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There have been 410 items by AndyG (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#246039 Monster Hunter 4 Launch Japan

Posted by AndyG on 14 September 2013 - 09:43 PM in General Gaming

Can't wait for this to get localised, if only W101 sales were this good :(

#245611 Limited Edition Wind Waker with Ganon figure

Posted by AndyG on 12 September 2013 - 01:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Unfortunately for me and my other fellow Australians we missed out of getting this great bundle, of course some online retailers are importing them in but i doubt that I will end up getting this. WW is one of my favourite games of all time, if you own a WiiU and haven't played this than you have no reason NOT to buy this.

#245427 [MAJOR SPOILER] GTA V Map Leaked, Compare in size with other R* Games

Posted by AndyG on 11 September 2013 - 02:43 AM in General Gaming

Wow, I feel so envious for 360/PS3 owners right now. I do hope they don't make the map too large since travelling to the same location is such a pain, especially of this scale. I wonder it this is bigger than Panua (I think thats how you spell it) off Just Cause 2.

#245202 PlayStation Vita TV Already Sold Out on Amazon Japan

Posted by AndyG on 10 September 2013 - 02:03 AM in General Gaming

People can buy whatever they please, this doesn't really change anything.

#245003 The Wonderful 101 - First Look & Gameplay Full HD

Posted by AndyG on 08 September 2013 - 06:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would recommend getting this, it has it's flaws but it is a very enjoyable game.

#244880 dying light(best zombie game on nxt gen)

Posted by AndyG on 07 September 2013 - 09:55 PM in General Gaming

If it's more like DayZ than I might consider getting this. Dead Island really started to bore me with the constant fetch quests.

#244878 Should I get a WiiU LAN adapter?

Posted by AndyG on 07 September 2013 - 09:53 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yes they did fix the speed issues.


But do you think connection speeds will be ok considering that im only able to get a peak of 1.5mb/s on my PC, some of you are talking about having onwards of 20+mb/s, for Australia you would be lucky if you had a connection speed of 5mb/s.

#244640 Should I get a WiiU LAN adapter?

Posted by AndyG on 06 September 2013 - 08:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

Does the Wii U support LAN adaptors? I don't know. they discontinued the original one shortly into the original Wii's lifetime.

They have official WiiU ones available in store, the only down fall is that there around AUS$50 a pop.

#244529 Should I get a WiiU LAN adapter?

Posted by AndyG on 06 September 2013 - 04:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

I have been considering getting one of the LAN adapters for WiiU for the purpose of online when i'm over at a friends house (he doesn't have wireless). I remember ages ago, someone posted about having data speed problems despite having relatively fast internet. I just want to know, has this been fixed and would it be ok to buy a cheap adapter off Ebay for $10 rather than pay $50 for the official.



#244526 What wii u games do you plan to have picked up by end of this year?

Posted by AndyG on 06 September 2013 - 04:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I plan on getting:

-Pikmin 3 (possibly)

-Watch Dogs Vigilante edition (Which i have already preordered)

-Splinter Cell Blacklist (Which my store hasn't stocked yet )


Oh I wish X was out this year :(

#244243 NEW Wind Waker HD trailer and graphics comparison by Nintendo Japan

Posted by AndyG on 04 September 2013 - 04:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It would be kinda cool if they gave us an option to adjust the bloom to the way it use to look just to see what it could look like. This remake sure looks beautiful though.

#243784 Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate Trailer

Posted by AndyG on 03 September 2013 - 12:24 AM in General Gaming

Neat, not sure if i will get it though. I have a suspicion that the 3DS version will suffer from some framerate issues, I could be wrong.

#243744 GameSpot Says Wii U Version Of Rayman Legends Is Worst Version

Posted by AndyG on 02 September 2013 - 06:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The problem is this game was originally built for the WiiU only, it's likely that some of their gamepad features had to be tweaked thoroughly in order to make it playable on the other platforms.

#243533 intendo 2DS: Lighter than XL, worse battery, mono speaker, screens same size as

Posted by AndyG on 01 September 2013 - 08:40 PM in General Gaming

You don't seem to get it. The main reason was to get rid of the clam shell design to get rid of the hinge which is very vulnerable especially in the hands of a little kid. That plus they tried to make it more durable overall with the chunky design. Its not being marketed toward you and I and others on these forums but young kids especially the under sevens. You may think it looks ugly but I doubt a five or six year old is going to look at it like that.

Good point

#243362 Will be new to the wiiu family

Posted by AndyG on 31 August 2013 - 09:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

I would definitely recommend getting the Wonderful 101, there has been plenty of negativity against it but it is by no means a bad game. All though I personally wouldn't recommend getting AC3 unless you a diehard fan of the series, apart from the sailing sections I found the game to be feel pretty bland, also the WiiU port is pretty poorly optimised with pretty lengthy load times, a s**t ton of analysing and poor texture/model swapping. Some people might see it differently but my experience wasn't really that pleasant.

#243360 intendo 2DS: Lighter than XL, worse battery, mono speaker, screens same size as

Posted by AndyG on 31 August 2013 - 09:16 PM in General Gaming

Like most people i really don't understand why they would go for this sort of design, sure it's cheap but it looks just so damn ugly IMO. Could it have really have hurt to have kept the fold in design.

