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Posted by Eggplante! on 19 November 2012 - 06:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

There will be a few shipments trickling into stores over the next few weeks, but they will be in one or two unit shipments and be completely unpredictable. As far as we know, Nintendo is not planning on another mass shipment of Wii U until it can produce a large batch, will not be until after the holiday season. They also like the hype of the machine so there is not a ton of added pressure for Wii U production. It is a big piece of what made the Wii as successful as it was outside of gaming circles while it was widely just a "meh" console within gaming circles.

#136524 007 Legends

Posted by Eggplante! on 22 November 2012 - 06:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm a total James Bond nut, personally. I'd like to think I know what makes a good Bond game and what doesn't, but that's just based on what I like from the Bond series. Here's what I know for a fact: 007 Legends sucked.

Here's the first paragraph of my review:

The back of the box of 007 Legends says “Live the legend and relive the world famous spy’s most iconic and intense undercover missions.” Boasting incredible missions – “most iconic and intense,” remember – from Goldfinger, Moonraker,Licence to Kill, Die Another Day, and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, in addition to some extra missions about Skyfall to be unlocked after the movie has been released in theatres, you would assume the game to be rather good.


For more, take a look at Eggplante.com: http://www.eggplante...28/007-legends/

(If you think this is spam, please let me know. Just trying to get myself out there to some people who are interested in certain topics. Not posting my own threads about my site!)

#130954 A bit early to ask this but...

Posted by Eggplante! on 16 November 2012 - 02:15 PM in General Gaming

Regardless of whether you get a Wii U or not, there are far too many variables when deciding on the next Xbox, PlayStation 4, or both.

Both consoles will likely have brand-new features that we can't fathom at this point, or a revolutionary new entertainment paradigm. Perhaps the PS4 will actually focus more on being a gaming console second, as the Xbox 360 has become in one sense.

There are a lot of theories as to how the consoles will play out in the next little while, but until E3 2013, we likely won't hear anything. Don't forget, the sooner Microsoft and Sony release information about their next console, the sooner they jeopardize sales of their current generation. Would you be in the market to buy a 360 if the next console is said to put it to shame and have better games? Probably not.

#139845 An honest Wii U review (finally!)

Posted by Eggplante! on 28 November 2012 - 03:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

Reviews should be based on having the console and playing through whatever you review.

The original poster is quite clearly very fanboy-like, which is great (I'm a total Zelda, Halo, and Apple fanboy), but has a time and place. When you're reviewing something, you need to be as objective as possible.

The review Mr.Saturn gave is fine, if he/she truly believes that stuff, but there is no way anyone could have played through all those games by three to four days after launch of the console to know whether or not those are excellent games or not.

#137659 An honest Wii U review (finally!)

Posted by Eggplante! on 24 November 2012 - 07:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think the problem with console reviews is that, for the most part, we have to review the potential of a system. As a piece of hardware, Wii U is a great concept, but not the best execution. However, it is not the best execution because the console is not the best, but because the games to utilize all its features have not been released yet.

A similar thing happened with Wii MotionPlus controls, where Skyward Sword was the first game to reaaaalllly make proper use of them. It is very much up to software developers (other than Nintendo, of course) to make use of the Wii U's capabilities to make the console itself a success.

#130950 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by Eggplante! on 16 November 2012 - 02:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

It is very much necessary to remember that Nintendo has had Wii U in development for about three years, if not longer. That includes salaries of a research and development staff for three years, in addition to prototype manufacturing (each prototype can cost anywhere from $2000 to $100,000, believe it or not), design, software development, and testing.

Then there's actually building the Wii U itself and hoping to make some money on it.

#130199 Anybody who wont get wii U at launch day?

Posted by Eggplante! on 15 November 2012 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Following Nintendo's trend, we won't see a price drop on Wii U until 2015. The Wii stayed at the original price from November 2006 to September 2009, nearly three full years.

It will also depend on supply and demand. If we have the same shortages with Wii U that we did with Wii, there is no way Nintendo will be cutting the price in the first two years, and it certainly won't be happening within months.

#135298 Automatic Update

Posted by Eggplante! on 21 November 2012 - 06:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wii didn't have automatic updates.
It had updates on the disc which you had to do in order to play the game which came on the same disc.

I think Ecorsbie is referring to the notification (via the blue light) that updates were available. The Wii lights up when something is ready to be downloaded and installed.

#163308 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Eggplante! on 26 January 2013 - 08:44 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because I squashed the goomba.

#160879 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Eggplante! on 19 January 2013 - 06:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because Piers Morgan is right about everything regarding gun control.

#138485 bluetooth headphones compatible?

Posted by Eggplante! on 26 November 2012 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

The jack on the GamePad will work with a headset (headphones and mic). I reviewed the Tritton Stereo Headset for Wii U (great set) and found it to be excellent. You can also hear yourself talk which is nice.

Check out Eggplante.com for the review!

#138188 CNN interviews Reggie Fils Aime.

Posted by Eggplante! on 25 November 2012 - 05:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Don't forget that CNN doesn't necessarily "slip up" so much as the poke the fire a bit. Even the slightest bit of controversy is big news.

Not that Reggie would ever do it, but if he was the type to get super mad and yell that Wii U is better and storm off screen would be bigger news than a little interview like this.

#160882 Disc vs Download

Posted by Eggplante! on 19 January 2013 - 06:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The biggest thing I'm upset about with digital-only is going to be the lack of collector's edition content. I mean, sure you might pay extra for DLC or a season's pass or something, but what about that cool journal from the game, or statuette, or even that gold Wii Remote? Gone :(

#161979 Disc vs Download

Posted by Eggplante! on 22 January 2013 - 07:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It probably is illegal & I normally wouldn't have done it, but when I bought my wiiu points card they charged me 12% tax for it. I didn't want to have to pray full tax twice so I changed my region. I still payed 17% tax though when I should've only payed 12%. So if the law wants to get on my case they can suck beans.

