rather put my money toward those and wait until a B2G1 at Gamestop or something for 1st party Nintendo titles.

#243565 What did you play in August?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 02 September 2013 - 02:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I played 10 minutes of Super Metroid and 15 minutes of Xenoblade Chronicles before returning it to Gamestop.  At this point I think the only reason I still own this console is because I dont want to take the hit on the resale. 

#243349 Disney infinity launch thread

Posted by JaylisJayP on 31 August 2013 - 07:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This game is nothing like Skylanders, it's a huge sandbox game where you build whatever you want like Minecraft. It's so worth it. 

That actually turns me off even more.  I never "got" or saw the point to playing Minecraft.  But I readily admit I'm apparently in the minority there.  Regardless, more PS4 and XBOX 1 funds for me.

#240490 Disney infinity launch thread

Posted by JaylisJayP on 20 August 2013 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The 3-packs and 2-packs are $15 and $20 at Wal-Mart but I'm still not touching this stuff.  Did Skylanders, probably more than $300 into that...that's it.  I'm not doing it again.  If anything, I'll do Swapforce so I can still at least use the ones I have even though there will be a bunch of new ones and I'll have to buy a new portal.

Also, Skylanders now (used) are dirt cheap.  Even if my kids eventually do get into this I'd wait six months to a year and get all the stuff at a steep discount.

#239555 Have they even started on Metroid for the Wii U?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 16 August 2013 - 04:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Metroid is possibly the only game I'd pay full price for right now on the Wii U.  Everything else I can wait until they're dirt cheap considering everything else coming out this holiday season. 

#238200 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 10 August 2013 - 04:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the only thing Nintendo can do is keep working to release amazing first party titles that will sell the system.  Then the third parties will come back.  It's not that complicated of a formula, if they feel their time will be worth it in dollars, they'll put the time in.

#238199 How many Wii U games do you have?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 10 August 2013 - 04:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Zombi U


Darksiders 2

Lego City Undercover

Sonic Transformed


...and Super Metroid


I've had Black Ops 2, Warriors Orochi, Assassins Creed 3 and Tekken but didn't keep them for long. 

#237578 Possibility: Metroid at Direct

Posted by JaylisJayP on 07 August 2013 - 05:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This thread makes me want to play Metroid Prime Trilogy today.

#237170 Wind Waker Price & Masterquest?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 05 August 2013 - 04:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm still hoping/wondering if they'll allow for inverted movement controls, which the original did not and I couldn't play it as a result.  That said, if they do and it looks awesome, I'm probably in around $25.  Unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), most of my new release money this holiday season will be going into the PS4 and XBOX 1. 

#236361 Wii U sold 160,000 over the last three months

Posted by JaylisJayP on 01 August 2013 - 08:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

If I didn't already have one, I wouldn't buy one.  Nintendo is kidding themselves if they think Pikman or even the Mario game coming out this December will bring numbers back.  Even if they do a price drop, I only see it coming down $50.  Again, not enough to get people to buy in.

#232730 Will you buy Pikmin3, or not?

Posted by JaylisJayP on 18 July 2013 - 05:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm still not entirely sure what kind of game Pikmin is, and I guess I haven't been interested enough to bother going to YouTube yet.  I voted that I'd get it when it's a budget game, which is true, possibly. 

#232525 Ubisoft – Zombie U “wasn’t even close to being profitable”

Posted by JaylisJayP on 17 July 2013 - 04:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I loved ZombiU, sad there will be no sequel

I feel the same way.  I still think it's the best Wii U game to date.

#231225 The Wii U's lack of 3rd party is largely the fault of 3rd party and I...

Posted by JaylisJayP on 13 July 2013 - 04:11 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm guessing it's simply a matter of weighing how much the port would cost vs. the expected sales given the low install base and deciding it's not worth the effort.  I'm sure if there were money to be made, EA would be trying to make the money.


There's no hidden agenda.  And it's 100% Nintendo's fault.  They didn't realize AT ALL that creating HD games takes longer than creating SD games (as they claim)?  Then they should've just waited to release the system until more games were in the pipeline and ready for the launch.


I have a Wii U and I do enjoy it, but I'm starting to question legitimately if Nintendo has missed the boat here, even when the "big" games do start hitting.  Nintendo has completely squandered it's lead into this generation, and I question how interested kids will be even when Mario/Smash Bros/Mario Kart, etc... hit.  Especially with a $400 PS4 sitting next to it on the shelves.


I've said this from the beginning the ONLY thing that made the Wii a success AT FIRST was the word of mouth from Wii Sports.  That's it.  That was the system seller.  And personally (just my opinion) I think Nintendoland sucks.  I couldn't wait to sell it.  My point is there's nothing selling this system, and I don't see people dropping $350 for a slow, slow trickle of games.


In this day and age of failling video game companies and struggles to make money if you're not a hugely popular AAA title selling millions of copies, I can't see how anyone who isn't blinded by fanboyism could argue with the business decision of the third parties avoiding the Wii U.

This whole issue of being able to play a game on the pad while someone else watches the TV is pointless, i cannot see why anyone would need this or Nintendo think this is a pro of buying a WiiU.


