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There have been 211 items by AMAC (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#101470 "F1 will not see a yearly release on Wii U" says Codemasters

Posted by AMAC on 23 August 2012 - 07:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm a bit disappointed about that, although if they release an F1 game on the Wii U every two years, I'd be able to cope. I also think it's a bit worrying for Nintendo that Codemasters, and possibly other developers, doubt their ability to sell the Wii U to hardcore gamers.

#72758 -

Posted by AMAC on 17 April 2012 - 11:08 AM in Site News and Feedback

As Feld0 said in the other thread, warnings are a private matter between staff and the concerned members. If there is a troll, there's a good chance you'll have noticed it already. The problem with revealing other members' warning points is that it can lead to members assuming someone is a troll when it could easily be for something they did months ago.

#80267 -

Posted by AMAC on 22 May 2012 - 11:51 PM in The Café

I'm probably biased here, but I really like the look of the union flag (Great Britain). I also think that the flags of Brazil and Spain.

#68878 -

Posted by AMAC on 01 April 2012 - 07:47 AM in Site News and Feedback

The problem with allowing such discussions though, is that it can easily lead to discussing piracy and other things which definitely are illegal as it's not entirely clear exactly what is and isn't legal. Because of that, it's easier to simply prohibit any discussion of grey-zone material.

#73583 -

Posted by AMAC on 21 April 2012 - 10:18 AM in The Café

They might be very clever animals, but I don't believe they are as clever as people (well, they maybe cleverer than some of the really stupid people out there) and I don't consider them to be people.

#62704 -

Posted by AMAC on 20 February 2012 - 09:43 AM in The Café

Because there are so many clauses people don't notice. There was recently a bill somewhere that said tax money would go to libraries... if another sports stadium could be built. Sports Stadiums wreck the economic status of their surroundings and keep money rather than putting it back into the economy.
I would vote if they actually had our best interest in mind, not to trick us and make money.

I disagree about sports stadiums being built. Projects such as sports stadiums create a lot of jobs and local businesses such as shops and restaurants benefit from the the thousands of sports fans that come to the area for events. Anyway, I see your point about the number of bills that are passed with unmentioned clauses, although I agree with Nollog that most people tend to focus on the bad things regarding politics and often ignore the benefits of government spending.

#62298 -

Posted by AMAC on 18 February 2012 - 12:49 PM in The Café

I disagree. Voting is optional in the UK too and I don't think making it compulsory would solve any problems. A lot of people have no interest in politics and I don't see much point in those people voting.

#59794 2 questions

Posted by AMAC on 05 February 2012 - 05:44 AM in Site News and Feedback

I'm interested in the term "active posts" do our posts stop adding to our post counts at some point over time or is it just a word added for no reason?

Do you have a list of moderators/special privileges users? Nevermind, found them at the bottom of the index.
Is there a reason you have no moderators? You two admins must be very active to mod the whole forum yourselves.

Congrats to amac btw.

1) Active posts include every post you've made on the forum, including those in sections like the Forum Games section which don't actually count towards post count. That's the only difference between active posts and post count.

2) The reason there are no moderators at the moment is simply because I've only just stopped being a mod and I was the only one.

3) Thank you! :)

#60618 2 questions

Posted by AMAC on 09 February 2012 - 09:47 AM in Site News and Feedback

This thread Seems to have gone off-topic and the original questions have been answered. As a result, it's been locked.

#83904 3DS getting it's own conference on 6/6!

Posted by AMAC on 04 June 2012 - 01:30 PM in General Gaming

Sounds like there's going to be a lot of announcements from Nintendo over the next two days then! I think there'll still be some 3DS news tomorrow, possibly a few new games announced, but it looks like the Wii U will be the subject for the majority of tomorrow's presentation (which was kind of expected already).

#141496 A cool forum idea

Posted by AMAC on 01 December 2012 - 12:06 PM in Site News and Feedback

I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan of the idea. I can see it encouraging users to spam and think users should get certain privileges based on something like post count. I also don't really see how it could make the forums any better. Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid I'm going to veto this one.

