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#245136 Wii U Weak WiFi reception relative to Wii

Posted by currysonic on 09 September 2013 - 02:18 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

Thanks for the feedback. I will have to give Nintendo a call I guess.

#244633 Wii U Weak WiFi reception relative to Wii

Posted by currysonic on 06 September 2013 - 05:25 PM in Wii U Hardware Help

I've been having this problem for a while. I used a Wi-Fi repeater/extender but it drops intermittently and I just got sick of it eventually.

Are all Wii U's like this? I have my Wii right beside it (Its fully off, so I know theres no interferance) and I can easily watch netflix all day without it dropping. Without my Wi-Fi extender I'm lucky if the Wii U even get on netflix, assuming the extender doesn't drop me mid view. All my other devices work fine at the location where I put my Wii U.

I'm starting to think if I should take it to Nintendo to address the issue. Does anyone feel like the Wii U's wifi reciever just sucks, or is it just me?


#185547 Cost of making games

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 07:26 AM in General Gaming

CoD is NOT one of the best looking games, and neither is the Elder Scrolls. However the elder scrolls is worth the 60 bucks, while new CoD games are made in a year and are basically just a crappy 60$ Rip off with 10 maps and only 2 of them are good. Than they make you pay 60$ more for 20 new maps, which only 4 are good. Also you can get shot in te knee with a sniper and die immediately. Basically CoD sucks major a** IMO. At least BF is somewhat fun.

Hahaha, I wouldn't know. My laptop can only play games on lowest settings now. I have no personal experience with how great games could really look, only from what other people say.

#185546 Do Graphics Really Matter?

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 07:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think its about what the developer would like to do that is important. Perhaps their goal is to have something very visually stunning/unique art style for the player that they need to tools and hardware to do it, like Journey or Battlefield 3. 

Hardware gives developers options or tools in which they can selectively choose what experiences they want to give to the player. I guess what I am trying to say is, gaming has grown too complex and varied for this simple age-old-question to be accurate. I suppose its still great to asking yourself what values in a video game do you think is worth more.

The styles in games has grown far too varied (partly because of all the options and tools developers can play with now) for this question to accurate when addressed to games as a whole.

I suppose a better question is: "How much do you value graphics in modern gaming?".

Edit: I just finished watching the video. I now realize what I wrote isnt 100% in line with the real question asked... my bad lol

#185539 Cost of making games

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 06:56 AM in General Gaming

Hi forum go-ers!

I was finished Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) the other day and I noticed on the credits it was basically 10 core people who made the game.

It made me think. Now adays it takes a team of more than 100 core people to make a game, maybe 2-8 years depending on staff and ambition but costs in the order of hundred million dollars to make full use of todays consol hardware. With the new step up in consol hardware do you think it will cost even more to make games that take full advantage of the hardware?

Also, do you think the market is big enough to support these new super-games? I mean it takes like a million copies just to break even when making games that use full advantage of the system. If theres only 3 million fishes in the sea and only 1 million that take your bait well, would it be worth it to still keep fishing? 

I personally think if there are less hardcore gamers in this next generation we might just see cost cutting measures in development and thus very few games will actually use what the next gen consols and pc's are capable of. When you really think about it, the best looking games are the big titles with long lineages (Battlefield, CoD, Elder Scrolls, Zelda). 

Some notes: By full advantage I mean make full use of the available power. So most Indie games don't (well they don't have the staff or money) take full advantage of the potential of the system.

#185530 Top 20 Nintendo eShop Wii U Games [North America] (Weekly)

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 06:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think they should have included a hard drive. That way people don't have to risk their money buying hard drives that don't work. In my case all I had to do was buy a Y-Cable. But its incredibly hard to buy a external hard drive thats less than 500GB now adays, which for a non-multimedia device like the Wii U I would say 250 GB is all you would need throughout the product life-cycle.... TOPS.

Great refreshing look on the sales chart though. 

Also, I thought EA wasn't working with Nintendo do bring games on the Wii U??? Does this mean we may see Battlefield 4 on Wii U? =D

Let me take this moment to share my sad story about how I alwase wanted to play battlefield. My earliest experience was with BF: 2142, two of my good friends were playing it and I was over at their house. It looked so fun, with vehicles and teams and stuff! Eventually they got bored of it and let me borrow it... but my pc was crap and it was a slide show even on lowest settings. The next chance was Bad Company. I finally got it for the XBox360, sure it was two years after release but thats ok, well we are moving houses but I'll play it in the new one! Yay! A few hours setting up the living room... wait a minute... the Ethernet cable doesn't reach to where the router is... And now my laptop is too crappy to run battlefield 3, so I'm going to have to skip that. My next great hope is with battlefield 4! I can't afford to get a next gen consol or a new pc/laptop, and nor do I want to get a ps3/360 with wifi since they are late into their life-cycle (some may argue thats better value), so the Wii U is my last bastion of hope.*Sniff*

#185528 What Anime would you like to see as a videogame change or make happen?

