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#153706 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by rschauby on 29 December 2012 - 06:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

to be honest the gamepad for me is a lot more significant a leap for console gaming than the wii mote ever was,

I think for core gamers, you are right. But remember, the Wiimote is what put gaming consoles in your Grandparents house. I doubt the Gamepad will get the Wii U in retirement homes, but I think for core gamers the Gamepad is more revolutionary.

#153700 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by rschauby on 29 December 2012 - 06:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

You don't need to worry about the Wii U, it will be fine. Unless PS4 or Xbox720 deliver a Gamepad then the Wii U will always have a HUGE advantage. The Gamepad and Off-TV is almost as revolutionary as the Wiimote & motion controls.

If all the Xbox and PS4 spec rumors are true, then the machines will cost over $500. They will NEVER be able to deliver what the fanboys are claiming at the sub $400 price they think.

#143673 New Update right now?!

Posted by rschauby on 04 December 2012 - 05:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

Gah. That means I'll have to pull it out of the closet and update it again! I'm trying to get this thing finalized so it will be ready to play Christmas morning.

But, I won't complain if this update includes features and hopefully OS performance increases.

#114700 Framerates and Native Screen Resolution of Wii U games

Posted by rschauby on 03 October 2012 - 12:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

According to Activision COD has always been released in HD...

#112472 Basic or Deluxe?

Posted by rschauby on 24 September 2012 - 04:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

Deluxe is WAAY more valuable than the $50 premium.
  • Black (this right here is worth $100)
  • 24 GB More of System Storage (worth $20)
  • Cradle for Gamepad ($20)
  • Stand for Console and Gamepad ($10)
  • Discount or credit in eShop ($50)
  • NintendoLand ($60)

#113401 Are you concerned about if the Wii U can breaks because of overuse?

Posted by rschauby on 28 September 2012 - 06:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

My first Wii broke after 1.5 years...

It can happen.

#114892 Gamecube/Wii games you want in 1080p Full HD on Wii U

Posted by rschauby on 04 October 2012 - 06:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I want new games, not remakes. Remakes are what you do when you're out of ideas and your system is limping along in its final weeks.

#108538 What games did U pre-order?

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 08:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Already ordered:

Mario Brothers U
Zombi U

Considering Black Ops 2 if Amazon can put it in their system.

#127199 Digital or Physical

Posted by rschauby on 10 November 2012 - 12:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Plus you can find real games on sell while digital normally dont go on sell that often.

This is the only issue for me. I think the 10% program for deluxe systems is nice, but they need to do more. If they were really serious about combating used games, then this has to be part of the solution.

#127144 Digital or Physical

Posted by rschauby on 10 November 2012 - 10:11 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm planning on going digital whenever possible with this system. My family doesn't do well with optical discs, their survival rate in my home is very low. I had NSMBU on pre-order from Newegg for $48, but I have cancelled it in order to get the digital download version. I have kept my $48 pre-order for BO2, as I don't believe it will be available as a download.

I am curious, what are others' plans when it comes to digital vs physical. Is anyone taking a hard line?

#137147 My Wii U rant...

Posted by rschauby on 23 November 2012 - 08:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have owned almost every system since the Atari 2600. The Wii U is a quality system, and I believe the Gamepad is revolutionary, just like the Wiimotes before it. I like the variety and options games and developers have in how they choose to utilize the Gamepad. I really am not interested in playing "touch" games, and I think the launch titles really do a good job of showing how the controller and extra screen can be used. I am perfectly fine if some games want to ignore the second screen completely and just use it as a mirror. I think off-TV play is one of the absolute best features of this system, and I hope every game moves to support it in some capacity. I also think the 2nd screen will allow for some of the most unique and fun local multiplayer that has never before been seen on a console system.

#125176 Walmart.Com preorders

Posted by rschauby on 06 November 2012 - 05:16 PM in Wii U Hardware

I ordered my Deluxe Wii U on 9/16 and paid for rush shipping. My order on my Walmart.com account page says "Processing" and states it will arrive on 11/20.

