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WiiU CPU Revealed by Patent: "Enhanced PowerPC 750" ?

cpu vga zol CPU revealed patent nintendo processor enhance 750

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#1 Stewox



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:17 PM

Hey guys.

I have also reported an extensive email to gonintendo.com and mynintendonews.com , both thave not reported about the VGA ZOL BARTS rumor spotted by B3D member and posted by bgassasin on neogaf, which was quickly buried by ignoring public. My point was about the range of the GPU could be in there in terms of TFLOP, i know all these HD6XXX names are all equivalents for comparrison we use but if they use it seriously then they surely have no idea what they're talking about.

VGA ZOL Rumor: http://vga.zol.com.cn/296/2968963.html

Translation Here: (from the email i created)

Title of the article: With the Nintendo Barts chip WiiU rumors the new specifications

First Sentence: We have previously reported, the game developers and game developers to Nintendo, Nintendo raise Wii U gaming hardware specifications. //COMMENT: Yes this is true, this made to neogaf, it was reported as "nintendo trying to make sure UE4 works" (not literally, nintendo cannot influence 3rd parties engined directly unless it's a hack/backdoor) which technically means buffing the specs hardware-wise which means that Epic probably pressured them to do so.

Second Sentence: Now, we have a Christmas this year, the host of the latest hardware specifications.

Third: Updates to the hardware specification, code named Wii U R&D is the date of listing, Cafe" around Christmas 2012.

All about the specs: ( I have fixed some of the word formation, I changed only what Im 100% and I am familiar with tech)

Wii IBM PowerPC U processor with 32-bit, 4 IBM Power 7 core, 8 thread. Approximately 200 GFLOPS computing capacity.

Wii AMD U graphics system with the 40 NM GPU Radeon HD 6800, based on the
Barts core, VLIW5 architecture, a 1120 D stream processors, and 5 computing capacity TFLOPS approximately 2.

Built in 2 Wii U GB shared memory, no hard drive, integrated optical drive.
//COMMENT AHA no hard drive, google translate was bad here. I think this rumor is getting fairly belivable ... no hard drive is what was rumored before and expected, external HDD will be possible as nintendo said.

Taking into account the Epic Nintendo to pressure to support Wii U DX UE 4 engine 11 and the hearsay, it is clear that Barts level 6800 series graphics cards can run 1080P UE4.

THE POINT IS now ... why VGA ZOL looks so unbelievable, because they don't know any of these details, they just looked up the webistes of IBM and AMD and just copying over the PC hardware specifications, that's stupid, that's why the 2TFLOP, VLIW5 and all other things came from. I don't know from where all of these rumors get the idea of nerfed cores and threads ... compared to what in the patent says "enhanced" , rumors might be correct on this one since patent is too vague ... enhanced could mean whatever.

VGA ZOL took all of the GPU specs directly from the AMD site, this is very wrong, the console chips are custom, ... almost everything is custom and there's nothing to do with PC, the sources who make there rumors most probably know they mean an equivalent in TFLOPs, they don't mean the ACTUAL card to be in there. For the range ... i don't want to exaggerate, but we already know it's probably "over 1 TFLOP".

We will not know until we have full specs, what was really VGA ZOLs info and what they copied off the existing specs from company websites. They're pretty stupid for doing this and not notifying.

Here IBM: https://www-01.ibm.c..._Microprocessor

This is where VGA ZOL might get their 32-bit thing .... which was very suspicious for me, but this goes contradiction to what we have in the patent which states "enhanced" ... I am no rocket scientist, but i don't see how 32 would be an enhancement over 64-bit. And it's ridicolous, nintendo 64 was called because it's 64-bit CPU DUH!

NEOGAF: http://www.neogaf.co...63#post38407963
Patent is here: http://www.google.co...e&q=112&f=false

Haven't seen anyone revealed this, someone might check around and B3D, but yes, I found it when readin the patent about memory and specs stuff that was in the figs.

UPDATE: DEC 2011 CPU rumors were accurate then (if this is true)

UPDATE2: Okay ... i knew something was too good to be true. I was hyped, blame me, i was too quick to report all of it, in the patent you can clearly see (e.g. an enhanced IBM Power PC 750) ... that "eg" might indicate an example, not the actual specs, so ... 50/50 now, who knows if they were serious or not. So i'll put a ? mark on the thread.

Actually the only thing that might back us up now is the previous rumors, but I wasn't focusing on CPU stuff ... CPU is the least problem for me, i worry about RAM.

UPDATE3: Okay a bit of a mixup here with the 32-bit VGA ZOL CPU STUFF; i have really no idea about IBM's PCs so i had to go check and learn everything while writting this thread, forget aobut that N64 64 thing because it looks like it's not an argument, Wii and GCN also got PowerPC tech in 32-bit ... I am not sure what the heck is going on with this bits and whatever, it's a clusterfick of numbers and I don't even know what to expect in terms of bits, if 64-bit ... no idea. If yes, good. but I don't really care anymore, it's late here and going to sleep ... i'll see later.

UPDATE4: There seems to be some other specs stuff in the diagram too, stuff like "DRAM Main Memory" is very interesting (might be a lot of it, and DRAM is fast so it's great news if true) ... , because MAIN memory is usually slower and a lot of it, ... not sure if we meant to take these diagrams seriously, but still ... it can be true, maybe they meant it as "main" internal or what, but rumors also reported 2 GB shared, however you know nintendo, DRAM is a expensiver.
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Edited by Stewox, 01 June 2012 - 01:20 PM.

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#2 Plutonas



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:27 PM

what? 68xx series vga card? thats 2.7 tflops! if they modified it a bit.. WOW thats NEWS... Hopefully it is 6850

as for the cpu.. 4 core and 8 thread.. NO WAY to be 200 gflops.. JUST NO WAY..