Not sure what you mean here since Wii U games that you buy online are not bought with points. Also, if you are talking about Wii games you buy for points, you don't pay tax twice since you pay in points, so if a game is 800 points, you pay 800 points, not 800 *1.12 or whatever your tax rate is. You would have paid tax on the 2000 points you bought, for example, but not twice.

#163303 Disc vs Download

Posted by Eggplante! on 26 January 2013 - 08:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I never sell back my games, so I don't have a problem with digital. If the games are huge, like Smash Bros though, I go retail. Another thing, people say that you don't own the game when you go digital, but you only own a license to play it. Is the company going to take it back from you or something?

They're not going to take it back from you or anything, but the argument is being made about whether or not you will always have access to that game. Let's say Nintendo goes bankrupt or decides to stop offering certain games on its online store. (Get around the fact that those things probably won't happen, but we've seen worse and weirder things happen). If you have paid for a game and are granted a license to use it but Nintendo no longer offers it, you can't redownload it, which means you've effectively lost the money you've paid for it. The same thing would not happen with a physical copy unless it requires a constant internet connection to servers to verify its authenticity, though game companies are moving away from that now anyway.

The same applies to physical retail games and not just digital games.

That's actually not true. No, you don't own the physical assets of course, or every gamer would have a 0.00001% ownership of Modern Warfare 3 or Super Smash Bros. or any other game. But you do own an always playable copy of the game that cost you probably the same price as a digital copy would have.

#147731 First Wii mini Unboxing!

Posted by Eggplante! on 13 December 2012 - 03:14 PM in General Gaming

$100 is a bit pricey, but if you think about Nintendo releasing this thing at $79, why would anyone go out and buy another Wii Remote and Nunchuk and spend $69 when they could get a whole new system as a backup for an additional $10?

#144924 First Wii mini Unboxing!

Posted by Eggplante! on 07 December 2012 - 05:45 AM in General Gaming

Hi everyone! Here is the world's first Wii mini unboxing video! Take a look here:


Also, we're going to be doing a teardown of Nintendo's new console, so stay tuned to Eggplante.com for more! Enjoy and please let me know what you think!

#130210 Games on the Wii U

Posted by Eggplante! on 15 November 2012 - 02:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo Land is a great title. We only got the game today, so we've only played through a few attractions, but it's pretty great so far.

ZombiU was tons of fun when we previewed it at E3 2012 this year, and Pikmin 3 was another take on Pikmin. Always fun, but still just Pikmin. Can't say until we review it though!

#135296 Gamestop screwed my Wii U preorder over!

Posted by Eggplante! on 21 November 2012 - 06:20 AM in General Gaming

In Canada, GameStop (EB Games here) didn't get enough units to fulfill pre-orders. Rather than organize by when people preordered, they decided to do a line-up for people who pre-ordered. I was okay, but some people in line who had pre-ordered in September were beaten out by people who had only pre-ordered a couple of weeks ago. Not the right way to do it.

#139404 Gold Nunchuck available at Club Nintendo

Posted by Eggplante! on 27 November 2012 - 07:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

The best platinum reward ever for me was still the Club Nintendo Japan reward from 2007's Platinum program. I got me one of these babies on eBay for about a hundred bucks and it's beautiful (and still boxed, of course):


#135299 HDMI picture and AVMulti out

Posted by Eggplante! on 21 November 2012 - 06:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

Perhaps the only way is to use component video from the other connector. It will still produce 1080p visuals, but you may notice some slight signal disparity between that and connecting via HDMI. For what you get from Wii U and given that launch titles don't look any more stellar than an Xbox 360 or PS3 game, you shouldn't be missing out with Component.

#135139 HDMI picture and AVMulti out

Posted by Eggplante! on 20 November 2012 - 09:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U will only support one output of audio/video signal at one time. However, any HDMI port that is built to spec (anything on a TV by a name brand manufacturer) will be able to receive incoming audio. TOSLINK is available in addition to HDMI for devices that support it (some Blu Ray players and other home theatre equipment) but it is not necessary. HDMI is designed to carry both HD video signals as well as full surround audio signals.

#130272 Hello from Eggplante!

Posted by Eggplante! on 15 November 2012 - 03:43 PM in Introduction Central

Definitely not here to spam anyone, I can promise you that! Of course, Eggplante is a small site, so when I come across bits of news that I think are worthy, I might post them here, assuming that doesn't break any rules. But no, I'm here to contribute to discussion, and if you'd like to check out Eggplante, great! If not, that's fine too!

#130172 Hello from Eggplante!

Posted by Eggplante! on 15 November 2012 - 02:16 PM in Introduction Central

Hey there everyone!

My name is Christopher, and I founded and am the editor for a Toronto-based gaming news site called Eggplante! We cover games on all platforms, as well as music and movies, so come on over and check it out!

I just wanted to throw my name out there for everyone, since I'm looking forward to participating in many discussions with everyone on here! I'll throw out a post from time to time letting you know about the big posts on our site if that's okay - I'm not here to spam! To start, here's probably the biggest thing I can give you: Nintendo of Canada has already sent us our Wii U console! So head on over to Eggplante.com for our unboxing video!

I look forward to chatting with all of you!

Christopher Kalanderopoulos

#133977 How do you transfer games from tv to gamepad?

Posted by Eggplante! on 19 November 2012 - 06:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

While Sonic does support it, keep in mind that some games do not. It would be great to have virtual console games with GamePad support so you can play classics on a quasi-handheld as they were intended (titles like A Link to the Past or Pokemon Red Version) but that doesn't seem to be happening either :(

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