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 06:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Doraemon X  Silent Hill

#185524 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 06:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

To be honest, I really quite enjoy the Lego Games. I played the Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean on OnLive, they were a blast! I was also extremely suprised at how lego could look so good graphics wise lol! I was alwase a skeptic of lego games until then. However while I do enjoy them, the games never really held my interest and so I stopped after playing a few hours. Thats probably going to be the case with this game too and that is simply because of personal taste although I would admit all the lego games I "sampled" were great.

I feel almost bad about not getting this one. It looked like they put alot of detail and effort into their first non-movie spin off lego game, and in addition they made it into a Wii U exclusive (for now). Yet I ended up spending money on what basically is a rehash of a wii game (Monster Hunter) hahaha. 

#185520 3rd Party Pad Battery

Posted by currysonic on 23 March 2013 - 06:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think that's what the OP is asking about. That's the external battery pack. There is also an internal replacement high capacity battery by Nyko. I don't think its meant to be out until next month.

http://www.amazon.co...ds=nyko battery

Thats exactly the one! Strange how I couldn't find it using amazon search... Unfortunately my power outlet set-up in my house does not make charging while playing on the couch comfortable. =(

#185449 3rd Party Pad Battery

Posted by currysonic on 22 March 2013 - 06:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hey Wii U forums a while ago I read Nyko has a battery that had a higher capacity (~8hrs) and it was not an physicall add on, just a battery replacement.

I can't seem to find it now anywhere. Is it still not out yet?


#182845 What Gimmick should Mario Wii U have?

Posted by currysonic on 15 March 2013 - 12:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Mario without a mustache

LOL I second this!

How about all water worlds? lol jk.... um... hm... Perhaps a time based gameplay, with classic themes. Mario has a watch or something that slows or speeds objects or areas... or anti-gravity gun and a hazard suit.

#180829 3ds game recommendation.

Posted by currysonic on 09 March 2013 - 12:00 AM in General Gaming

Tetrarythym. I don't have it but I can't get enough of the demo!

#180825 How do you think Nintendo could advertise better?

Posted by currysonic on 08 March 2013 - 10:47 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think Nintendo should advertise until they have a good line of solid games coming. For example right now mass marketting for the 3ds would be great, there are so many great games out right now and coming up for it!

#180824 is it true the wii u will be destroyed by ps4?

Posted by currysonic on 08 March 2013 - 10:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think it might be true.... Now hear me out.

The PS4 and Xbox720 (Or whatever they're calling these now), are most likely going to be fairly expensive at ~$600. Like the Wii before it we will probably see the Wii U selling ok within the first few years (actually Wii really took off in year 3). However! As we get into the 5th-6th year of the product life cycle we will may see the Wii U being far outvalued by its two competitors due to natural price drops in electronics.

I base this on this generation (Wii,ps3,xbox360), because we are seeing the same low powered consol vs expensive high powered ones.

But here is what is different! The potential for Service is different.

Wii had, and still has, a very low amount of options for NIntendo to bring new services for its customers. While xbox 360, and PS3 could be easily updated with new services that made the consols flexible to new consumer trends, such as social media or online downloads.

In conclusion, I think who ever brings out the best Service these next 3-4 years will see the best sales. The company that will win in the long run will be the one whose hardware restricts least on the services the company wants to bring to their consumers.

I look forward to how Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo updates their services over time to suit consumers.

#171706 Nykos: wii u uboost wanna know more here you go.

Posted by currysonic on 15 February 2013 - 12:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

http://www.nyko.com/...Wii U#retailers

Yeah me too. Anyone know where you can get this online? I tried Amazon.ca but they didn't have it. Is it even out?

#170273 Iwata cries at investor meeting

Posted by currysonic on 11 February 2013 - 01:44 PM in General Gaming


Well I think some people are getting confused as to why people say Nintendo wll fail (not my personal opinion). Well yeah low sales of the consol is part of it, but Nintendo is much much larger than it was in the 90's and they need to sell more consols to stay afloat. So while 3 million Wii U units moved looks ok compared to past generations such as the gamecube (lifetime sales of 21 million compared to the wii's 80 million) its not going to feed the monster that is Nintendo. At least this is my take.