It's not the third parties fault, the WiiU has been announced for a few years now & the dev's/pub's had the development kits, after the problems Sony had with games for the PS3 being hard to develop for Sony listened to what the dev's wanted, Microsoft went their own way but still listened to what the dev's wanted, it seems that Nintendo didn't learn nothing from what happened with the PS3 nor with what happened with the launch of the 3DS.


The WiiU ok has the ability to have a HDD connected to it, but there is no base limit or minimum spec like the X360/PS3 & X1/PS4 has so the ability to install parts of the game is limited because dev's have to think about the people that don't have a HDD with their WiiU & also the face that the storage that comes with the WiiU will also have other 'stuff' installed on it.


There is then the property disc format that Nintendo uses, the capacity & the read speed is also a factor & then you have to consider the amount a dev/pub has to pay Nintendo for the property discs.


Games take years to make so the dev's/pub's would of been working on WiiU titles before they worked on PS4/X1 titles, maybe they found initially not enough extra oomph in the WiiU to allow them to do what they wanted for next-gen titles & while working on the games for the WiiU, the dev kits for the PS4/X1 came out & these did offer much more of what the dev's wanted, whatever way you spin it the WiiU is not as powerful as the X1/PS4, Sony has said that it listened to the dev's, yet Nintendo have even come out themselves & said they found the leap into HD tough, how can Nintendo who designed the WiiU come out & say they found the HD games on the WiiU they they themselves developed/made hard to do, has Apple ever said that they have found coding/writing/developing a Apple product hard to do for a Apple hardware product, no & neither has any other company i can think of, so for Nintendo to say they found it tough & then moan about how third parties are not developing for the WiiU is just hypocrisy.


Nintendo focused too much on the pad/screen that is one reason i think nobody is bothering with it because it is just a place for a menu/map like on the DS/3DS, the 3DS Nintendo claimed was going to be great for Augmented Reality games, well where are these AR games then for the 3DS ?


The WiiU should of had a name without Wii in it, more RAM, a standard HDD (upgradable), a normal blu-ray disc format.


The X1/PS4 are going to have all the CoD & FIFA games, now like them or not, ten's of millions of gamers do, these games will be on the PS4/X1 so other dev's/pub's know that there will always people buying the the PS4/X1 for these games so they know there will be a install base, people who go on about Nintendo having all these exclusives, Mario, Zelda etc need to actually think about what they are saying, there is no difference between Mario & FIFA, each game in the series is just a update of the same basic theme, CoD = Zelda, Metriod = Halo/Killzone, Mario Kart = Gran Turismo/Forza etc the list goes on.


Even if the WiiU sales spike when Mario Kart & Pikmin 3 comes out, it's too late, if a dev/pub looked & thought "yeah lets do a couple of WiiU games" these games would take time to make & to cover themselves the games would be multiplat, i think that the WiiU is just going to get skipped this gen, well whichever gen the WiiU is, i don't know which it is really, is it seven or eight, the dev's/pub's are placing it in the seventh gen it seems, Nintendo a few years ago took themselves out of the generational cycle, the WiiU is a console out of time, the next Nintendo console will be to, i think that the only game that could of helped really save the WiiU is GTA5 , with the power advantage the WiiU has over the X360/PS3 it would of attracted gamers from all quarters, but they didn't, the fact remains that like  have just done, people keep comparing the WiiU with the PS3/X360 & there is the biggest problem Nintendo has.


I don't think GTA5 on the Wii U would matter.  People who are interested in it already have a 360 or a PS3 and nobody is buying a Wii U for it when you can get a 360 for $200 or less these days.  I honestly don't know what would sell the Wii U these days....maybe a 3DSesque price cut? 


Also, with the COD crowd, they're pretty used to the way their controllers feel and that's a big deal in those games.  The gamepad feels quite different, and in my opinion is not fun to use for FPS.  I tried BO2 with it and hated it.  I know the pro controller exists, but again, why put out these expenses to get the game on the Wii U?  There's no benefit. 


I think the bottom line is Nintendo tried to innovate with the Wii and were wildly successful based on the initial craze over Wii Sports.  Nintendo thought they were innovating with the Wii U but it was just a perfect storm for failure.  I'll tell you what, though, if they had just allowed that tablet to exist as its own portable gaming device/tablet, it would be selling MUCH better. 

#216247 No PES 2014 on the Wii U or Nintendo 3DS

Posted by JaylisJayP on 05 June 2013 - 01:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not sure if it has been said here already, but to be fair to Wii U, the game isn't coming to Xbone or PS4, either.


Plus....soccer is weak.

#211350 Nintnedo confirms next Nintendo Direct date. June 11th at 7 AM PST.

Posted by JaylisJayP on 26 May 2013 - 04:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If they were smart, they'd offer firm release dates for a few heavy hitters.  People can only get so excited at this point of games that are "coming down the pipeline."


Reveal a 3D mario date

Reveal a Smash bros. date


Reveal Mario Kart actual gameplay with release window

Show us something from the new Xeno title


Hint at Zelda




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