I did not order a "bundle", just the Deluxe console.

If they cancel my order there will be hell to pay.

#112595 Sleeper hit and bust of the launch lineup

Posted by rschauby on 25 September 2012 - 08:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Sleeper: I don't think the true sleeper hit has been announced yet.

Bust: Zombi U. It's waaaay too gimmicky.

#108534 CoD BLops 2

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 08:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

That looks really cool. I think it's awesome how the Gamepad can be used as a stand alone.

#166245 Parental Controls - YouTube BUSTED!

Posted by rschauby on 03 February 2013 - 07:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've had this issue for a while, and the rest of the internet doesn't seem to be "talking" about it.

In Parental controls, if the Wii U eShop is set to "locked", then the YouTube app will be blocked from use. It sure would be nice allow Youtube while blocking eShop access for his account.

Anyone else notice this?

#109728 Should I sell my PS3 for a Wii U?

Posted by rschauby on 18 September 2012 - 04:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm going to hang onto my slim PS3. It's still one of the best Blu-Ray players you can buy, and it's the only Blu-Ray player I own, so replacing it will cost me money. Also, Sony does have a few exclusives I already own and want to play in the future. I own a Roku, and a Vizio Co-Star (Google TV), and it is far and away the best Media streaming device I own.

It's just not worth $300 for what I would have to give up.

#108478 Is Battlefield 3 still possible?

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 07:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Honestly, I don't see many games being ported over to Wii U that have already been released. The only exception I know of so far is Mass Effect 3.

Wii U will be in much better shape if Nintendo concentrates on getting the upcoming AAA multi-plat titles. Going after last year's titles isn't going to help the system.

#108609 Is Battlefield 3 still possible?

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 10:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I love Battlefield 3, it looks great, its very fun, and tactical. And I play on Xbox 360.

And this is exactly why they won't waste time on porting BF3. 99% of people that want it, already have it. The chances of them selling 2nd copies to new Wii U owners is VERY small and not worth the $$$ they would have to put into developing it.

#108467 Is Battlefield 3 still possible?

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 06:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Given that EA already has their next Medal of Honor game releasing soon and also have announced Battlefield 4, I feel that the Wii has a better chance at these 2 titles.

#114086 One gamepad

Posted by rschauby on 01 October 2012 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

I really hope they don't sell additional Gamepads. This system is expensive enough. If game developers start developing around multiple Gamepads, it will drive the cost of ownership up another $200. Just keep multilayer games using the Pro Controller or Wiimote.

#108489 Pro controller question

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 07:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

I honestly very much dislike the Wii Mote. I really hope it is abandoned on the U. I am so tired of pointing a wand at the TV screen. I am hopeful that most developers will design mainly for the Pro and the Gamepad. I will probably base all my game purchasing decisions based on this; I just hope all Nintendo IP games stick with Gamepad design direction.

#112893 black ops 2

Posted by rschauby on 26 September 2012 - 09:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo needs to get these top tier multi platform titles. If it can't get something like Call of Duty right, then we lose chances at other series like GTAV and Battlefield.

#108704 WiiU presale sellout smells fishy...

Posted by rschauby on 16 September 2012 - 01:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

And they didn't even sell any on Amazon.

I wonder if Nintendo has a million reserved for Amazon just in case...

#114361 Concern over the growing list of cancellation/not in development

Posted by rschauby on 02 October 2012 - 07:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Let me get this straight. You are thinking of canceling your order for a next-gen console because it is not releasing last-gen games...

Just keep your Xbox.

I don't want ports of tired and burnt out IP's designed for 8 year old hardware showing up on my brand new machine.

Let me get this straight. You are thinking of canceling your order for a next-gen console because it is not releasing last-gen games...

Just keep your Xbox.

I don't want ports of tired and burnt out IP's designed for 8 year old hardware showing up on my brand new machine.

#153709 Several problems with new wiiu :(

Posted by rschauby on 29 December 2012 - 06:53 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

If you haven't downloaded any eShop games I would try for an exchange at your retailer. If you have eShop games don't do anything but call Nintendo.

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