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There have been 48 items by Xef (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#290636 Super Mario Bros - Infinite Lives

Posted by Xef on 17 June 2014 - 09:05 AM in General Gaming

ahh thank you :)

#290613 Super Mario Bros - Infinite Lives

Posted by Xef on 17 June 2014 - 04:50 AM in General Gaming

Why are there different enemies? Is this some different mode? Cool glitch, but when you are that good at the game as he was I don't think you need infinite lives :P

#290509 Original watchdogs reveal graphics found in unused files in PC game.

Posted by Xef on 16 June 2014 - 08:52 AM in General Gaming

If they enabeled all this for the wiiu version I might get it, but doubt it.

#290476 Aonuma teases Majoras mask once again

Posted by Xef on 16 June 2014 - 01:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have it on my Wii Mode VC. I picked at it a little, but I find the time limit a bit stressful and stops me from getting much done.

You should use the song that doubles your time.

I just hope they bring it to 3ds since I have OoT3d there aswell, and I like having sequals and stuff on the same console
In fact if they brought MM and ALttP to 3ds I would have all zelda games on it except from:
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Four Swords Adventure
Skyward Sword
and soon Zelda U

But I can play all of those on the wiiu anyway with the exception of FSA(one day hopefully).

#290473 Majoras mask Remake Basically confirmed

Posted by Xef on 16 June 2014 - 01:10 AM in General Gaming

Some years ago in an interview with I think Iwata he said that when asked about a MM remake for the 3ds they were first going to make an original zelda game for it, than a remake could be possible. he also talked about a zelda game inspired by/ sequal to A link to the past, and that happened, but nothing is confirmend.

#266455 Smashers launches petition for GC support for SMASH 4.

Posted by Xef on 14 January 2014 - 12:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If they released a WiiU pro controler in the shape of a gamecube controller, I would buy it in a heart beat! But other than that I don't think they should focus on GC support.

#264136 Are you happy with your Wii U Pro Controller?

Posted by Xef on 31 December 2013 - 05:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

Got one for christmas, ain't going to use it much myself as it will be for multiplayer. Atleast until Smash. But yeah, it's super awsome imo and tbh my experience with 3th party controlers is that they break after 5-6 weeks.

#262931 Wired connection trouble

Posted by Xef on 22 December 2013 - 05:39 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

So my PC have a wired connection, and I use connectify to share it wireless. But I have problems connecting it to my WiiU and partly my 3ds.

On the 3ds it works somewhat, but dissconects sometimes. 

But, since this is WiiU hardware help I'll ask for help about the WiiU and I think my 3ds problems are for the same reasons as the WiiU ones.

Now the connection on my WiiU only works for 30sec - 1min after I start the connectify hotspot, after that I lose the connection and have to restart the hotspot for it to work again. I'd love to download NES Remix and watch the Nintendo Direct videos in higher qualities on the Eshop. 

Please help me if anyone knows what the problem could be! :D

One note, the 3ds connection worked perfectly some weeks back, but not anymore, I normally live at a hostel with a internet that only works on my school computer. I'm home for christmas for a couple of weeks, and my dad only have a wired internet... I'd buy him a wireless router for christmass if I could afford it. So last time I was here I used connectify to play pokemon on the 3ds and did some battles, but now I get disconnected from all battles after 1-4min.

Again, thanks in advance for any help, even if it can't be solved I will appriciate any help :)

#260522 Rayman Legends Coming to Xbox One and PS4 on February 25, Snoop Dogg Trailer

Posted by Xef on 11 December 2013 - 10:35 AM in General Gaming

I'll buy a PS4 for this even if I already have it on WiiU if they actually let me play as snoop dog!

#259852 Options...

Posted by Xef on 08 December 2013 - 01:19 PM in General Gaming

Sell your PS4, WiiU and 720p Tv. Use the money to buy a Xbox One, maybe two/more if you have enough money. Now realize that you can't play the X1(s) without a Tv. So sell your X1(s) and use the money to buy the best Tv you can find for that money.

Now wth are you doing with a Tv with nothing to watch/play? Tablets are the future! Sell your Tv and use the money to buy some ice cream and eat it on the beach while watching the sunset.

Now get a boyfriend/girlfriend and get married, get 4-5 kids and murder them in a bathtub. Now you are ON a 1080p Tv! Several actually.