#154605 A sub-forum request.

Posted by AMAC on 31 December 2012 - 04:29 PM in Site News and Feedback

Retro gaming is covered by the General Gaming section and I haven't seen enough posts about retro games to warrant giving it a sub-forum. Thanks for the suggestion, but unless there's a large number of users who want this, I don't think there's much benefit.

#142529 Admin

Posted by AMAC on 03 December 2012 - 07:22 AM in Site News and Feedback

If another admin is ever appointed, they would be chosen by Feld0 and would most likely be one of the current moderators. You can't simply ask to be an admin.

#74062 Am I the Oldest Person Here?

Posted by AMAC on 23 April 2012 - 11:47 AM in The Café

You definitely seem to be one of the forum's older members, but I think there might be a few members who are older than you. I can't think of anyone of the top of my head though. I'm currently 17 and I think the average age is around 15-18.

#83196 AMAC I'm calling you out.

Posted by AMAC on 03 June 2012 - 02:15 AM in The Café

If you want to talk to me about something like this, you should do it through a PM, rather than casting a thread about it.

#93088 Angry Birds Trilogy to Cost $29.99

Posted by AMAC on 12 July 2012 - 07:52 AM in General Gaming

It seems pretty steep for three games that cost £3 each on iPad. As someone with the iOS versions of most of the Angry Birds games, I wouldn't pay that sort of money for a 3DS version unless it has some significant differences from the previous versions.

#84250 Anyone is afraid to see the graphics of the wii u today at E3?

Posted by AMAC on 05 June 2012 - 05:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm not worried about the graphics of the Wii U. The demos we saw last year looked great, especially the Zelda demo. The screenshots of the zombie game didn't look stunning, but they weren't particularly bad either and it's probably in the early stages of its development.

#147537 Arcade- WE NEED THIS :3

Posted by AMAC on 13 December 2012 - 09:03 AM in Site News and Feedback

I'd be happy for the forum to have some arcade games, although as I normally access the forum through my iPad, I wouldn't get much use out of it. The main issues with this idea is that I would struggle to add any games to the forum; Feld0 would probably have to do it and that doing so would probably take up a lot of time. As he would be doing the bulk of the work for this, it would largely be up to Feld0 whether he wants to implement this.

#59839 Ask Elric

Posted by AMAC on 05 February 2012 - 11:57 AM in The Café

Why have you changed your name to Elric?

#96023 Ask Elric

Posted by AMAC on 27 July 2012 - 11:10 AM in The Café

What are your thoughts on the Olympics?

Are you going to be watching the opening ceremony?

What event (if any) are you most looking forward to at the Olympics?

#153916 Atheism.

Posted by AMAC on 30 December 2012 - 07:54 AM in The Café

Seriously? 19 posts of cats/ponies/general spam? I've hidden all of the spam posts and will give formal warnings to any users who continue derailing threads by posting unrelated images.

#125280 Barack Obama re-elected.

Posted by AMAC on 06 November 2012 - 11:41 PM in The Café

I'm glad Obama won. He hasn't had the best four years, but I think a lot of America's problems have come as a result of George Bush's presidency which many have blamed Obama for. I think that America will be better off with a other four years of Obama and hopefully he'll be able to really get Obamacare going (I still don't see why so many are against having free healthcare) as well as fix the economy.

#91317 Bedroom?

Posted by AMAC on 02 July 2012 - 01:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'll probably keep mine in the living room, as that's where the big HD TV in my house is and it's a better place for the Wii U for multiplayer.

#117149 canceled games chat

Posted by AMAC on 13 October 2012 - 10:41 AM in General Gaming

Locking this thread, I don't see much point in a thread that's full of screenshots without any proper discussion.

#134541 Capu...

Posted by AMAC on 20 November 2012 - 09:32 AM in The Café

Locking this thread, as I don't see any point to it. Try and keep pointless threads like this to the forum games and Roleplay section.

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