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Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

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#21 Plutonas



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 09:07 AM

No excuse me, its a machine that does specific things, and the non casual ones, the ones WHO CARE about their "any kind" of machines they buy and the result they want to have, they always search and need to know exactly what parts the machine , is made of and what each part can do.

Hiding it, because "it doesn't need to" it is just "NOT convincing" its more like hiding it to make even more profit "suspicious" haha :P.. I give u an example... its more like in PC parts, u make A huge research, hardware, drivers, parts, reviews, comparisons and the last thing u look is the price... Consoles are the same thing, but as an overall system... does not make any exclusion.

Knowledge and research is a bless..

Edited by Orion, 08 June 2012 - 09:12 AM.

#22 Usman Mohammad

Usman Mohammad

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:43 AM

well I can't say how reliable this site is but they say they got that information from a member of Asscreed team from ubisoft.

According to the article it refers to this GameSpot interview, google translate says ubisoft "stretched" this information, the actual translation means provided.

So what it's saying is that during this interview they say the Wii U is slightly powerful against the other consoles.
Which is wrong, what they said was its great to be able to have this game on PC, PS3,360 and Wii U and that it's a evened out playing field now.

That sentence was mis interperated by that news site, as they assumed they meant it's near equal in power.

Well that's that rumour debunked. On to the system, size of the system does matter, graphics cards get hot, very hot and it's required to have adequate cooling. The Wii U is almost Wii size, so it questions if the Wii U gets that hot or not. If it doesn't why? It could be a GPU that doesn't get that hot which would imply a lower end GPU.

Though it could be a GPU that is customised to run less hot. Thought I know a few X770 Radeon cards that ran fine with passive cooling.

I am still certain that the GPU has to be a 6 or higher series, doesn't make sense for Nintendo to call it an AMD Radeon based GPU.

#23 Andy


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:47 AM

To throw my 2 cents in as far as system size is concerned, you also have to consider that there isn't an internal hard drive built into the Wii U. While I don't pretend to be an expert on Hard Drives (or any of this technical stuff.... yet), I'd say that that has saved them quite a bit space for other components.
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#24 Meelow100


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:48 AM

Do people really believe every rumor they read on sites?.

#25 Andy


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:50 AM

Do people really believe every rumor they read on sites?.

Looks like it. :P
If I honestly believed 1/10 of all the rumors that passed through these forums, I would have jumped ship months ago.
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#26 Meelow100


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:52 AM

Looks like it. :P
If I honestly believed 1/10 of all the rumors that passed through these forums, I would have jumped ship months ago.

I know right?, there was that rumor that Kingdom Hearts HD Remix would be announced for Wii U at E3 from a reliable source but that didn't happen why should people believe in rumors from sites that people never heard off?.

#27 ShadowVector



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 12:10 PM

Well, Nintendo still promises some surprises in the near future. For all we know, the console itself might have already been redesign but they just didn't show if off at this year's E3. Also, it's important to remember that developers started making their games on older dev kits so that they would be ready in time for launch; so the first games to be seen on Wii U, especially 3rd-party games, won't look that much better than what current gen consoles can pump out.

Perhaps all of those bigger franchises that we wanted to see at E3 are still in the early stages of development because they are all using newer dev kits, which could be quite a bit more powerful then 1.5x PS360. I much rather wait to see Metroid/Star Fox/F-Zero if it's going to look like UE4 or even 3.9 than have it shown at E3 with current gen graphics.

Whatever the case, even if this information turns out to be true, it may not reflect what Wii U is actually capable of doing in terms of graphics because this employee may be referring to an older dev kit. Only time will tell.

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#28 storabajskorven



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 12:25 PM

Well, Nintendo still promises some surprises in the near future. For all we know, the console itself might have already been redesign but they just didn't show if off at this year's E3.

Yes, they didn't show off the console itself, only the gamepad. It's probably because they wanted the pad to play the main role, but it could also be that they have redesigned it.

#29 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 12:58 PM

This rumor is ...


just thought you should know.

The Wii U is a beast of a console.

It's not "PS3 1.5" or whatever.

It's a bit of a monster actually.

The CPU and GPU are both extremely powerful.

What Nintendo and Ubisoft showed at E3 were games that started life and continued much in development on the first dev kits, which were not as powerful as the final hardware list. Third party games that were also on lesser consoles were not even really revamped graphically. Batman did add some polys at the minimum, but used the exact same textures as the 360. At 1080P, it will look a bit worse actually. The real work Rocksteady did was simply utilizing the controller (which was actually very interesting and looks like a ton of fun).