- End rant. 

#257820 AlwaysNinty Presents: 5 3DS Games You Need To Play This Holiday Season

Posted by Xef on 25 November 2013 - 12:07 AM in General Gaming

Ack!  Why so much later for US?!  And no demo?!?  

IDK man, if it were up to me everyone would get the game and demo at the same time. :)

#257622 AlwaysNinty Presents: 5 3DS Games You Need To Play This Holiday Season

Posted by Xef on 23 November 2013 - 01:30 PM in General Gaming

Uh...Bravely Default doesn't come out until 2014...well past the holiday season. :mellow:

BD is out here in europe 8th december :D can't wait!!! played the demo for 5 hours, yeah the freakings demo!

#257249 Nintendo to use Android OS?!

Posted by Xef on 21 November 2013 - 01:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

UPDATE: A Nintendo representative has informed IGN that there is no employee at Nintendo by the name of Nando Monterazo now or at the time of the tweets.


No need to worry guys :)

#253275 Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari

Posted by Xef on 27 October 2013 - 01:51 AM in General Gaming

0559-6866-5764 or in my profile. If you add me quote my post and tell me then I'll add you.

Added you :) See my post above for friend code

#253212 Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari

Posted by Xef on 26 October 2013 - 11:43 AM in General Gaming

Added you.

My friend code is 4382 2047 8956. I'll add everyone in this tread so add me back :)
I'll only be online on weekends so you know if I don't add you back in some time.

#236348 Cloudberry kingdom

Posted by Xef on 01 August 2013 - 06:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

If it comes out in Europe I'm picking it up, can't afford Pikmin 3 in a couple of weeks anyway :s

#236198 According to GameInformer, Batman AO for Wii U will not have Online Multplayer

Posted by Xef on 31 July 2013 - 11:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Was planning on buying this until today, and when I read about that awesome sounding multiplayer I wanted it even more. Oh well, more money for games that matter.

#236141 Monster Hunter Frontier G?

Posted by Xef on 31 July 2013 - 06:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I only hope the chinese cryengine3 game comes over here (Europe n' America) preferably on Wii U since I love to play MH without all the rainbow on the main screen, and that game would look even more beautiful without a HUD, but would still get it for PC if it came here :) 

#234783 Rayman Legends coming to PC

Posted by Xef on 25 July 2013 - 11:41 AM in General Gaming

I have played the challange mode a lot with friends, great fun. I'll buy it on Wii U and pira..... accidentally download it for on my laptop to play when on the move/ also mods. 

#234242 Worst developer / publisher name?

Posted by Xef on 23 July 2013 - 12:27 PM in General Gaming

Obvious troll is obvious



There are a lot of companies that are getting some pretty negative reception, skipping all the ones already mentioned i would have to say Polytron. While their game may not lack in quality, their attitude is just a pure slap in the face to the gaming community. Sure paying $10,000 for a patch is quite steep, but Phill Fish refused to work on it for some time even after Microsoft removed the cost. Phil is more concerned about himself than the gaming community, not fixing your games bugs for the sake of protest won't get you any respect.

End of rant


No I'm dead serious!!!
I hate dem so much for raping my wallet every year!! Grrrr ;)

#234087 Worst developer / publisher name?

Posted by Xef on 23 July 2013 - 12:28 AM in General Gaming


#233371 The creators of Pokemon teases a new project.

Posted by Xef on 19 July 2013 - 11:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's probably just a new pokemon for X/Y

#230937 Olimar confirmed for Smash Bros!

Posted by Xef on 12 July 2013 - 12:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software




Now we know why he is missing from Pikmin 3 ;)

#230936 DuckTales Remastered Coming August 13

Posted by Xef on 12 July 2013 - 12:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It's not a big game in the slightest. This is going to be a digital game only.


There actually is a physical version for ps3 at 19.99$

#229561 Getting 10 Hours Of Battery Life On My Wii Pad Now

Posted by Xef on 07 July 2013 - 03:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nyko quality sucks, have been burned twice and not doing so again, I'll wait until Nintendo releases an official one. I don't care if it's mroe expansive.

I'd rather have a quality battery that lasts 5-10 years for 30-40$ than a shoody one that lasts two months for 20$.

But if you're happy with with it good for you. :)

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