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Hank Hill

Member Since 09 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2019 06:05 PM

#275893 Batman: Arkham Knight (PC/PS4/XB1, 2014) Game Informer details

Posted by Nollog on 05 March 2014 - 10:52 AM

No Wii U version? Surprise, surprise, what an irrelevant console the Wii U truly is.

Irrelevant enough for you to join a forum dedicated to it.

... wait a minute

#276575 What if Nintendo changed their image to something similar to MS/Sony?

Posted by Mewbot on 09 March 2014 - 09:13 PM

What, you mean like this?


#276633 Nicalis Founder - "Wii U Gamepad is a waste of time and resources."

Posted by NintendoReport on 10 March 2014 - 07:43 AM

You haven't seen, like, the vast majority of NES/Atari peripherals, have you?






Just to show a few. Oh, and my personal favorite: 




He is wearing this so that would not be possible



#275771 Rocksteady/WB on why Origins exists: 3 years was a long time for Batman fans to

Posted by Zinix on 04 March 2014 - 09:43 PM

Origins is a great game. 


Started out slow but when The Joker got revealed to be the main villain, all hell broke loose. I loved the fights with Bane too. 

#276135 EarthBound recreated with Minecraft

Posted by Mignaga on 06 March 2014 - 07:22 PM

This insults Earthbound. I find anything recreated in Minecraft an insult. It's takes something good and makes it look like crap.


#276137 EarthBound recreated with Minecraft

Posted by Mignaga on 06 March 2014 - 07:25 PM

Do you think I give a carp what that piece of crap president thinks?


#274805 Valve gives developers access to set game discounts

Posted by KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums on 26 February 2014 - 06:47 PM


I actually love Miiverse. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of hilariously stupid incredibly heroic, charming, and intelligent people like Allan on there, but still being able to see opinions on a game only from people who have bought the game, and to get feedback from those same people is hecka valuable and cool.

I guess I can't really compare it to steam since I never use it though.

#273802 Wii U Still out-selling current-gen competition.

Posted by Raiden on 20 February 2014 - 11:13 PM

PS2 had much going for it thanks to SEGA,Nintendo and MS. SEGA put out the DC then discontinued it. Nintendo was hot off the not so great sales but semi modest of N64. MS was brand new and many were not sure about them.  PC gaming in that age was very niche and that was the era of "oh noes PC gaming is dying!" 3rd parties had almost nowhere to go and Indies were not even a blip yet. Devs costs were much less then. Economy was not in the pits just yet even with 9/11 and people spent more easily. Handhelds were not good enough yet for portable console like experience. PS2 also was cheapest DVD player when it launched.


Now Wii U maybe struggling but sales are doing better and it is hot off a 100mill selling system thanks to it being so different and cheap and a big 2014 lineup. 360 did really well and XBO will do better when Titanfall launches to kickstart it. 3rd parties these days have loads of options.  Steam is around and GoG and now PC gaming is more alive than ever. Dev costs are much much much higher to the point they are choking to far less rick so won;t be seeing the 4000 titles PS2 offered...retail. Much of the indie games on PS4 be on other platforms. 3DS and Vita can give a console like experience in terms of power. Economy is piss.



I highly doubt we see a console sell like PS2 again. Wii was cheap. PS3 & 360 went on 8 years before their successor. If they ended at the usual 5. Sales be almost half what they got. This gen may not last that long. Last gen lasted so long as those consoles when they released they could keep up with high end PC's those first 2 years and still looked good til the end. PS4/XBO are low end PC's. Western devs are PC first many of them and want Sony & MS to move on in 4-5 years. Wii U is custom so not compared to a PC. Nintendo normally goes 5-6 anyway regardless.


PS2 did well in a more solid economy. Had an iron grip on developers balls like Nintendo did in the 80's and even gave them ultimatums (no joke) and was also helped by the market in a transition and hot off PS1 success.