And the Wii U still isn't ready for manufacturing.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 08 June 2012 - 12:53 PM.

#30 AndyG


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Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:19 PM

Well said :)
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#31 Soul



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:23 PM

I work for Gearbox.

The WiiU is 20x more powerful than current gen. And will be 5$.

#32 Alianjaro



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Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:34 PM

But the spec info that was given was by a developer of Asscreed wouldn't he know the specs of what he was working with.

The one controller support info was given by Ubisoft. Wouldn't they know how many controllers the Wii U supports?
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#33 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:49 PM

The one controller support info was given by Ubisoft. Wouldn't they know how many controllers the Wii U supports?

Its possible that the person from Ubisoft thought they was asking about their games (ie: zombiU) supported multiple screened controller . Its also possible the the dev kit they had wasn't able to use them as hardly any games will use multiple screened controller I'm saying that right here because any game thats 30 fps won't be able to use them and many devs with games with 60 fps won't want to use them since their game is best played at 60fps and would not want it to be lowered when playing local .

Now given that information we can link both these claims together It's possible that the Ubisoft developer hadn't got the latest dev kits so it would make sense that the specs are not the best and that also could explain why Ubisoft said only 1 controller because with their dev kit its too weak for multiple ones.

I am still worried with this information is how much Nintendo not telling developers this close to the system release. If Nintendo hasn't given the final dev kits or in fact hasn't finished them (worst case) it could lead to poor buggy third party games because of that which has happened in the past.That could also explain the lack of Third party games most recognizable is lack of Third party new games as its possible Devs are waiting for the specs to be final before getting the dev kits or even trying to make game for the system or if they do have dev kits porting over already made games from last year to test them out.

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 08 June 2012 - 03:52 PM.

#34 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 08 June 2012 - 04:24 PM

nintendo is going to do us right by this console. it will get next gen ports.... if not be the lead development console? even though none of this is confirmed i like what im hearing. ive talked to people that know way more than i do on the specs side. they said the thing that was holding the wii back from getting decent ports was its GPU and not supporting modern shader effect, etc. so if you tell me the Wii U is going to have a CPU just as strong(which im sure it will be stronger as its more modern) as PS3 and a GPU that is almost 2x stronger than PS3 we should be fine. this console will run next gen engines and believe me the specs are better than what this guy said... we just have to wait, watch, and see for ourselves when a dev with the final improved dev kit puts it to work.

#35 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 09 June 2012 - 12:40 AM

Someone buy one open it up and tell me the specs until then stop waisting your breathe

Although I still feel abut ripped off by Nintendo. I remember seeing perfect dark on 360 when it first came out and I thought to myself there's no difference to the Xbox 1 . I only truly saw next gen when I first saw gears of war.

I think well hoping that's what will happen with wii u. We're waiting for "THAT GAME" to come and finally show what's coming in the future for the console

Ps I am still disappointed about the console @ this stage

#36 Gamejunkie



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Posted 09 June 2012 - 03:00 AM

The one controller support info was given by Ubisoft. Wouldn't they know how many controllers the Wii U supports?

Apparently there has been an embargo on that information up until E3. Rich George from IGN stated recently he has known about it for a whole but hasn't been allowed by Nintendo to talk about it. It's quite possible anyone asked about it who knew just stated it only supported one because of this reason.

#37 Alianjaro



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Posted 09 June 2012 - 05:28 AM

Its possible that the person from Ubisoft thought they was asking about their games (ie: zombiU) supported multiple screened controller . Its also possible the the dev kit they had wasn't able to use them as hardly any games will use multiple screened controller I'm saying that right here because any game thats 30 fps won't be able to use them and many devs with games with 60 fps won't want to use them since their game is best played at 60fps and would not want it to be lowered when playing local .

Now given that information we can link both these claims together It's possible that the Ubisoft developer hadn't got the latest dev kits so it would make sense that the specs are not the best and that also could explain why Ubisoft said only 1 controller because with their dev kit its too weak for multiple ones.

I am still worried with this information is how much Nintendo not telling developers this close to the system release. If Nintendo hasn't given the final dev kits or in fact hasn't finished them (worst case) it could lead to poor buggy third party games because of that which has happened in the past.That could also explain the lack of Third party games most recognizable is lack of Third party new games as its possible Devs are waiting for the specs to be final before getting the dev kits or even trying to make game for the system or if they do have dev kits porting over already made games from last year to test them out.