I think NIntendo has been loosing a substantial about of money in the last 2 years (wasn't that when the 3ds launched?), and Wii U was suppose to pull them somewhat closer to the black a little. If someone has the numbers Nintendo lost last quater that would be great, but I think Nintendo is projecting an operating loss of like 200 million USD by March? Although their management team made of lofty goal of 100 BILLION yen in operating profit by the end of the fiscal year.. whatever that is for Nintendo/Japan. 100 Billion Yen is ~1.3 Billion USD i believe. If they manage to actually meet that goal, then kudos to the staff. This will be a very hard working time for Nintendo staff all over the world. Nintendo will really be pushing overseas sales since thats where its lacking the most.

#166738 Your dental routine

Posted by currysonic on 03 February 2013 - 10:03 PM in The Café

This is a very strange request.... Im assuming you have some oral hygiene fetish so ill play along :3

I awake from my slumber wearing nothing but my silk boxers, I stretch and yawn as I rub my eyes, as I yawn I smell a putrid odor lingering in my nasal cavity....

"Ew Morning Breath" I mutter

I walk to the bathroom and grab my Oral B 2000, I apply a generous amount of Crest tooth paste onto the firm bristles, some of the toothpaste drips off onto my bare chest, I wipe it off while it dribbles down to my belly button

I turn the faucet on and get my toothbrush moist, I insert it into my mouth and gentle yet vigorously make small circles over my dirty teeth

I continue this for approximately 2 minutes and then i spit into the sink

and thats how I clean my teeth ;)

Damn they're on to me... I just have an obsession of comparing my teeth to others since I never needed braces and haven't had cavities >=D

Also I've been even more obessed about dental care since my wisdom teeth grew out.

#165395 Your dental routine

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 04:45 AM in The Café

Hi Forum go-ers, I was just wondering what how you take care of your teeth and what your routine is.

I for one brush everyday for about 5min. I find the smallest toothbrush head you can find works the best. Alwase brush the inside of the teeth and special attention to my wisdom teeth as they grew out with no problem but food gets stuck easily there.

About once every 3 days I actually brush my tongue. I notice its better to put toothpaste on your tonge than on the brush its self. Mouthwash about every 3 days as well. I never floss and I have never had a problem in my opinion with flossing.

I tried crest teeth whitener strips, but they made my teeth unbaribly sensative to temperature. They do work though!

I haven't had a cavity for 11 years, although this is my most recent routine. Before I just brush everyday and also brush my tongue once in a while. I only started using mouthwash recently. I do change my tooth brush about once every 3 months as the bristles bends outwards after a while, which I believe pretty much makes the toothbrush useless for getting into small crevices of your teeth.

#165391 Digipen

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 04:33 AM in The Café

I'm not into these creatign games but I have played one of their student projects! Dig-N-Rig so damn fun. They must have a great program!

#165389 Your first game system?

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 04:26 AM in The Café


#165388 Harvard professor looking for "adventurous" woman to give birth to ba...

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 04:26 AM in The Café

No such thing as an artificial uterus just yet. I think the intention of the posting was a bit jokingly. At the risk of sounding like a mad scientist; I would love to see it go through though. I think our modern diseases would kill the specimen straight away long before it reaches maturity though...

#165387 Man pulls into wrong driveway by mistake, is shot and killed by homeowner

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 04:19 AM in The Café

With America's gun culture gun related deaths happen on a daily basis, stories like these aren't so common in Australia for example.

No discrimination here.

America= Death by guns
Australia= Death by scorpions, and mad kangaroos

Lol jk

#165385 A conversation i had over Steam today

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 04:14 AM in The Café

I don't understand why there are fanboys at all, all games are fun, no matter what system they are on.

Its just kids trying to redefine their consol because their consol defines them. As a child we had a pc that lagged running anything and everything T_T . Consol gaming the only way I got to see anything higher than a power point presentation.

#165380 Wife of Navy SEAL arrested for allegedly having sex with 16 year old boy

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 03:55 AM in The Café

Do you guys find it disturbing that the Daily Mail got their photo's on Facebook? Sure you can adjust security settings, but I question the morality of this Snejana Farberov and taking facebook pictures in general. Also it seems lazy and unprofessional. Its like citing Wikipedia as a source for facts.

But to be honest I don't think its a big deal... perhaps its because society doesn't view this has a horrable horrable crime... just a 16 year old boy getting lucky. When I was 16 I had better taste tough. Not into Cougars.

#165378 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by currysonic on 01 February 2013 - 03:44 AM in The Café

The humming of my laptop computer.

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