#243205 Infinity Ward says the Wii U Version of COD Ghosts is not Current or Next-Gen

Posted by AndyG on 31 August 2013 - 03:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Not necessarily.

The Wii Us strengths play out differently.

For example, the texture resolution on Wii u will be just as good as ps4.

Geometry should be there too.

But Wii u will have to load more. And there can be more scripted ai activity at once on ps4 IF the developers really push that.

I think what is being referred to is the fact that the Wii u will be using its own engine. Not the x86 engine for pc and optimized for ps4/x1. Not the old clock cycle dependent engines on ps3/360. But a version of the engine meant to utilize the Wii u like it should.

This automatically means, it won't be a ps4 game. And it won't be a 360 game either.

But time will reveal what was meant by this. Looking forward to it.

If Nintendo can make the Wii u graphics look insane (do, mk8, 3d world, etc.), then third parties with giant dev teams can do even more with a dedicated Wii u engine designed to actually utilize the hardware's unique next gen design.

It's still treyarch though...
So ... ???

The blops2 port on U was visually slightly sharper than old gen consoles, but frame rate wasn't as good in areas. This was due to the fact that they ran old school code on the new design.

Either they still suck at porting to Wii u (highly unlikely), or they've been hard at work for the last year utilizing the Nintendo dev tools and are utilizing all cores of the CPU properly and opening the throttle some more on the gpu.

Ghosts looks pretty impressive from the pc footage. Hopefully, they really go for it with the Wii u version and EARN sales.

The only time I ever had frame rate issues was during some of those later cutscenes where you hang around with wheel chair bound Mason around a graveyard, of course i updated as soon as i got it. The WiiU had a clear lead in visuals against the PS3/360 version, I do hope they have a good time handling the port.

#243204 Is now the right time to buy?

Posted by AndyG on 31 August 2013 - 03:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Anytime is as good as any to buy a WiiU, there are plenty of games to keep you occupied till the xmas season so you won't be lacking any games. Don't be discouraged by people telling you it is weak or just a bad console, it is an amazing console that is still got a lot of potential. Also lets not forget that the PS4, as amazing as it looks will have plenty of issues during launch, same goes for X1. You are better off waiting for at least 6 months, that way you can avoid any software bugs,server issues, console/game shortages...the works.


I do highly recommend getting that WindWaker bundle as we have been discussing, if you haven't already played it than this is now as good as any to play this masterpiece.

#242529 wii u ambassador program

Posted by AndyG on 29 August 2013 - 03:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

I feel people are really making way too big a deal of all of this. Sure some free games would be nice but that won't really help make customers happy. I own and love my console to death, It saddens me that people just have to complain and say that Nintendo is robbing them of there money, Nintendo are trying pretty darn hard to get everything sorted out and i feel satisfied with what they have to offer, so instead of complaining about what Nintendo hasn't done YET...lets look at what good has come to the WiiU, and it's fair to say that the WiiU has a lot of love to give.

#242528 W101 Embarassing Sales - 5000 in Japan!

Posted by AndyG on 29 August 2013 - 03:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think quite a lot of people were put off by the IGN review,as i have said before 7.4 isn't necessarily a bad score but it would probably had me turn a blind eye to the game had i not seen the spectacular W101 Direct.

#242130 What's the weirdest post you've seen on Miiverse.

Posted by AndyG on 28 August 2013 - 03:56 AM in General Gaming


#242129 Battlefield 4 discussion

Posted by AndyG on 28 August 2013 - 03:55 AM in General Gaming

To be honest I'm not really interested in this title, I feel the battlefield series is way too over hyped for what it is. Just my opinion.

#242128 The Wonderful 101 Misses the Top 20 in UK All-Format Charts

Posted by AndyG on 28 August 2013 - 03:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

To be fair there were quite a number of different major releases that would have over shadowed Wonderful 101. Not to mention that just about everyone judges a game purely on the IGN score, 7.4 isn't necessarily a bad score but I wouldn't look twice had I not seen the W101 Nintendo direct trailer. Still these sales figures don't really surprise me.

To be fair there were quite a number of different major releases that would have over shadowed Wonderful 101. Not to mention that just about everyone judges a game purely on the IGN score, 7.4 isn't necessarily a bad score but I wouldn't look twice had I not seen the W101 Nintendo direct trailer. Still these sales figures don't really surprise me.

#242125 watch dogs visuals PS4 vs Wiiu

Posted by AndyG on 28 August 2013 - 03:46 AM in General Gaming

I will probably get the PS4 version instead due to a larger online community. At least it is good to see that the Wii U port won't look too underpowered.

The name reminds me of Lulzec which is a defunct hacktivist group.

I don't think you are even able to select who goes into your world, I believe it will be just at random. There will probably be a decent enough online community, i doubt that you will ever see the same player twice.

#241888 EA no longer working anything offline.

Posted by AndyG on 27 August 2013 - 04:01 AM in General Gaming

EA is really making great game developers crash right into the ground, companies such as DICE and Bioware deserve so much better. Like common, BF4 isn't even released yet and they have dedicated most of their time for their day 1 DLC. It's sad big coperations think they can just release a half finished game at full price and expect us to pay another $30-$40, it's insane. All though i would have to say IMO, Activision does a pretty good job with their DLC, each pack feels solid and it's clear to see a lot of time and thought has been put into each pack, there will be plenty of people that won't agree with me but thats just how i see it.

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