I totally agree. I haven't thought of that.

nintendo is going to do us right by this console. it will get next gen ports.... if not be the lead development console? even though none of this is confirmed i like what im hearing. ive talked to people that know way more than i do on the specs side. they said the thing that was holding the wii back from getting decent ports was its GPU and not supporting modern shader effect, etc. so if you tell me the Wii U is going to have a CPU just as strong(which im sure it will be stronger as its more modern) as PS3 and a GPU that is almost 2x stronger than PS3 we should be fine. this console will run next gen engines and believe me the specs are better than what this guy said... we just have to wait, watch, and see for ourselves when a dev with the final improved dev kit puts it to work.

I like what you're saying!

Apparently there has been an embargo on that information up until E3. Rich George from IGN stated recently he has known about it for a whole but hasn't been allowed by Nintendo to talk about it. It's quite possible anyone asked about it who knew just stated it only supported one because of this reason.

Then it makes perfect sense!
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#38 3Dude



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Posted 09 June 2012 - 05:37 AM

You guys DO know what happend in 2005/6 that make it so incredibly unlikely the wii u is powerPC right?

PowerPC is discontinued as IBM's frontline architecture. They havent advanced them since, theyve been relegated to ASIC duties and being scaled down to embedded systems. They reached a dead end with powerpc architecture, being unable to make a product clocked at 3GHz without it going thermal meltdown (keep in mind this product was the full featured product set for a computer, that couldnt reach 3GHz, not a stripped down product for a gaming machine) and their biggest power pc customer left them in 2005. They managed to squeeze out the Xenon and cell at 3.2 Ghz.... But they realized the dead end and more or less stopped trying to continue powerpc advancement in favor of reinvigorating the power line. Now powerpc is all embedded and asic.

IBM returned to the main POWER line in 2007 with POWER 6.

It is VERY unlikely the wiiU has a powerPC cpu.

PARTICULARLY since both Nintendo and IBM confirmed POWER not powerpc. Right now on Nintendis website they state they have a power cpu, the series number is censored, but its definately not powerpc.

Since both power and powerpc run on the power isa instruction set, and there is no suitable power architecture chip available until the custom power7 derivitive is made (sure as hell isnt going to be the power 6 as a placeholder that things like a grenade at just dual core), it makes powerpc a great placeholder in sdk's until the final hardware sdk arrives.

Edited by 3Dude, 09 June 2012 - 05:53 AM.



#39 Plutonas



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Posted 09 June 2012 - 06:06 AM

the cpu is not the problem.. the gpu is... We will miss ALL.. ALL new game engines.. And thats why nintendo must reconsider before they release wii U, what are they doing.. Simply in a couple of years, it will be the same thing as today!..

Everything will jump into the new engines and wii U will play last years engines. (more like wii vs 360 and ps3), so we come to the conclusion that Nintendo didnt released their true problem. Because they repeat it.

Why they didnt choose 6770 gpu with 1.2-1.3 tflop? So it would be able to run ALL this engines? Its not about the tflops, etc... its about the game engines... Wii U is more like an updated version of 360. Better graphics, better textures few dx11 effects.. but it does not have the horse power for the new engines. Epic said that they need at least 1 tflop for the consoles, to run UE4.. what about Luminous and crytek 3.9-4?

ps: I would prefer nintendo to reconsider some things and give us a feature proof machine, with all the appropriate horse power for the announced engines and games and also charge me 50-80 euro for it, than give me an update of a 7 year old tech.

where am going to find the courage to turn my head back.. (not my whole body), to these technologies.. I left them years ago!

Edited by Orion, 09 June 2012 - 06:17 AM.

#40 3Dude



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Posted 09 June 2012 - 06:19 AM

the cpu is not the problem.. the gpu is... We will miss ALL.. ALL new game engines.. And thats why nintendo must reconsider before they release wii U, what are they doing.. Simply in a couple of years, it will be the same thing as today!..

Everything will jump into the new engines and wii U will play last years engines. (more like wii vs 360 and ps3), so we come to the conclusion that Nintendo didnt released their true problem. Because they repeat it.

Why they didnt choose 6770 gpu with 1+ tflop? So it would be able to run ALL this engines? Its not about the tflops, etc... its about the game engines...

If the cpu is a placeholder what makes you think the gpu is final?

Although to be frank if its unreal you are concerned about... The cpu is a BIG problem. Epic, like most everyone else went (back) to the X86(64) instruction set with the rise in popularity of intels icore line post 2005/6.

Thats why epic already says they can bring ur4 to the iphone. Yep, you guessed it the big power pc customer ibm lost to intel was apple. Iphones run x86(64) instruction sets. All epic has to do is scale the engine back.

Unless the other consoles go power architecture... Epics NOT going to rewrite ur4 for power isa.



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