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There have been 320 items by Reaper Pin (Search limited from 07-July 23)

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#82129 How do you prepare for E3?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 08:14 AM in General Gaming

Well, you know, do you invite friends over? Do you buy junk food? Do you replay some games in honor of E3?
I personally don't invite my friends over, I don't think they're as interested in gaming as I am xD
I don't buy junk food, although some Soda helps!
I may play some nostalgic games, but not finish them.

This year, I'm watching the conference on MTV2, commercial and lag free! I am also checking this site and NeoGaf for reactions that will blow my mind. I hope it's fun and Nintendo blows my mind (Again!)
Anyway, what are your plans?

Will you be connection to the Chat during E3? I hope many people do, it was fun during Nintendo Direct April 2012.

#82170 How do you prepare for E3?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 10:32 AM in General Gaming

The night before E3 I go to sleep covered in all my games and consoles.

That sounds amazing xD

#82186 Rumor: 3 Mario titles will be announced at E3 2012 for Wii U

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 12:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Ok, I know this is gonna sound weird, but no thanks.
If Nintendo where to release all these Mario games, I would start worrying a bit about the rest of Nintendo's IPs.
Could be just the crazy me, tho, and that's probably it.
Anyways, the list actually sounds very plausible!
I could see New. Super Mario Bros Mii as downloadable software, seeing as how Nintendo plans to have Nintendo Network up and running on launch day (I think)
Miyamoto himself said that we would see Super Mario Bros. 4 at E3, so that's true-
Mario Strikers 3, tho, I find it hard to believe.

#82198 Star Fox/Metroid Crossover is FAKE!

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 01:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Mario x Metroid-
Samus crashes on Bowser's Castle, Bowser then sends his minions after Samus but she destroys them all, Bowser then hires Samus to kill Mario and bring the Princess to him. Samus goes to Peach's Castle when Peach invites the whole Kingdom into the castl. She does this by using Morph Ball and enters through a hole. She then shoots the Toad Guards, Samus captures the princess and leaves. Mario chases after Samus all the way to Bowser's Castle, there Samus charges a beam and kills Mario. Turns in the Princess to Bowser and gets the money. Samus then repairs her ship with the money and leaves into the galaxy, only to end up mixed up in an asteroid field with the Star Fox team- This is when Metroid x Star Fox begins.


#82203 How do you prepare for E3?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 01:23 PM in General Gaming

Watch highlight of old confrences mostly. I don't like to go on chats while I watch E3. I won't get any junk food, maybe some Coke though. Unfortunately, in the UK, we don't have it on our TVs, I guess it's laggy Nintendo All Acesss for me.

By the way, Coke isn't the drug, it's slang for Coca Cola in England. Don't know if you have it in America.

We also call it Coke here in America.

#82300 Humble Indie Bundle

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 07:58 PM in General Gaming

Can someone please explain to me what the heck this bundle is?

I'm so lazy.

#82317 ECHO3 Interviews U !

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 09:04 PM in The Café


#82320 Post pointless stories of no substance whatsoever!

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 09:09 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Once upon a time

Everybody Died.

#82329 Diablo III For Wii U Leaked?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 09:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Damn, is Lupin pulling an account suicide?
He always seemed like a good member, not sure if I can trust him, tho.
This reeks of BS and it might be too good to be true

#82695 Developer: “We Won’t Be Working On Wii U Due To Its Complexities”

Posted by Reaper Pin on 01 June 2012 - 10:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

Developer- "We don't want any challenge nor do we want to be creative."

#82698 How do you prepare for E3?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 01 June 2012 - 10:39 PM in General Gaming

I play through the Zelda CDi games every year before E3. Spectacular, those games.

You will burn....

Those games where terrifying :(

#83602 Sportsgamer's trip to E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 03 June 2012 - 06:24 PM in General Gaming

Wish Sleeping Dogs was coming to Wii U after watching this trailer
You're so lucky to be there, dude.