Edited by Orion, 01 June 2012 - 12:28 PM.

#3 Meelow100


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:28 PM

So I'm just going to take your post as Wii U will most likely support UE4, correct?.

#4 Stewox



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:29 PM

what? 68xx series vga card? thats 2.7 tflops! if they modified it a bit.. WOW thats NEWS... Hopefully it is 6850

as for the cpu.. 4 core and 8 thread.. NO WAY to be 200 gflops.. JUST NO WAY..

Wait ... it might have been a false report, because the patent is still being read.

I will update thread when im sure im sure.
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#5 Joshua


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:30 PM

I don't understand this thread.

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#6 Meelow100


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:31 PM

Wait ... it might have been a false report, because the patent is still being read.

I will update thread when im sure im sure.

You could of just kept the post and updated it after so people would not be confused...

#7 Stewox



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:55 PM

You could of just kept the post and updated it after so people would not be confused...

I tried to avoid that ... because i reported it elsewhere. The problem was, i have no idea how powerful these IBM stuff even is, iv'e mistaked it for Power7 and i thought this was some old patent about something else, seems like PowerPC and Power is not the same, i've came across PowerPC being some kind of old 2001 tech and i in panic-mode just deleted text.

So now is okay, fine.

Looks like the 2011 rumor was correct: http://wiiuconcepts....pu-exposed.html

And Vga Zol was also correct on the FOX: http://vga.zol.com.cn/233/2336171.html

So you see, VGA ZOL might be correct on the GPU now also :) ... but i don't think it's 2 TFLOP , i'll be cautious and make a range somewhere 1.5-2 TFLOPS and let's see what happens.

So ... THIS IS SOME horsing GREAT NEWS GUYS ! Other people will provide tech opinion on CPU, i don't focus on this area much, but if the vga zol is to be belived on the GPU, this is MASSIVE NEWS!

what? 68xx series vga card? thats 2.7 tflops! if they modified it a bit.. WOW thats NEWS... Hopefully it is 6850

as for the cpu.. 4 core and 8 thread.. NO WAY to be 200 gflops.. JUST NO WAY..

You shouldn't take the TFLOPs from the AMD site didn't i tell that allready. These names are meant to be equivalents, not actual cards put in there.

Edited by Stewox, 01 June 2012 - 12:41 PM.

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#8 neverwinteru



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 12:59 PM

uhhhhhh what?

#9 Keviin



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 01:04 PM

If this is the real thing: wow, sounds good, even though I'm not a tech expert. But running UE4... Damn, that's good.
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#10 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 01:13 PM

If this is or was the case why was the rumors saying the core of Wii U was similar to the 360. So now that this is even viable we need a CPU expert to come and break this down and tell us what this means. That's CPU witht the HD6800 GPU means what????? The class of next gen?

Edited by TRON, 01 June 2012 - 01:14 PM.

#11 Fig


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 01:19 PM

Way over my head. Is this good information, or too good to be true information?

#12 Stewox



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 01:26 PM

GPU is way better than expected if VGA ZOL is true. It sounds too good to be true to a lot of people.

It would run samartian demo 1080p 60FPS. (almost; let's take that 0.5 tflops off for optimizations possible on consoles)

Remember, Samartian Demo 2.5 TFLOP requirements were on the PC, way less optimized platform than consoles, and in 2011... so that could all improve to make it doable.

If this 2TFLOP thing is true, ... if ...

Sorry im no CPU expert, atleast on IBM.

Going to sleep now, link this thread on gaf if it didn't already by the tech guys there.

Edited by Stewox, 01 June 2012 - 01:28 PM.

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#13 Plutonas



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 01:50 PM

If this is or was the case why was the rumors saying the core of Wii U was similar to the 360. So now that this is even viable we need a CPU expert to come and break this down and tell us what this means. That's CPU witht the HD6800 GPU means what????? The class of next gen?

68xx series gpu is 5-6 generations jump from current consoles.. it blows them away... its more like... 6-8 times better (if tflops are near to 2).. As for the core of wii U.. NO WAY to be similar.. it was not a leak, it was a rumor by anonymous.

Edited by Orion, 01 June 2012 - 01:50 PM.

#14 KgGamesXL



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:15 PM

If this true the Wii U will be awesome Machine :D

#15 Joshua


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:22 PM

So I assume that the Wii U will be some sort of powerhouse now?

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#16 Chinomanila


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:23 PM

Hmmmmm, seems to good to be true. All will be revealed at E3, though.
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#17 KgGamesXL



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:29 PM

So I assume that the Wii U will be some sort of powerhouse now?

Ya i guess if the rumours are true because 2GB Ram seems pretty powerful for a console not to mention the great graphics card but i agree with what people are saying seems to good to be true.

#18 Joshua


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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:32 PM

Ya i guess if the rumours are true because 2GB Ram seems pretty powerful for a console not to mention the great graphics card but i agree with what people are saying seems to good to be true.

E3 is only a days wait away. All will be revealed then!
Unless Nintendo keeps hush on the Wii U's specs like they always do.

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#19 KgGamesXL



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:34 PM

E3 is only a days wait away. All will be revealed then!
Unless Nintendo keeps hush on the Wii U's specs like they always do.

Do you think Nintendo will release specs for the console at E3 like what types of storage will be built in and Such?

Edited by KgGamesXL, 01 June 2012 - 02:36 PM.

#20 Keviin



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 02:37 PM


The patent features cape Mario. NSMW is rumored.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cpu, vga, zol, CPU, revealed, patent, nintendo, processor, enhance, 750

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