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Hank Hill

Member Since 09 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2019 06:05 PM

#27156 Nintendo please dont rush the wii u out!

Posted by Hank Hill on 09 September 2011 - 07:27 AM

What with the news that Nintendo are struggling to get the final hardware together in time for developers to create games on, should WE ( the nintendo fans ) beg nintendo to come out and say, " we need more time "? I would rather wait another 6 months or a year for ninty to go away, and get this right. Tech would get cheeper so the chips inside would be better and that would be much better for all of us surely. Lets all just stick with our wii's and 3ds's until the godfathers of gaming give us and the developers the kick ass console we all want!

And by news, you mean o1.net rumors, right?

#26160 Introduction

Posted by Hank Hill on 05 September 2011 - 03:48 PM

Well, welcome to the Wii U Forums!

I'm glad to see somebody that enjoys game collecting as much as I do. :D

If you need any help, feel free to ask me, or any of the other guides, or our Admins, AMAC, and Feld0 (Who currently goes by Twilight Sparkle, but will change his name back to Feld0 after awhile)

#25203 Uh...it would appear the Ambassador Program NES games are now available for d...

Posted by Hank Hill on 31 August 2011 - 03:19 PM

It's easy to download. I have to say, the Yoshi game is boring to me. Out of all the NES games, I like around 6 of them.

I honestly don't know how to play it. xD And I like probably 8 of them, excluding Yoshi and NES Open Tournament Golf.

#24845 Article: Apple To Beat Wii U To Tablet Gaming Market?

Posted by Hank Hill on 29 August 2011 - 06:59 PM

Here is a similar separate article: http://myona.com/201...les-ipad-prove/

That article proved even less than the GameRant article...which already proved nothing.

#24843 Post your beautiful face

Posted by Hank Hill on 29 August 2011 - 06:56 PM


In other words...you can't handle my face. >:|

#24744 Article: Apple To Beat Wii U To Tablet Gaming Market?

Posted by Hank Hill on 29 August 2011 - 08:36 AM

Why do people seem to think that Nintendo is trying to compete with Apple? o_o All that article had shown is how idiotic GameRant's journalism is. Let's quote some things from them, shall we?

"iPad AirPlay Mirroring in iOS 5 releases this fall and will offer tablet-to-TV gaming similar to the Wii U a year before the Nintendo’s console is set to be released. Is this Apple’s big push into console gaming?"

Anybody with a brain could tell you that if Apple did anything gaming, it'd be insanely overpriced. The iPad AirPlay requires a Apple TV and a iPad, right? The cheapest iPad is what...$500? And then the Apple TV attachment is only an extra $100...

"#1: The Wii U tablet controller includes the classic gaming controller features such as analog sticks, triggers and buttons that the iPad 2 is lacking but it certainly looks like Apple is set to meet Nintendo head on in the tablet controller gaming market and it’s Apple going into this tablet gaming battle with a big head start.

#2: Apple has the installed base advantage as they have already sold over a million iPad 2 devices and over a million Apple TVs that come complete with the App Store library full of games. The Wii U isn’t due for release until sometime in 2012 and all that stands between those Apple TV and iPad 2 owners’ and tablet-to-TV gaming is a free firmware update expected to arrive this Fall."

Let's simplify what they said. #1: The Wii U has all the control options the iPad 2 doesn't, but Apple is ready to beat Nintendo. That's fanboyism at its best...

#2: So...they've sold over a million iPad 2 devices and over a million Apple TVs, so that's a ABSOLUTELY NINTENDO-CRIPPLING FANBASE, RIGHT? And yet, the Wii has sold over 87.57 million units (as of June 30th, 2011) I'm not seeing much of a contest there.

"This similarity in systems will certainly affect game developers choice of platform when creating their next game. At very least, the ability to port games from Wii U to the iOS 5 AirPlay mirroring and vice versa will seem like an obvious path to take and a very cost-effective one at that."

Cost-effective my butt. The Wii U is at the most going to be $400. (Although, in my opinion, it'll most likely be $350) and the iPad is $500, with a $100 Apple TV attachment. And if the Wii U discs are 25 gigs each, how the heck are you going to port THOSE to a iPad? It'd take 3 days to download. -.- "The similarity in systems will certainly affect game developers choice of platform when creating their next game." So, at the time, Nintendo has sold almost 90 million units of the Wii, while the iPad 2/Apple TV only has somewhere over a million sales? If I were developing a game...I'd go for the one with the bigger sales/fanbase. (In other words...Nintendo.)

