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#91535 What Store do you Buy your Video Games at?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 02 July 2012 - 08:34 PM in General Gaming

I buy from Gamestop. No idea why. I actually hate Gamestops. But hey, it is what it is.

#91029 wii u elder scrolls?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 07:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If the question is, "would I like to see it," then of course. But until VI comes out (if there is one) we most likely won't have TES on the U. Probably not happening with Skyrim, and as much as I would love, not with Elder Scrolls Online either. :(

#91028 Resturaunt

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 07:39 PM in The Café

Maggiano's Little Italy. (not fast food) Get the family style, and you'll be reliving a scene from Monty Python's Meaning of Life. (hope you get what I mean)

#90958 Wii or 360?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 12:08 PM in General Gaming

Wii i would want. google.com

#90956 What is your favorite quote?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 11:57 AM in The Café

What is your favorite quote?

Can be from a book, movie, game, historical, or celebrity, etc.

Just wondering...

#90955 Nintendo Network costing money?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 11:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

I do think that they may charge for online play in games individually in special cases, similar to what was done with Battlefield 3 and online passes.

#90954 Darksiders 2 Wii U Box Art Revealed?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 11:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes. The box cannot be too similar to the Wii boxes, but maybe a little. They can do something like what they did with the DS/3DS boxes.

#90953 The most amazing concept ever... the DS U!

Posted by dkrumble725 on 30 June 2012 - 11:48 AM in General Gaming

I wouldn't buy it. I never liked the Super Game Boy when it was out. For me, if I want to play a Gameboy game (or in this case DS) , I want to play it because it is portable.

#90866 most horrible movie

Posted by dkrumble725 on 29 June 2012 - 06:25 PM in The Café

"Freaks"  it's just plain weird.

#90865 LEGO City Stories

Posted by dkrumble725 on 29 June 2012 - 06:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If GTA V on wii u doesn't happen, this seems like a suitable substitute. :)

#90864 Hello all!

Posted by dkrumble725 on 29 June 2012 - 06:16 PM in Introduction Central


#90863 Origin of your username

Posted by dkrumble725 on 29 June 2012 - 06:12 PM in The Café

I use this for most accounts and games. Dk rumble came from some comments and jokes I made in my Donkey Kong Country Trilogy Co-op LP with Mariopower201. The 725 part also has meaning. The number 72.5 is part of an inside joke between MP201 and I.

#90815 Yoshi Wii U

Posted by dkrumble725 on 29 June 2012 - 01:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yoshi's Story 2? Maybe... but probably not for the U. Maybe for 3DS.

#90608 Nintendo Network costing money?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 06:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nah, it'll be free.

#90607 Would you be disappointed if Nintendo Land and NSMB U don't have online p...

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 06:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It does if:
1. You are making it to be the lead game of the console, much like Wii Sports for the Wii.
2. You are making the main point of your console about gaming and networking as one.

And I think you meant online, because Nintendoland would be a shambles if it had absolutely no multiplayer.

Yes, I did mean online. lol. I don't think Nintendo will use Nintendoland as a main medium of displaying it's networking capabilities, however.

#90597 Would you be disappointed if Nintendo Land and NSMB U don't have online p...

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 05:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Funny enough, I couldn't even imagine the new SSB without online multiplayer, even though i hardly even bothered with Brawl's when It was available. Don't really care about 'tendo land... it's like wii sports... really doesn't need multiplayer.

#90589 Ninja Gaiden 3 Changes

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 04:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Good thing... the other one was just... disappointing.

#90588 Fallout 3, tips anyone?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 04:29 PM in General Gaming

Tip: Play Skyrim

Fallout 3 almost made me kill Bethesda.

#90586 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 04:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

You're not in what I believe is a minority. I too would like to see the kinds of games you described being on the Wii u, but I do not want Nintendo to sacrifice true enjoyment in the name of making a game more "mature." Nintendo needs to bring back franchises that we haven't seen in awhile, and make their stories more interesting to appeal to "core" gamers, while pleasing fans. For instance... a chrono trigger/cross sequel with the same great RPG play, but writing that pulls the player into the story. Too often, "immersion" is defined by high res graphics or gimmicky controls. And now I am officially off topic. :)

#90585 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by dkrumble725 on 28 June 2012 - 04:13 PM in General Gaming






-Playstation 1






-Atari 2600...

and the Wii U i will soon purchase.

#90144 Count to 3000!

Posted by dkrumble725 on 26 June 2012 - 06:47 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

There are 1473 reasons I shouldn't care about this.

#90143 NBA Finals

Posted by dkrumble725 on 26 June 2012 - 06:44 PM in The Café

Guys! Guys! Guys! Now that its over, let's all whip out our copies of NBA Live '95 and get ready for next year!

#87853 Star wars 1313

Posted by dkrumble725 on 15 June 2012 - 08:40 AM in General Gaming

This is Mass Effect with Star Wars Plastered on it. The only way this interests me is the fact that the story takes place in the criminal underworld of SW. What we really need is the Star Wars: Underworld live action show. Not this.

#87845 Dead Space 3

Posted by dkrumble725 on 15 June 2012 - 08:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess i'll just be completely ignored XP I miss the horror in video games. Started leaving after Resident evil 4

I completely agree.

#87827 Ubisoft won E3!

Posted by dkrumble725 on 15 June 2012 - 07:24 AM in General Gaming

Yep. Hate to admit it. "We're all a little gay inside."

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