#83604 Sportsgamer's trip to E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 03 June 2012 - 06:32 PM in General Gaming

Grand theft karate?

No, Grand Theft Beating People With A Telephone To Death.

: D

#83781 Rumor: Pikmin 3 information from E3?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 June 2012 - 07:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

We might have the whole game leaked here...
But you pay attention to two letters in the title?

I mean... wow.

#83797 Rumor: Pikmin 3 information from E3?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 June 2012 - 08:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Look at what HD is doing to us. This is why Nintendo skipped it on the Wii!

I... I think we are turning into...

#83800 Greetings from SR388

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 June 2012 - 08:11 AM in Introduction Central

A Reggie fetish.. you say...?

Prepare your anus body.

Welcome :D

#83889 Did your opinion change after Direct?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 June 2012 - 12:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

OctoG123 convinced me.
He is God. He is everything.
Posted Image

#83893 Did your opinion change after Direct?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 June 2012 - 12:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

I LOL'd when I saw that! XD

OctoG123:"Call Me Grandpa."
Guy:"That Makes Me Feel Uncomfortable"


Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I can't...
It sucked so much. It really did,

#84345 Retro's Game

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software


#84381 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I came to a conclusion.
It was sh**.
I was expecting Retro's new Massive game and Monolith Soft's HD Elder Scroll Rival game.
But what did we get? Sing? Who gives a f*** about that? No one. One chick even tweeted that the clapping after Sing was announced was fake. Just Dance 4? What the hell? They were supposed to show hardcore, new, games and they showed a bunch Idiots dressed like A-holes dancing to a whatever that thing on the screen was?! No Animal Crossing, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zelda? WHAT. Pikmin 3, great! I was excited to see this and it looks amazing. New. Super Mario Bros. U? Cool, but New Super Mario Bros 2? Who gives a sh** about coins? Tell ya who, NO ONE.
The way to E3 was amazing. But the actual E3 was one of the most disappointing piece of crap I've endured in my whole life.


Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Now show me Retro...

Oh, wait.

#84422 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 10:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You set expectations wayyy too high.

Expecting good third party support is too high?
Expecting first party games is high?
Expecting that a conference, where a console was going to be fully revealed, to be good is too high?
What is this I don't even.

#84426 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 10:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They have all the major third party releases of earlier in the year, and are likely to have the more recent ones in 2013. Tricky position for nintendo though, they can't get everything because games take years to make.
pikmin 3, mario and more coming.
The console was revealed on sunday.

True, true.

#84796 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

LOL wow most of the people on here are so negative. Nintendo did what they had to do... Over the next few months you will see a few Nintendo Directs aimed at the Wii U, and they will slowly show off more stuff... Price, release date, etc... I think Nintendo had a good show... They showed off the system and what it could do...

Nintendo showed off stuff for the core and for the casual gamers in one hour... And its not easy to fit a bunch of content into 60 minutes...

Mario looks awesome... I've been waiting forever for a HD 2-D Mario game and this one fits the bill...

Zombi U looks very promising...

Pikmin 3 looks awesome...

Games like Darksiders 2, Assassins Creed 3, Rayman Legends and Project P-100 look great... And the 3rd party games have a little extra that the PS3/360 will not have...

I also think people need to be patient with Nintendo Land... This will basically be a "This is what this system and Wii U Gamepad can do" game, much like Wii Sports...

Be patient... I've been attending/watching E3 events since its birth in 1995 and IMO Nintendo had a very good show IMO... If you look around and read the hands-on stuff that journalists are experiencing you will see that they are liking what they see and play... I think most of you are disappointed because you expected the world from Nintendo... Games will come...

Look at the 3DS... A year later and the system has a ton of great games coming out... Be patient Nintendo fans...

No. We are negative today because I guess we expected so much, we are usually a great community (Well, not including me,I guess) We should have set our expections to drop-dead low if people expect us to "Get over our expectations" Of today's horrible, terrible, conference.

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