#273799 Wii U Still out-selling current-gen competition.

Posted by Soul on 20 February 2014 - 10:39 PM

i c things realistic :)


#273543 Capcom approves system for wagering money on Street Fighter online matches

Posted by Nollog on 19 February 2014 - 05:42 PM

I see the same thing...
Genius idea. Gambling through consoles should come next. I mean, games made for it. I would not play them (I would rather gamble on the market), but many would. 
Imagine gambling on your finish position in Mario Kart.

the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.
"the sale of captives into slavery and prostitution"
synonyms: whoring, the sex industry, streetwalking, Mrs Warren's profession, white slavery, sex tourism; More

gerund or present participle: gambling
play games of chance for money; bet.
"he gambles on football"
synonyms: bet, wager, place a bet, lay a bet, stake money on something, back the horses, try one's luck on the horses; More
bet (a sum of money).
"they gambled their money on cards"
take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
"he was gambling on the success of his satellite TV channel"
synonyms: take a chance, take a risk, take a leap in the dark, leave things to chance, speculate, venture, buy a pig in a poke; More

#273259 MGS Ground Zeroes 720p on Xbone

Posted by TheUltimateWaddleDee on 18 February 2014 - 06:45 AM

Cool story, bro!

You enjoy your 30 fps and I'll enjoy my 120 fps. Next generation/current generation indeed. *giggles*

Ok we freaking get it! You think consoles are a bad choice when compared to PCs. That's alright: it's your opinion. But do you have to be such an softshell lizard about it? Let him enjoy his console and don't be a huge prick about it.

#273149 MGS Ground Zeroes 720p on Xbone

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 17 February 2014 - 02:44 PM

Clearly you've never played an FPS otherwise you wouldn't be talking through your ring piece, though a delusional Sony Pony will say anything to defend their low end PC wouldn't they. 


£349.99 and your best game is a free mini game 'Resogun', yep well worth the investment. Still you're getting an inferior version of Thief at the end of month, so the PS4 will have one great game to play, though I'll be enjoying a more polished experience on my PC.


I'm pretty sure the Sony Pony who's never played an FPS before couldn't possibly have spent 8 months on Call of Duty: Black Ops II on the Wii U. It just couldn't possibly make sense, could it?


Feel free to keep bagging on me about console purchases, mate. As long as I'm happy with them, you're just gonna keep coming off as a dick, just the way I intend for it to happen (because you know, it seems to rile your jimmyjams for whatever reason and that makes me giggle).


Which by the way I am, you know, happy with what I buy. Unlike you who likes to rave on about this and that don't have the most visceral experience possible because of frame rates and resolutions and the Wii U having 99 problems according to you, I'm perfectly fine enjoying the games that I do have. I enjoy all the competitive thrills that I get from Battlefield 4, Need for Speed Rivals and FIFA 14 (OH GOOD GOSH HE BOUGHT EA GAMES!), and I'm having a heck of a fun time playing Warframe and Monster Hunter for my co-op feels. I'm actually getting round to getting Danganronpa and Toukiden later today for my Vita, as well as a 3DS XL because I really, really, really need to get on that Ace Attorney Dual Destinies shiz pronto.


That's probably a little too much for your brain to handle. That people like to buy games on consoles. That there are those who prefer it over the high impact edge of PC games. That people don't mind spending a lot more on a console version compared to cheap bucks on Steam.


Oh yeah, I don't like derailing threads, so I'll finish up by saying that I am getting MGS:GZ on the PS4.

#272869 Be Strong Clarence...

Posted by Dankey Kang on 16 February 2014 - 02:14 PM



#272774 Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (Wii U): 5/10 from Gamespot

Posted by Abcdude on 15 February 2014 - 11:59 PM


#271486 Nintendo learn a lesson from Sega..... Sonic Boom

Posted by Nollog on 10 February 2014 - 05:39 AM


Nintendo already listened to us.

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