"If only Nintendo was willing to make iOS games (at a competitive price), maybe we would see Zelda iOS or Super Mario iPad Brawl. Maybe Apple should just buy Nintendo, since they’re already making such similar products…"

If Nintendo made iOS games...the quality would diminish greatly. "Zelda iOS" I prefer to actually have buttons to play a game like Zelda. "Super Mario iPad Brawl" Seriously? ...seriously. This is a bad idea if I've ever heard it. You couldn't play a game as complicated (it's technically complicated with all the buttons and whatnot) on a iPad. -_-

"Maybe Apple should just buy Nintendo, since they’re already making such similar products…"

Maybe Sony should buy Microsoft because their controllers are similar. Maybe HP should buy out dell because the ENTER key looks similar. This alone is troll logic.

All in all, this really just shows how anti-Nintendo GameRant is, and why have, for the most part, stopped reading their blog a LONG time ago.

#24341 If You Could Bring Back Any System From the Dead, Which One Would it Be.

Posted by Hank Hill on 26 August 2011 - 07:28 PM

Probably the N64...I'm still waiting for Super Mario 64 2 and Banjo Threeie. >:|

#24212 is nintendo being cheap?

Posted by Hank Hill on 26 August 2011 - 04:46 AM

Has nothing to do with a dvd player. never said they were fact! just saying there is a rumor out that nintendo is using cheap parts. i find it ironic!

the problem has nothing to do with getting the game up and running on the console. ithe rumor said nintendo was cutting corners with the components inside of the remote... aka being cheap.

You're whole problem here is "the rumor" as it's A RUMOR. NOT FACT. I almost find it sad at how ready you are for Nintendo to fail. o_o

#24148 is nintendo being cheap?

Posted by Hank Hill on 25 August 2011 - 06:46 PM

funny to me now that there are reports of the Wii U dev kits having problems... why you might ask because of Nintendo using CHEAP PARTS! so i guess it is what it is.

Funny to me how those are rumors, shouldn't be taken as fact, and that nothing is known about the exact specs of the Wii U, and you can't call them cheap parts just because it doesn't have a DVD PLAYER.

#24124 WiiU Trophy/Achievement system

Posted by Hank Hill on 25 August 2011 - 05:07 PM

If they have it, that's good and great. But I quite honestly think it's foolish for people who judge Nintendo solely on the fact that there's no achievements...I'd rather have more game than get some arbitrary medal for swinging link's sword 100 times. :/

#23917 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Hank Hill on 24 August 2011 - 05:21 PM

Banned because homework tends to be useless most of the time. -_-

#23722 Rumor: 3DS to receive a redesign and a new name starting in 2012.

Posted by Hank Hill on 23 August 2011 - 05:24 PM


Technically, they have written it off as "rumors and speculation", but that still isn't downright denying it. I wouldn't put much stock in this rumor, as it just seems like something that would be a bad decision all around. Nintendo should (hopefully) know that.

I think the general rule should be this..."Don't take any news seriously from anybody unless it's confirmed by Nintendo themselves."

#23492 Rumor: 3DS to receive a redesign and a new name starting in 2012.

Posted by Hank Hill on 22 August 2011 - 07:17 PM

Or maybe it's a bad rumor created by a Sony fanboy in hopes of ticking everybody off? Nintendo has already said there won't be a 3DS Lite anytime soon, and to release a updated version of the system already would be just plain stupid.

#23314 E3 2012... im a little worries.

Posted by Hank Hill on 22 August 2011 - 08:48 AM

you guys are clueless!

Ask us our opinion, then insult us without logical reason. Typical Microsoft/Sonyboy...

#23313 is nintendo being cheap?

Posted by Hank Hill on 22 August 2011 - 08:43 AM

Nintendo DO make games consoles, but all im saying is in the future people will want less clutter and gadgets will have to do more than one job. Nintendo will have to address that and come up with a new way to get into peoples homes that takes up less space, how long do u think it will be before dvds n blu rays will be gone and we download all our entertainment? Not long, and video games will go the same way. Do u not agree?

No, I don't agree. I prefer actually having physical copies of my games, instead of some downloaded junk that the company can take from my system at any given time.

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